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   (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
   Section 1704 of the CBC is adopted by reference, except that CBC Sections 1704.2, 1704.2.1, 1704.2.3, 1704.2.4, 1704.2.5, 1704.2.5.1, 1704.2.5.2, 1704.6, 1704.6.1, 1704.7, 1704.8, and 1704.9 are not adopted; and, in lieu, LAMC Subsections 91.1704.1.1, 91.1704.1.2, 91.1704.1.3, 91.1704.1.4, 91.1704.1.5, 91.1704.1.6, 91.1704.1.7, 91.1704.2, 91.1704.2.1, 91.1704.2.1.1, 91.1704.2.1.3, 91.1704.2.3, 91.1704.2.4, 91.1704.2.5, 91.1704.2.5.1, 91.1704.2.5.2, 91.1704.6, and 91.1704.6.1 are added or amended to read as follows:
91.1704.1.1. Certified Licensed Contractors.
91.1704.1.2. Registration. Application for registration as a certified licensed contractor shall be made to the Superintendent of Building on a form furnished by the Department and a separate application shall be made for each type of registration desired. Before the application can be accepted, the applicant must furnish proof satisfactory to the Department that the applicant holds a valid active California State Contractor's License in the same specialty as the certification requested.
91.1704.1.3. Application.
   1.   Form. Application for a Certificate of Registration shall be made on a form furnished by the Department.
   2.   Information Necessary. The application shall bear the name and address of the applicant and, if the applicant is employed by a firm, partnership or corporation, the names of the principal officers should also be included. The application shall carry other information deemed necessary by the Department.
   3.   Verification. The applicant shall declare that the information contained in the application is true and correct.
   4.   Fee. The application shall be accompanied by an examination fee of $188.
91.1704.1.4. Examination.
   1.   Examination Required. Before issuance of a Certificate of Registration, the applicant shall have successfully passed the examination required for the issuance of the Certificate of Registration within ninety (90) days preceding the date of the issuance. To be eligible for the examination for a Certificate of Registration, the applicant shall have a valid California State Contractor’s License in an appropriate specialty and a valid City Business Tax Certificate.
   2.   Board of Examiners. The Superintendent of Building and/or Board of Examiners composed of three qualified persons appointed by the Superintendent of Building shall conduct examinations. The results of every examination shall be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of Building. Each examiner shall serve at the pleasure of the Superintendent of Building and shall serve for a period of one year unless re-appointed by the Superintendent of Building. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
   3.   Scope of Examination. The examination shall, in the judgment of the Superintendent of Building, fairly determine the ability of the applicant to perform properly the work, which the applicant would be authorized to do by the Certificate of Registration requested, and may include the following:
   a.   A written test.
   b.   Practical tests as may be required.
   c.   An oral interview as may be required.
   d.    Other tests as may be required by the Board of Examiners.
   4.   Time of Examination. The applicant shall be examined as soon as practicable after filing an application.
   5.   Rules and Regulations. The Department shall have the authority to establish rules and regulations for the conduct of examinations.
   6.   Fitness of Applicant. Any applicant may be required to submit satisfactory proof of the applicant’s fitness to carry out the intent of this Code.
   7.   Failure to Pass. An applicant who fails to pass an examination shall not be eligible for another examination until four (4) weeks after taking the previous examination.
91.1704.1.5. Issuance of Certificates.
   1.   The Superintendent of Building shall issue separate Certificates of Registration for each of the following categories:
   a.   FAU/AC units; evaporative coolers.
   b.   Domestic water piping/plumbing fixtures/hot water heaters/solar panels.
   c.   Reroofing and roof repair.
   d.   Electrical equipment/fixtures/smoke detectors.
   e.   Masonry and concrete fences.
   f.    Masonry chimney repairs.
   g.   Shower pan replacement.
   Nothing here prohibits any person from being qualified for more than one type of certification, provided the person files an application, pays the required fees, takes the required examinations and is duly qualified by the Superintendent of Building for each type of certification. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
   2.   Upon payment of a $45 fee, the Department may issue a Certificate of Registration to every applicant who passes the required examination for a Certified Licensed Contractor.
   3.   Each Certificate of Registration shall expire twelve (12) months from the date of issuance.
   4.   The Superintendent of Building shall keep on file a list, open to public inspection, of the names of all registered certified licensed contractors, showing the type of work each has been authorized to inspect.
   5.   Renewal of Certificates. Expired Certificates of Registration may be renewed at any time within thirty (30) days following the date of expiration. After a Certificate of Registration has been expired for thirty (30) days, it may not be renewed; rather, a new application for a new certificate must be submitted at that time.
