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   (a)   Scope. All appliances, fixtures and equipment which are required by the respective Codes to be approved and for which standards are therein cited, or for which standards or specifications have been adopted by the Superintendent, shall be approved by the Department before they may be sold, installed or used.
   For the purpose of this section, sale or selling shall refer to any act of selling, offering for sale, displaying or advertising for sale, loaning, renting, leasing, or disposing of by way of gift or premium or otherwise, in connection with the sale or disposal of equipment, fixtures or appliances as designated in this section.
   A label or seal of an approved nationally recognized testing agency attached to an item or any identification marking corresponding to a published listing by an approved nationally recognized testing agency indicating that the item has been tested for compliance with the standards cited in the applicable Code or adopted by the Superintendent, and indicating that the item is included in the testing agency’s factory follow-up inspection and listing service, will be accepted in lieu of approval by the Department.
   This section shall not apply to general approvals issued pursuant to Section 98.0501 of this article. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,868, Eff. 10/22/09.)
   (b)   Authority of Superintendent. The Superintendent has the authority to establish standards, specifications and special requirements for materials and methods of construction when standards or specifications are not cited in the Code. The Superintendent has the authority to establish rules and regulations for the Mechanical Testing Laboratory and for the Electrical Testing Laboratory governing requirements for tests, examinations, procedures and approvals, and to establish supplemental fees, including mileage charges for field trips, and charges for examinations and inspections. The rules and regulations shall be in writing and on file in the Department and shall have the same force and effect as if they were included in any of the respective articles.
   (c)   Applications of Tests and Approvals. Any person submitting any appliance, fixture or equipment for tests, examination, approval or renewal of approval, as required by this section, shall file an application therefore with the Department on forms provided by the Department.
   A separate application shall be made for each item or appliance, fixture or equipment to be tested or examined, unless otherwise determined by the Department, and shall bear the signature of the applicant. When necessary, arrangements may be made for all or part of the tests and examinations to be conducted in the field. Should the testing facilities of the Department be inadequate to determine compliance with the standards, the Superintendent may use available facilities outside the Department, provided the applicant is first notified and the additional cost, if any, is approved by the applicant in writing, for invoicing to and payment by the applicant. The Department may, at its discretion, accept tests and reports of tests by an approved testing agency as a basis in part or in full for granting an approval.
   (d)   Fees. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Applications for initial approvals and renewals pursuant to Articles 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of Chapter IX of the LAMC shall be accompanied by fees as follows:
   1.   Mechanical Testing Laboratory Fees
Laboratory Approval Fee
(Including one time approval)
General Approval Fee
Laboratory Approval Fee
(Including one time approval)
General Approval Fee
Initial application filing1
(Including 8 hr. Processing Time but no Field Mileage)
(Including 8 hr. Processing Time but no Field Mileage)
Renewal application filing1
(Including 5 hr. Processing Time but no Field Mileage)
(Including 5 hr. Processing Time but no Field Mileage)
Processing time exceeding amount included with application2
Field Mileage, when required.
(Mileage based on one way, straight-line distance from Laboratory to test site)
0 to less than 15 miles
15 to less than 30 miles
30 miles and over
plus $1.00/mile over 30 miles
plus $1.00/mile over 30 miles
Reopening file closed because required production sample not received within 60 days from date application submitted3
Reopening file closed because previous approval expired for more than 30 days. Approval file shall not be reopened more than one year after expiration date. (This fee is in addition to the renewal fee)
Technical Modification1
(Including 4 hr. Processing Time, but no Field Mileage)
(Including 4 hr. Processing Time, but no Field Mileage)
Clerical Modification
(Revision of names and/or model numbers under current approval requiring no testing or examination)
Including 1 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
Including 1 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
Multiple Listings (Additional models and product or firm names on approved products at time of application is submitted for approval or renewal)
$57.00 each
$57.00 each
1.   The applicant shall agree in writing, as part of the application, to pay supplemental fees for processing time, field mileage, and file reopening fees where necessary. These fees are in addition to application filing fee. The Department may require a deposit to cover the estimated total supplemental fees to be paid in advance. Initial applications will expire 12 months after the filing date if the equipment has not been cleared of corrections and approved. No approval shall be issued until the application is refilled and a new fee paid.
2.   Processing time includes office and field review and testing, office and field consultation, field standby and travel time directly related to the application.
3.   This fee is in addition to other fees specified in this section. The 60 day period may be extended by the Department when the applicant submits written evidence to the Department of a satisfactory reason for the extension.
