The clerk of the circuit court for the county is hereby authorized and directed to change the system of indexing the records of his office, excepting the land records, and to index, or cause to be indexed or reindexed, according to some modern and accurate system, all of such records now on file in his office, except land records as aforesaid, and from time to time, to continue such system of indexing with regard to the current volume of work resulting from the usual course of business of his office. For this purpose the clerk of the circuit court of the county is hereby authorized to contract for the work of compiling such indexes, and for the installation of such modern system of indexing, and the verification of such indexes when made, and to purchase all books, racks, shelves and other equipment necessary for the purpose, and from time to time thereafter to purchase the necessary books, racks, shelves and other supplies and equipment to provide for the continuation of such indexing of the records resulting from the current volume of business of his office. The total cost of the work of indexing such records as aforesaid, and the cost of the necessary books, racks, shelves, supplies and equipment therefor, and the additions thereto made necessary from time to time by the current business of his office shall be paid out of the excess fees of the office of the clerk of the court. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-24; 1937, ch. 352; 1939, ch. 104, § 168A.)
The clerk of the circuit court for Montgomery County is hereby authorized and directed to cause the entries in the set of index books now installed in such clerk’s office, relating to the land records of the county, beginning with the year 1953 and ending when a new current series is installed, to be reclassified, regrouped by surname and reindexed according to the system now installed, so as to facilitate the examination of such indexes and the work of making accurate entries therein. For this purpose the clerk of the circuit court for the county is hereby authorized to contract for the work of reclassifying, regrouping and reindexing such indexes to the land records, and he is hereby authorized to purchase all books, racks, shelves, supplies and equipment necessary to accomplish such purpose, and thereafter, from time to time to purchase the books, supplies and equipment necessary to keep the land record index currently up to date. The total cost of such reclassification of such land record indexes, and the cost of the necessary books, racks, shelves, supplies and equipment therefor shall be paid out of the excess fees of the office of the clerk of the circuit court for the county. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-25; 1961, ch. 774, § 1.)
All certified copies of instruments affecting title to every interest in land, recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court for the county, prepared by the clerk shall have the following certificate affixed thereto:
Any restrictive covenant which purports to restrict or affect, on the basis of race, color, religious creed or national origin, the title, occupancy or transfer of land, whether heretofore or hereafter included in an instrument affecting the title to real or leasehold property, is declared to be null, void and of no effect, and contrary to the public policy of this state, as well as contrary to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. Chapter 324, Laws of Maryland 1971.* (1972 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1.)
*Editor's note—1971 Md. Laws, ch. 324, authorized Montgomery County to enact 1972 L.M.C., ch. 20, which provides for a notice as to discrimination in housing to be a part of any recorded instrument affecting title to real property. Chapter 324, Laws of Maryland 1971, as amended, is codified at Md. Ann. Code, art. 49B, § 23. Md. Ann. Code art. 49B, § 23, no longer contains this language. Although the provision appears to have responded to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, it is not clear when the language was removed. See 1971 Md. Laws, ch. 324.
Cross reference-Human rights and civil liberties, ch. 27.
Whenever required by the state’s attorney the court reporter ordered to take and transcribe grand jury testimony shall take and transcribe the testimony given at the coroner’s inquest, and all of such testimony so taken and transcribed shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the grand jury and the state’s attorney of such county, unless otherwise ordered by the court. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 7-26; 1929, ch. 298, § 105A; 2006, ch. 372.)