The materials used for a service connection and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of pipe, testing and backfilling the trench shall conform to the requirements of these Rules and Regulations, building and plumbing codes of the City or its designated representative. In the absence of specific provisions or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the ASTM or appropriate Standards of the AWWA.
   (a)   The water tap at the City's water main and the entire length of the service line from that tap to the property owner's building shall be known as the "service connection". New connections including the water tap, shall be installed by competent personnel at the property owner's expense.
   (b)   The portion of the service connection from the water main to the curb stop at the edge of right of way, property line or edge of water easement including the inlet side of the curb stop valve shall be the responsibility of the City to repair, maintain or replace at the same location. The remainder of the service connection extending from the outlet of the curb stop valve to the building served shall be the responsibility of the property owner. For installations after the adoption of these Regulations, inspection and acceptance of the service connection by the City is required prior to accepting responsibility for any part of the service connection.
   (c)   The connection of the service line into the City's water main shall conform to the same requirements as specified in the first paragraph of this section. All connections are subject to inspection by the Director, City Engineer, or their designee. The property owner or his agent shall notify the Director of the Water Department when the service line is ready for inspection. Twenty-four hours notification is required prior to inspection to allow for Departmental scheduling.
   (d)   The water system of the City or any system in any area under the jurisdiction of the City shall be under the control of the Director with the ultimate responsibility of the Department vested in the City Manager.
   (e)   No unauthorized person shall uncover, make any connection with, tap into, use, alter or disturb any part or appurtenance of the City's water system without first obtaining all necessary permits and make all necessary plan submittals to the office of the Utility Clerk or the City Engineer. All permits with the payment of all applicable fees shall be obtained and paid for in advance of any physical connection to the City's water system.
   (f)   The property owner or his agent shall make application for a permit to install a service connection on a form provided by the City. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information considered pertinent in the opinion of the Director or the City Engineer.
   (g)   The property owner shall present all necessary easements or maintenance agreements to the Director at the time application is made for permission to install a service connection unless approved otherwise and the property owner shall indemnify the City from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the service connection.
   (h)   Once the permit to install a service connection has been approved and prior to release of that permit and should a street need to be opened a street opening permit shall be purchased from the Utility office located at the City Administration Building for the site specified in the original application.
   (i)   No person constructing a water main or service connection to a water main shall leave the same in a condition to cause system contamination in any manner or to increase danger to traffic, pedestrian or vehicular.
   (j)   The Director in concert with the City Manager may refuse to issue a permit for a new service connection to the City's system if there is a demonstrable lack of capacity in that portion of the system including treatment plant capacity. Capacity shall be determined on the basis of design criteria previously approved or established for the treatment plant by the OEPA.
   (k)   Every building affecting the heretofore described capacity shall be provided with a separate and independent service connection. In the case of industry, several buildings may be served by one tap and service line provided such tap and line is adequately sized, Section 921.10 (f) is followed and provided it is approved by the Director and the City Engineer.
      (Ord. 91-1404. Passed 11-5-91.)