Article I. In General.
§ 12-1. Court library-Annual levy for maintenance.
§ 12-2. Same-Custodian.
§ 12-3. Jurors, state’s witnesses, criers and bailiffs generally-Levy for expenses.
§ 12-4. Same-Payment of certificate of attendance.
§ 12-5. Same-Compensation allowed by judge in certain cases.
§ 12-6. Same-Authority for payment; certificate from clerk of circuit court.
§ 12-7. Minimum charges allowed auditor; tax as part of cost in suit.
§ 12-8. Crier and librarian; salary, etc.
§ 12-8A. Appellate judges’ secretaries’ salary supplements.
Article II. Circuit Court Generally.
§ 12-9. Rules of court; licensing of attorney.
§ 12-10. Pension of judges and spouses of deceased judges.
§ 12-11. Inspection of records; new record book; indexes; preparation and payment.
§ 12-12. Court reporters-Appointment; oath; salary.
§ 12-13. Same-Qualification; term; duties; authority to hold position as "examiner in chancery."
§ 12-14. Judges’ secretaries.
Article III. Clerk of Circuit Court.
§ 12-15. Index of judgments; information to be shown.
§ 12-16. General equity index.
§ 12-17. Other general indexes.
§ 12-18. Authority to change system of indexing; exception as to land records; cost of work.
§ 12-19. Reindexing land records beginning with 1953.
§ 12-20. Recordation of racial, etc., restrictive covenants.
Article IV. Clerk to Grand Jury.
§ 12-21. Appointment; duties.
§ 12-22. Reserved..
§ 12-23. Reserved.
§ 12-24. Reserved.
Article V. Bail Bonds.
§ 12-25. Business impressed with public interest.
§ 12-26. Payments to attorneys, etc., for procuring business prohibited.
§ 12-27. Attorneys prohibited from paying bondsmen for procuring persons to employ them, etc.
§ 12-28. Charges other than regular fees prohibited; performing other serices prohibited.
§ 12-29. List of authorized bondsmen to be posted; list to be furnished persons detained; records, etc.
§ 12-30. Reports required; circuit court to regulate bonding business.
§ 12-31. Copy of bond required to be mailed to state’s attorney.
§ 12-32. Central bail bond clerk.
§ 12-33. Release of defendant on personal recognizance; deposit of percentage of cash surety required; forfeiture of bond.
§ 12-34. Property bonds; right of person to be own recognizance.
§ 12-34A. Clerks of court authorized to take bond; judge or commissioner to fix amount of bond.
§ 12-35. Bond to guarantee appearance of defendant at all stages of proceedings.
§ 12-35A. Increase or reduction in amount of bond.
§ 12-35B. Maximum amount of premium.
§ 12-35C. Copies of bonds to be forwarded to central bail bond clerk; persons arrested to be taken before judge or commissioner as soon as possible; indexed record to be kept.
Article VI. Commission on Juvenile Justice.
§ 12-36. Commission on juvenile justice; composition; appointment; terms; vacancy.
§ 12-37. Officers; subcommittees.
§ 12-38. Meetings; notice; quorum.
§ 12-39. Reports.
§ 12-40. Reserved.
§ 12-41. Functions.
§ 12-42. Staff support.
§ 12-43. Bylaws.
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The senior resident judge of the circuit court of the county shall have full charge of and responsibility for the property of the circuit court law library of the county, and shall report in January of each year to the other county judges of the sixth judicial circuit of the state, the condition of the books and other property of such circuit court law library. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-2; 1924, Ch. 530, § 3.)
The council shall annually levy such sum of money as it may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which may be incurred the then succeeding year by the attendance of state’s witnesses, criers and bailiffs of the circuit court. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-3; 1982, ch. 418, § 124; 1912, ch. 790, § 322; 2006, ch. 372.)