NOTE: A file shall not be reopened after one year from date of expiration. The total actual fee for the application shall be determined by the Department on the basis of fees established by ordinance and shall be paid by the applicant whether or not an approval is granted. Fees paid in advance which are in excess of the total actual fees are refundable.
   2.   Electrical Testing Laboratory Fees
Approval Fee
Approval Fee
Approval Fee
(one time approval
Approval Fee
Approval Fee
Approval Fee
(one time approval
1. Initial application filing1
a. General purpose equipment
(1) Simple equipment (applies only to less complex light fixtures or similar equipment)
(Including 4 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
(2) Complex equipment and systems
b. Equipment for hazardous areas
(1) Simple equipment
(2) Complex equipment and systems
c. Medical Equipment
(1) Simple equipment
(2) Complex equipment and systems
d. Equipment rated above 600 volts or above 60 Hertz (except appliances and light fixtures)
(1) Simple equipment
(2) Complex equipment and systems
Note: All fees for initial application filing include 8 hour processing time but no Field Mileage except when noted.
2. Annual Renewal application filing1
65% of initial application filing fee
(Including 4 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
65% of initial application filing fee
(Including 4 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
3. Processing time exceeding amount included with application2
4. Field Mileage, when required.
(Mileage based on one way, straight-line distance from Laboratory to test site)
0 to 15 miles
15 to 30 miles
30 miles and over
plus $1.00/mile over 30 miles
plus $1.00/mile over 30 miles
plus $1.00/mile over 30 miles
5. Reopening file closed because of failure to respond to correction(s) or required production sample not received within 60 days from date of notification.3
6. Reopening file closed because previous approval expired for more than 30 days. Approval file shall not be reopened if not renewed for more than one year after expiration date. (This fee is in addition to the renewal fee and penalty fee)
7. Technical Modification1
Note: Technical Modification approval time is only up to the expiration date of the application approval. This will not set a new approval time for the application.
(Including 4 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
(Including 4 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
8. Clerical Modification (Revision of names and/or model numbers under current approval requiring no testing or examination)
(Including 1 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
(Including 1 hr. processing time but no Field Mileage)
9. Multiple Listings (Additional models and product or firm names on approved products at time of application is submitted for approval or renewal)
$55.00 each
$55.00 each
10. Department Approval Labels:
a. Paper
b. Water Proof
c. One time only
No cost
1.   The applicant shall agree in writing, as part of the application, to pay supplemental fees for processing time, field mileage, and file reopening fees where necessary. These fees are in addition to application filing fee. The Department may require a deposit to cover the estimated total supplemental fees to be paid in advance. Initial applications will expire 12 months after the filing date if the equipment has not been cleared of corrections and approved. No approval shall be issued until the application is refilled and a new fee paid.
2.   Processing time includes office and field review and testing, office and field consultation, field standby and travel time directly related to the application.
3.   This fee is in addition to other fees specified in this section. The 60 day period may be extended by the Department when the applicant submits written evidence to the Department of a satisfactory reason for the extension.
NOTE: A file shall not be reopened after one year from date of expiration. The total actual fee for the application shall be determined by the Department on the basis of fees established by ordinance and shall be paid by the applicant whether or not an approval is granted. Fees paid in advance which are in excess of the total actual fees are refundable.
   (e)   Test Samples. At the time of filing the application, unless otherwise directed in writing by the Department, the applicant shall submit to the Electrical Testing Laboratory, or the Mechanical Testing Laboratory, or any testing agency as may be designated by the Department, a representative production sample of the material, device, appliance or equipment to be tested and examined, unless arrangements have been made for conducting the tests and examinations on a representative production sample in the field. Additional samples shall be made available as may be required.
   All wiring diagrams and additional electrical samples, including components, special ingredients, or materials required by Subsection (f) shall be made available to the Department and conform to the standards which the electrical equipment must meet before approval can be considered as specified in Subsection (f). If the electrical item submitted for test is determined by the Department to be within the practical range of review by the Electrical Testing Laboratory, it shall be accepted and subjected to the tests required by Subsection (f). Samples shall be removed by the applicant or the applicant’s authorized agent upon notification to do so by the Department, or they may be scrapped upon written authorization by the applicant. Samples unclaimed six (6) months after such notification shall be scrapped.
   The Department is authorized, without liability to itself or to its authorized representatives, to subject samples to destructive tests as may be required to properly evaluate the tests and examinations.
   (f)   Standards. Equipment requiring approval for use, sale or installation which does not fall within the scope of Code standards or those standards adopted by the Superintendent shall be tested for compliance with applicable portions of these standards. The Superintendent shall determine the specific standards or portions thereof to which any specific equipment must conform.