91.1704.1.6. Exhibition of Certificate.
   1.   Every person having a fixed place of business shall keep their Certificate of Registration posted in some conspicuous location at their place of business during the time the certificate is in force.
   2.   Every person not having a fixed place of business shall carry their Certificate of Registration with them at all times while doing any inspections or other work pursuant to this certificate.
91.1704.1.7. Revocation of Certificate. The Superintendent of Building may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew any Certificate of Registration upon a showing of incompetence, willful or negligent failure to observe or report violations of this Code, or failure to maintain a valid active California State Contractor's License in the same specialty as the certification. Prior to any action, the holder shall be given an opportunity to appear before the Superintendent of Building and be heard.
   Suspension or revocation of any Certificate of Registration issued under this Section shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 8, Chapter IX of the LAMC. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
91.1704.2. Special Inspections. Where application is made for construction as described in this section, the owner or the registered design professional in responsible charge acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more Registered Deputy Inspectors to perform inspections during construction on the types of work listed under CBC Section 1705. The Registered Deputy Inspector shall be a qualified person as set forth in LAMC Subsection 91.1704.2.1 and shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Building for inspection of the particular type of construction or operation requiring special inspection.
   The special inspections shall be in addition to the inspections made by the employees of the Department as set forth in LAMC Section 91.108.
   All special inspections shall be made by a Registered Deputy Inspector. Whenever the term "Special Inspector" is used in this Code, it shall mean "Registered Deputy Inspector" as described in LAMC Subdivision 91.1704.2.1.
   1.   Special inspections are not required for construction of a minor nature or as warranted by conditions in the jurisdiction as approved by the Superintendent of Building.
   2.   Unless otherwise required by the Superintendent of Building, special inspections are not required for Group U occupancies that are accessory to a residential occupancy including, but not limited to, those listed in CBC Section 312.1.
   3.   Special inspections are not required for portions of structures designed and constructed in accordance with the cold-formed steel light-frame construction provisions of CBC Section 2211.7 or the conventional light-frame construction provisions of CBC Section 2308.
   4.   The contractor is permitted to employ the approved agencies where the contractor is also the owner.
91.1704.2.1. Registered Deputy Inspector Qualifications.  An applicant for Deputy Inspector shall provide written documentation to the Superintendent of Building demonstrating the applicant’s competence and relevant experience or training. Experience or training shall be considered relevant when the documented experience or training is related in complexity to the same type of special inspection activities for projects of similar complexity and material qualities. These qualifications are in addition to qualifications specified in other sections of this Code.
   Application for registration as a Registered Deputy Inspector shall be made to the Superintendent of Building on a form furnished by the Department. A separate application shall be made for each type of registration desired. Registration is available for the following types of inspections: Reinforced Concrete (RC), Structural Masonry (SM), Structural Steel/Welding (SSW), Grading (GD), Sprayed Fire resistant Materials (SFRM), Methane Barrier (MB) and Wood (WD).
   A committee appointed by the Superintendent of Building shall examine each applicant as to the applicant’s experience and training for performing the duties of an inspector of the type for which application has been made. Additionally, the applicant will be examined on the applicant’s knowledge of the LAMC and Registered Deputy Inspector duties, responsibilities and procedures. When satisfied as to the fitness of the applicant, the Superintendent of Building shall issue a Certificate of Registration. Upon application for renewal of a Certificate of Registration, the applicant shall be re-examined to ascertain the applicant’s fitness to perform the duties of inspector of the type for which application has been made.
   EXCEPTION: If the Department determines that the initial examination (which includes general knowledge, code requirements and plan comprehension) for the special inspector program under the International Code Council (ICC) is equivalent to the above-described initial or renewal examination, then the Department may accept the results of the ICC examination in lieu of the Department’s examination in that category; however, the Department will be examining the applicant’s knowledge of the LAMC and Registered Deputy Inspector duties, responsibilities and procedures.
   The Superintendent of Building shall issue a separate Certificate of Registration for each type of registration requiring special inspection in accordance with LAMC Section 91.1704 and as determined by the Superintendent of Building for any construction requiring either continuous or periodic special inspection.
   Nothing here shall be deemed to prohibit any one person from being qualified for more than one type of special inspection, provided the person applies, pays the required fees, takes the required examinations and is duly qualified by the Superintendent of Building for each type.
   Each Certificate of Registration shall expire three (3) years from the date of issuance, but may be renewed by the Superintendent of Building within a grace period of thirty (30) days thereafter.
   The Department shall maintain a list of the names of all Registered Deputy Inspectors, showing the type of work each has been authorized to inspect. This list shall be available to the public.
