*Editor’s note—2009 L.M.C., ch. 8, § 2, states in part: (a) Unless the Council grants an extension, the County Executive must adopt and submit to the County Council, not later than (date 6 months after enactment of bill [October 14, 2009]), regulations to implement Article 4 of Chapter 18A, as added by Section 1 of this Act.
In this Article, except as provided in Section 18A-30, the following words have the meanings indicated:
Certified energy auditor means any individual who:
(a) is a participating contractor/auditor with the Maryland Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program; or
(b) meets other equivalent requirements approved by the Director.
Cost effective means the maximum estimated amount of time it takes for an energy efficiency improvement to pay for itself through reduced energy costs (the “payback” period), as determined by the Department.
Department means the Department of Environmental Protection.
Director means the Director of the Department or the Director’s designee.
Eligible cost means the net cost of buying or installing an energy efficiency improvement or renewable energy device, including any part, component, or accessory necessary to operate the improvement or device, less any amount received from a public or private program because the improvement or device is or will be made or installed.
Energy efficiency improvement means a permanent improvement made to an existing single-family home that:
(a) reduces the consumption of energy in the home, including:
(1) caulking and weatherstripping doors and windows;
(2) heating and cooling system efficiency modifications, including:
(A) replacing a burner, furnace, heat pump, or boiler, or air conditioner with a high efficiency model;
(B) a device to modify flue openings that increases the energy efficience or the heating system;
(C) any electrical or mechanical furnace ignition system which replaces a standing gas pilot; and
(D) any tune-up that increases the operating efficiency;
(3) a programmable thermostat;
(4) ceiling, attic, wall, or floor insulation;
(5) whole house air sealing;
(6) water heater tune-up, water heater insulation, pipe insulation, or change out to ENERGY STAR qualified water heater;
(7) storm windows or doors or ENERGY STAR qualified window or door replacement;
(8) air distribution system improvements, including duct insulation and air sealing;
(9) any device which controls demand of appliances and aids load management; and
(10) any other conservation device, renewable energy technology, and specific home improvement that the Director finds reduces the consumption of energy in the home; and
(b) meets safety and performance standards set by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for that kind of device, if these standards are available.
Energy efficiency improvement does not include a standard household appliance, such as a washing machine or clothes dryer.
ENERGY STAR rating means the ENERGY STAR rating developed by the federal Environmental Protection Agency which rates a product’s energy efficiency.
Home energy audit means an evaluation of the energy efficiency of a home which includes any test or diagnostic measurement that the Department finds necessary to:
(a) assure that a home’s energy efficiency is accurately measured; and
(b) identify cost effective steps that can be taken to improve a home’s energy efficiency.
Home Energy Loan Fund or Fund means the revolving loan fund established under Section 18A-30 to provide funding for the Home Energy Loan Program.
Home Energy Loan Program or Program means the program that provides zero or low interest loans to install an energy efficiency improvement or renewable energy device.
Home Energy Rating System or HERS means the energy efficiency rating system for residential buildings developed by the Residential Energy Services Network.
Low interest loan means a loan with an interest rate below prevailing rates for residential home improvement loans, and which reflects:
(a) the County’s current cost of borrowing funds or the cost, if any, of federal funds made available to the County for this purpose; and
(b) the cost of administering the Program.
Renewable energy means the following energy sources or technology:
(a) solar;
(b) wind;
(c) geothermal; and
(d) any other energy source or technology which the Director finds is derived from natural processes that do not involve the consumption of exhaustible resources.
Renewable energy device means a device that:
(a) creates, converts, or actively uses renewable energy;
(b) is permanently installed on the home or property; and
(c) meets safety and performance standards set by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for that kind of device, if these standards are available.
Single-family home means a single-family detached or attached residential building. A single-family home includes a condominium. (2009 L.M.C., ch. 8, § 1.)
The Director must create and administer a Home Energy Loan Program to:
(a) improve energy efficiency;
(b) promote energy conservation;
(c) reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
(d) reduce consumption of fossil fuels by County residents; and
(e) create jobs. (2009 L.M.C., ch. 8, § 1.)