Rules and regulations covering new water service connections shall conform to the particulars of Section 921.04(a) through (k), inclusive.
   (a)   In addition to the particulars of Section 921.04 referenced above, the property owner shall be required to adhere to the Rules and Regulations for the Operation of the Water Department of the City.
   (b)   All costs associated with the tapping of the City's water system shall be borne by the property owner and shall be performed by his agent. The owner shall indemnify the City from loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly by the tapping of the City's water system.
   (c)   When the water main is located in a street or alley, a street opening permit shall be obtained from the Utility Clerk, the owner (shall/may) be required to supply a maintenance bond to cover such work performed in a street or alley.
   (d)   At no time shall a water service line be laid in the same trench as a sewer service lateral line.
      (Ord. 91-1404. Passed 11-5-91.)