If a meter shall be removed, by the request of the property owner, for the purpose of testing its accuracy, a fee, to be established by the Finance Director, shall be charged to the property owner if testing verifies the accuracy of the water meter. If the meter should prove to be inaccurate the meter shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the Water Department and adjustments in past utility charges may be considered by the Finance Director.
   (a)   The Department reserves the right to remove and test any water meter which, in the opinion of the Director of the Water Department, is not accurately measuring the water supplied to the property. All costs associated with Department initiated testing shall be borne by the Department.
   (b)   If a tested meter, regardless of who initiates the request for such testing, reveals damage resulting from neglect or carelessness of the property owner, his agent or tenant, the total cost associated with the meter testing and its subsequent repair or replacement shall be borne by the property owner.
   (c)   Water meter testing shall be done by the Department or by the manufacturer's representative and the results of all tests shall be certified in writing to the property owner along with the assessment of applicable charges.
      (Ord. 91-1404. Passed 11-5-91.)