(a) Public-private partnership. The Montgomery County fire and rescue system is a public-private partnership, acting through the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service, with the advice of the Fire and Rescue Commission.
(b) Department of County government. The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service is a department of County government under the County Charter. The Fire Chief is Director of the Department. The Department consists of a Division of Volunteer Services, a Division of Fire and Rescue Operations, and any other divisions necessary for effective management and administration of the Department.
(c) Local Fire and Rescue Departments. The local fire and rescue departments and their volunteer members are an essential element of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service because under Chapter 21 they furnish direct fire, rescue, and emergency medical services in conjunction with County employees in the Fire and Rescue Service.
(d) Duties. The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service has the duties and responsibilities assigned in Chapter 21 and Chapter 22, in addition to any other duties assigned by law or by the County Executive. (1973 L.M.C., ch. 25, § 5; 1980 L.M.C., ch. 64, § 1; Exec. Order No. 27-81, § 2; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 3; 1988 L.M.C., ch. 14, § 1; 1996 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 4, § 1; 1998 L.M.C., ch. 12, § 1; 2001 L.M.C., ch. 14, § 1; 2002 L.M.C., ch. 16, § 2; 2004 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 1; 2009 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 1.)
Editor's note-The above section is interpreted in Potter v. Bethesda Fire Department, Inc., 309 Md. 347, 524 A.2d 61 (1987).
See County Attorney Opinion dated 7/8/02 describing the extent to which quasi-judicial officials may engage in political activities.
Cross reference-Department of Fire and Rescue Services established, § 1A-201(a).