Any County department or office may accept a valid consular registration card as personal identification or proof of residence. In this Section, "consular registration card" means an identification card issued by a foreign government to one of its nationals living in the United States after sufficient verification of the card holder's identity and place of residence. The County Executive must issue regulations under method (3) listing the countries that impose verification requirements that reasonably ensure the reliability of information on a consular registration card. At least once every 12 months, the Executive must review the list and may add or delete a country by regulation under method (3). (2003 L.M.C., ch. 18, § 1.)
Editor's note—Previous Section 2-5, requiring an annual audit of the County Historical Society, derived from 1966, ch. 351, ch. 1, was repealed by 1987 L.M.C., ch. 35, § 3.