Fire hydrants are installed for the exclusive use of the Fire Department and such use shall not in any way be interfered with.
(a) Water for filling tanks, cisterns, lakes, trucks, swimming pools or for any other purpose, except as authorized herein or as approved by the Director of Water, shall not be secured by connecting to and/or the opening of any fire hydrant. Similarly, water for other temporary use, including building construction work, requires a hydrant meter and prior approval for opening or operating of fire hydrants.
(b) No one except an authorized agent of the Water Department or the Street and Sewer Department, or the Fire Department shall be allowed to open, operate, remove the nozzle cap or take water from any fire hydrant, under any circumstances, without special permission from the Water Department.
(c) Violators of this rule shall be subject to a damages charge as well as being liable to prosecution under both City and Ohio law.
(d) At the discretion of the Water Department, a special permit may be issued for the use of a fire hydrant for securing a supply of water for construction or other special purposes where a permanent supply or connection shall not be required.
(e) Permits shall be issued upon payment of charges both for the amount of water consumed and for the use of the hydrant or hydrants.
(f) The right to revoke any such permit for any violation of these rules is reserved by the Water Department.
(g) Fire hydrants used for construction or other special purposes shall have a special hydrant water meter attached to meter flow. The hydrant meter shall be supplied and installed by the City and hydrant turned on upon payment of the proper fee to the Utility Clerk. Prior notification of twenty-four hours is needed to assure availability of personnel and the meter. The meter shall be installed by 8:15 a.m. on the day requested and removed by the City between 4:00 to 4:15 p.m. the same day. Any damage incurred by the meter shall be the responsibility of the permit holder and paid to the City Utility Office upon billing to effect repair to the meter, normal wear excepted.
(h) Any property owner desiring to obtain a connection with the City water main to supply a private fire line or sprinkler system shall make application to the Water Department and accompany his application with his plans for such a system.
(Ord. 91-1404. Passed 11-5-91.)