   Upon evidence satisfactory to the Superintendent of Building of incompetence, of willful or negligent failure to observe or report violations of this Code, or of any other failure to perform properly and effectively the duties assumed by a Registered Deputy Inspector, the Superintendent of Building may revoke, suspend or refuse to renew any Certificate of Registration. But, prior to that action, the holder shall be given an opportunity to appear before the Superintendent of Building and be heard.
   Except where there is a City employee inspecting buildings or structures being erected or repaired by the City, no Registered Deputy Inspector shall receive any compensation from the City. A Registered Deputy Inspector shall undertake and perform the duties of inspection solely on the request of the owner or the owner’s agent. The designation shall be deemed to indicate that the duties incident to the inspection are within the course and scope of the Registered Deputy Inspector’s employment by the owner or agent, and except where the Registered Deputy Inspector is in fact an employee of the City, the Registered Deputy Inspector shall not be deemed an employee of the City, a contractor, a subcontractor or a material vendor for any purpose.
   The registered design professional in responsible charge and engineers of record involved in the design of the project are permitted to act as the supervising agency and their personnel are permitted to act as the deputy inspector for the work designed by them, provided they qualify as Registered Deputy Inspectors.
91.1704.2.1.1. Duties and Responsibilities of the Registered Deputy Inspector.
   1.   The Registered Deputy Inspector employed on any work must be present during the execution of all the work the Registered Deputy Inspector has undertaken to inspect. The Registered Deputy Inspector shall notify the Department of the commencement of inspection of a job and shall specify the type of inspection for which the Registered Deputy Inspector has been engaged. This notification shall be made no later than the last working day preceding the commencement of inspection. The Registered Deputy Inspector shall report to the job sufficiently in advance of construction to review the plans and to inspect all materials to be used or concealed within the work, shall inspect the construction, erection, placing or other use of the materials, and shall observe whether there is compliance with the Code as to all of the foregoing. During the execution of the work, the Registered Deputy Inspector shall not undertake or engage in any other task or occupation that will interfere with the proper performance of the Registered Deputy Inspector’s duties relating to the inspections. The Registered Deputy Inspector shall report, as directed, to the Superintendent of Building, noting all violations of this Code that have occurred and any other information as may be required. At the conclusion of the Registered Deputy Inspector’s duties on any project, which has been completed in accordance with this Code, the Registered Deputy Inspector shall submit a report to the Department setting forth the portion of the work inspected. The report shall be made on forms supplied by the Department and shall be filed with the Department. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
   2.    Nothing here shall be deemed to authorize any Registered Deputy Inspector to approve any inspection required by this Code, other than the special inspection for which the Registered Deputy Inspector was hired and is of the type for which the Registered Deputy Inspector is registered. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
   3.   Where, in the opinion of the Department, the magnitude or complexity of a job warrants it, additional Registered Deputy Inspectors may be required.
   4.   Where, in the opinion of the Department, the Registered Deputy Inspector is negligent in the performance of the Deputy Inspector’s duties, the job shall be stopped.
   5.   Nothing herein shall be deemed to authorize any Registered Deputy Inspector to approve the pouring of concrete, the placement of masonry, structural steel or fill prior to the approval of the regular building inspector.
91.1704.2.1.2. Fees for Registered Deputy Inspector.
   1.   New Application. Before accepting any application for registration as a Registered Deputy Inspector, the Department shall collect a new examination fee of $528. A separate application shall be submitted and a separate examination fee shall be collected for each additional type of registration desired. When the applicant passes the examination(s), a Certificate(s) of Registration for each type of examination passed shall be issued. If the applicant fails to pass an examination, the applicant may reapply and again pay the examination fees. No refund(s) will be given to the applicant after the Department has administered the examination(s).
   2.   Renewal Application. Before renewing a Certificate of Registration as a Registered Deputy Inspector, the Department shall collect a renewal Registration and examination fee in the amount of $482. A separate application shall be submitted and a separate examination fee shall be collected for each additional type of renewal registration desired. When the applicant passes the examination(s), a Certificate(s) of Registration for each type of examination passed shall be issued. If the applicant fails to pass the examination(s), the applicant may reapply; however, the applicant must again pay the renewal Registration and examination fees before the Department can issue the Certificate of Registration(s). No refund(s) will be given to applicant after the Department has administered the examination.
   3.   International Code Council (ICC) Certification(s). International Code Council (ICC) Certification(s) is required prior to taking the Department's new or renewal examination(s). In addition to ICC's certification, the Department's examination will be required for each type of registration and fees collected as specified in this Section.
   If the ICC does not have an examination for a Department registration, the applicant will be required to take the Department examination only.
   The ICC Certification may not be required when the Department registration is utilized by the Department of Public Works for City business only.
