Miscellaneous charges and fees for various services performed by the Water Department shall be established by the Finance Director and published from time to time at his discretion.
(a) The aforementioned charges and fees may be levied for, but not necessarily limited to, the following reason:
(1) Emergency repair of a water service connection requested by the property owner or required by the Director of the Water Department for nuisance abatement;
(2) Frequent requests for the disconnection or reconnection of water service placing an unnecessary demand on the Department;
(3) Installation of a remote recorder water meter requested by the property owner or required by the Director to facilitate meter reading procedures; and
(4) Meter repairs or replacement that are occasioned by neglect or carelessness of the property owner, his agent or tenants;
(b) All miscellaneous charges and fees shall be paid in full as described on the utility bill or as contained on a separate insert accompanying the utility bill; the utility bill shall not be considered paid in full should the specified charges and fees not be paid.
(Ord. 91-1404. Passed 11-5-91.)