   (g)   Approvals. Whenever any appliance, fixture or equipment has been found to comply with the provisions of this section and the applicable Code, the Department shall issue an approval therefor for a period of one year. This approval is subject in every case to continued compliance with the provisions of this section and any further amendments to this section, and is subject to the requirements of the applicable articles, except where such articles are in conflict herewith, and subject also in every case to any change in the test or approval requirements for any such material, device, appliance or equipment.
   Items submitted for approval which fail to meet the test or examination requirements shall be corrected and resubmitted as set forth in the Mechanical Testing Laboratory or Electrical Testing Laboratory rules and regulations adopted by the Superintendent before an approval can be granted.
   (h)   Renewal of Approval. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Upon expiration of an approval granted for any appliance, fixture or equipment, or upon any change in design, material, method of construction or model designation made during the period of approval, it shall be unlawful to sell, offer or advertise for sale, or install the appliance, fixture or equipment until a renewal of approval has been granted under the provisions of this section.
   EXCEPTION: Exact duplicates of approved products, bearing the label required by this section and manufactured before the approval expires, may be offered for sale and may be installed and used in conformance with this section and Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC (Electrical Code). No equipment, fixture or appliance manufactured after the expiration of its approval may be placed on sale until it has been examined and approved by the annual reexamination service provided by the rules and regulations or otherwise approved by laboratories designated by the Superintendent of Building.
   (i)   Identification of Approval. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Each item of material, and each device, appliance, fixture or equipment approved under the provisions of this section, shall be identified as required by the applicable article of LAMC Chapter IX or by standards, specifications or rules and regulations under which the approval was granted.
   Each item of electrical equipment, fixture or appliance approved under this article and Article 3, Chapter IX of the LAMC (Electrical Code) shall bear the approval label of the Department, attached in the manner determined by the standards, or otherwise made accessible for inspection without disassembly. Approval labels may be obtained only upon the written authorization of the applicant or the applicant’s authorized representative and shall be available only during the year of approval. The applicant shall be held responsible for their use. No label shall be affixed to any item not currently approved by the Department, nor shall the labels be transferred to the possession of any unauthorized person.
   (j)   Inspection. Every person selling, offering or displaying for sale, renting or installing fixtures, appliances or equipment shall make such items available for inspection upon the request of the Department.
   When equipment, fixtures or appliances are found not in accord with the provisions of this section or of the respective Codes, the Department shall give written notice to the person violating these provisions to remove them from sale or use. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of such notice shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalties described in Section 11.00 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
   Whenever the Superintendent learns or ascertains that any equipment, as defined in this Code, has become hazardous to life, health or property, the Superintendent shall order, in writing, that such equipment be restored to a condition of safety or be dismantled or removed from its present location. The written notice shall fix a time limit for compliance with such order. No person shall use or maintain the defective equipment after receiving such notice.
   (k)   Revocation of Approvals. The Superintendent may suspend or revoke any approval if it is determined that the article which has been approved is dangerous or unsuitable for the purpose intended, or is of a quality of material or workmanship or work quality not equivalent to that required by the Code or standards adopted by the Superintendent, or deviates from any of the conditions upon which the approval was granted, or for any of the reasons set forth in this article.
   In any action to suspend or revoke an approval, the procedures prescribed by the provisions of this article shall be followed.
   (l)   Testing in Applicants Premises.  (Amended by Ord. No. 171,185, Eff. 7/22/96.) Testing in applicants premises maybe conducted when the applicant submits written evidence to the Department of a satisfactory reason for such tests. The applicant shall agree in writing to pay all the expense for travel, transportation, board and lodging, and other miscellaneous expense required by ordinance.
   The applicant shall agree in writing, as a part of the application, to pay supplemental fees at the rate of $158.00 per hour to cover the time of travel and processing which is in excess of the amount of time provided for in the approval, renewal or modification fee specified in this section. (Amended by Ord. No. 180,868, Eff. 10/22/09.)
   The applicant shall provide all equipment required for testing and assistance for the test. The applicant shall provide a safe environment for testing, protective equipment, and materials needed for conducting the test.
   (m)   Off-hour Review of Appliances, Fixture and Equipment.  (Added by Ord. No. 171,668, Eff. 8/28/97.) Upon request by an applicant and accepted by the Department, an off-hour processing fee per Section 98.0422 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code may be collected for all services conducted by the Electrical and Mechanical Testing Laboratory.