91.1704.2.1.3. Failure to Pass Examination for Registered Deputy Inspector. Every applicant who fails to pass a new or renewal examination(s) shall not be eligible for re-examination until 30 days after taking the previous examination.
91.1704.2.3. Statement of Special Inspections. The permit applicant shall submit a statement of special inspections in accordance with LAMC Subsection The statement of special inspections shall be prepared by the registered design professional in responsible charge as a condition for permit issuance. This statement shall be in accordance with LAMC Subsection 91.1704.3.
   1.   A statement of special inspections is not required for portions of structures designed and constructed in accordance with the cold-formed steel light-frame construction provisions of CBC Section 2211.1.2 or the conventional light-frame construction provisions of LAMC Section 91.2308.
91.1704.2.4. Report Requirement. In addition to all the requirements of LAMC Subsection 91.1704.2.1.1, Registered Deputy Inspectors shall keep records of inspections and tests. The Registered Deputy Inspectors shall furnish inspection reports and tests to the Superintendent of Building, and to the registered design professional in responsible charge. Reports shall indicate that work inspected was or was not completed in conformance to approved construction documents. Discrepancies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for correction. If they are not corrected, the discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Superintendent of Building and to the registered design professional in responsible charge prior to the completion of that phase of the work. A final report documenting required special inspections and tests, and correction of any discrepancies noted in the inspections or tests, shall be submitted at a point in time agreed upon prior to the start of the work by the owner or owner's authorized agent to the Superintendent of Building.
91.1704.2.5. Special Inspection of Fabricated Items. Where fabrication of structural, load-bearing or lateral load resisting members or assemblies is being conducted on the premises of a fabricator's shop, deputy inspections of the fabricated items shall be performed during fabrication, when approved by the Superintendent of Building, except where the fabricator has been approved to perform work without special inspection in accordance with LAMC Subsection 1704.2.5.1.
91.1704.2.5.1. Fabricator Approval.  Pursuant to LAMC Section 96.200 et seq., special inspections required by LAMC Section 91.1705 are not required where the work is done on the premises of a fabricator approved to perform such work without special inspection. Approval shall be based upon review of the fabricator’s written fabrication procedures and quality control manuals that provide a basis for control of materials and work quality, with periodic auditing of fabrication and quality control practices by an approved agency or the Superintendent of Building. At completion of fabrication, the approved fabricator shall submit a certificate of compliance to the owner or owner’s authorized agent for submittal to the Superintendent of Building as specified in CBC Section 1704.5 stating that the work was performed in accordance with the approved construction documents.
91.1704.5. Section 1704.5 of the CBC is adopted in its entirety.
91.1704.6. Structural Observations. Where required by the provisions of LAMC Subsection 91.1704.6.1, the owner shall employ the registered design professional in responsible charge for the structural design, or another registered design professional designated by the registered design professional in responsible charge of the structural design to perform structural observations as defined in CBC Section 202. The structural observer shall visually observe representative locations of structural systems, details and load paths for general conformance to the approved construction documents.
   Prior to the commencement of observations, the structural observer shall submit to the Superintendent of Building a written statement identifying the frequency and extent of proposed structural observations.
   The owner or owner's representative shall coordinate and call a preconstruction meeting between the engineer or architect responsible for the structural design, structural observer, contractor, affected subcontractors and deputy inspectors. The structural observer shall preside over the meeting. The purpose of the meeting shall be to identify the major structural elements and connections that affect the vertical and lateral load systems of the structure and to review scheduling of the required observations. A record of the meeting shall be included in the first report submitted to the Superintendent of Building.
   Observed deficiencies shall be reported, in writing, to the owner's representative, Registered Deputy Inspector, contractor and the Superintendent of Building. Upon the form prescribed by the Superintendent of Building, the structural observer shall submit to the Superintendent of Building a written statement at each significant construction stage stating that the site visits have been made and identify any reported deficiencies which, to the best of the structural observer's knowledge, have not been resolved. A final report by the structural observer, which states that all observed deficiencies have been resolved, is required before acceptance of the work by the Superintendent of Building.
91.1704.6.1. Structural observation for structures. Structural observation shall be provided for those structures where one or more of the following conditions exist:
   1.   The structure is classified as Risk Category III or IV.
   2.   The structure is a high-rise building.
   3.   A lateral design is required for the structure or portion thereof.
   EXCEPTION: One-story wood framed Group R-3 and U occupancies less than 2,000 square feet in area, provided the adjacent grade is not steeper than I unit vertical in 10 units horizontal (10% slope), assigned to Seismic Design Category D.
   4.   Such observation is required by the registered design professional responsible for the structural design.
   5.   Such observation is specifically required by the building official.