The circuit court for the county is hereby authorized and empowered to make rules of court relating to practice before such court and relating to admission of attorneys to practice before such court, and the circuit court is authorized and empowered to license attorneys to practice before the circuit court for the county and fix a fee for the issuance of such license in an amount not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and not more than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00), and such license fee shall be paid to the clerk of the circuit court for the county and be disbursed by him for the purchase of law books for the court library as directed by the judges of the circuit court for the county.
No person shall practice law in the county or appear before any court in the county until he or she shall have first complied with the rules of practice established by the circuit court for the county and until he or she has procured a license for the same whenever so required. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-12; 1943, ch. 1004.)
Editor’s note—In Bastian v. Watkins, 230 Md. 325, 187 A.2d 304 (1963), it was held that that portion of a local rule of court as prohibits a Maryland attorney from filing a pleading in the circuit court unless he maintains a bona fide office in Maryland is invalid because it is contrary to and inconsistent with the Maryland Rules of Procedure. In Lakes v. Bar Ass’n of Montgomery County, Md., Inc., 35 Md. App. 442, 371 A.2d 669 (1977), it was held that a “personnel consultant” who respresented County employees in personal matters against the County was engaged in the unauthorized practice of law.
(a) The county council for Montgomery County is authorized to pay to any elected judge of the circuit court for the sixth judicial circuit resident in Montgomery County whose active service is or has been terminated and who is or hereafter becomes entitled to a pension from the State of Maryland under the provisions of any act of the general assembly of Maryland, in addition to any such pension by the state, a pension to be paid by the county. Such pension shall be calculated at one (1) percent of the net supplementation made by Montgomery County, Maryland, to the salaries of the circuit court judges of such county as of May 31, 1968, and such percentage will be multiplied by the number of years or part of a year of active service, by appointment as well as election, up to a maximum number of twenty (20) years.
(b) The county council is authorized to pay and will pay to any elected former judge of the circuit court for Montgomery County, Maryland, who has served at least twenty (20) years of active service as a judge of the State of Maryland, and who has retired and to any judge of the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland who has served as a judge of the circuit court for Montgomery County, Maryland, in addition to any pension by the state, a pension calculated at one (1) percent of the net supplementation made by Montgomery County, Maryland, to the salaries of the circuit court judges of such county as of May 31, 1968, multiplied by the number of years of active serice as a judge of the State of Maryland up to a maximum number of twenty (20) years.
(c) No appropriation for pension of judges shall be paid except in accordance with the provisions of this section. Any former judge not engaged in the active practice of law shall be paid the pension authorized under this section. Any former judge engaged in the active practice of law shall be paid two-thirds of the pension authorized under this section.
(d) The spouse of every judge eligible for a pension under this section who dies in active service shall be paid one-half of the pension to which such judge would have been entitled under this section on the date of death as if such judge had terminated his active service on such date. The spouse of every judge deceased after termination of active service shall be paid one-half of the pension which such judge was receiving at the date of his death; or one-half of the pension to which such judge was entitled on the date of his death if he had not been engaged in the active practice of law whichever is the greater. In order to be entitled to the pension provided by this section, a spouse of a judge who dies during active service shall have been married to such judge for a period of not less than three (3) years prior to such judge’s death, and, in the case of a judge not in active service, not less than three (3) years prior to the date of termination of active service. A spouse who is entitled to a pension under the provisions of this section shall be paid for the period of his or her life unless such spouse remarries, in which event the pension is to cease and terminate.
(e) The county council is hereby authorized to levy upon the assessable property of the county a tax sufficient to pay the pensions provided for in this section. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-14; 1968 L.M.C., Ex. Sess., ch. 21, § 1.)
State law reference-Pension of judges and their surviving spouses, Ann. Code of Md., Art. 73B, § 55 et seq.
It shall be the duty of the judges of the circuit court for the county at every term to inspect the records, indexes and papers of the office attached to such court relating to lands, tenements or other real estate, and examine the condition thereof and see whether the clerk of such court has performed the duties required of him by law, relating to the recording of judgments, decrees, proceedings and executions, and whether he has entered an transcribed the docket entries as required by law. If it should appear on such examination that any of the records or indexes have become so dilapidated and worn as to require them to be transcribed, they shall order and direct the clerk to transcribe the same into new record or index books, which the clerk shall procure for that purpose. Such new records and indexes, when so transcribed, shall be carefully examined and certified by such clerk, and when so examined and certified shall be substituted for and become the records and indexes of such court in lieu of the worn-out records and indexes. The council shall annually levy by estimate in advance a sum of money sufficient to provide a fair compensation for the labor of the clerk in making such new records and indexes; and shall pay to such clerk at the end of each calendar month such sum of moneys as may be found due to the clerk for services rendered under the provisions of this section. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-16; 1904, ch. 71, § 13; 1912, ch. 790, § 103.)
The judges of the circuit court for the county are hereby authorized to appoint two (2) court reports, who shall be sworn officers of such court. The salary of such reporters shall be fixed by order of the judges of such court within the limits of amounts appropriated therefor, and shall be paid by the county. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-17; 1910, ch. 380, § 1; 1912, ch. 790, § 104; 1943, ch. 116, § 140.)