(Amended by Ord. No. 185,490, Eff. 4/20/18.)
91.8605.2. General. (Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.) Notwithstanding any provisions of this Code to the contrary, the following requirements shall apply to emergency homeless shelters operated during a shelter crisis, as provided for in Government Code Section 8698, et seq. Other than the requirements set forth below, the facilities need not comply with the requirements of this Code for Group R occupancies unless otherwise specified in this Code:
1. The maximum occupant load allowed in these facilities shall be the number determined appropriate by the professional service provider operating the facility and be computed at a rate of 70 square feet for the first occupant and 50 square feet for each occupant thereafter. The Superintendent of Building, with concurrence with the Fire Department, may grant an increase of occupant load provided that an aisle, seating, furniture, and fixed equipment diagram, substantiating the increase in occupant load, be submitted and approved pursuant to Section 91.8605.3 of this Code. Such diagram shall be posted on site for each level where occupant load increase is granted.
2. Fire Safety Requirements.
A. All exits shall comply with Article 7, Chapter V of the LAMC.
B. Smoke detection devices shall be provided in all sleeping areas and shall be installed in accordance with Article 7, Chapter V of the LAMC and CBC Section 907.2.10.
C. A fire alarm system capable of arousing occupants shall be installed in accordance with Article 7, Chapter V of the LAMC and CBC Section 907.2.8.
D. The use of any open flames and the possession or storage of any combustibles shall not be permitted.
EXCEPTION: The Superintendent of Building may approve the use of open flames and storage of combustibles in these buildings with concurrence of the Fire Department.
E. Sleeping quarters shall be limited to the ground floor only.
F. Automatic fire sprinklers shall be provided for new and existing buildings or structures as required per Article 7 of Chapter V of the LAMC and CBC Section 903.
G. New shelter buildings or structures shall be located in accordance with the requirements of Table 602 of the CBC, based on the fire-resistance rating of the exterior walls for the proposed type of construction.
H. Portable fire extinguishers shall be provided per Article 7, Chapter V of the LAMC and Title 19 of the California Code of Regulations.
I. Tents and membrane structures shall comply with LAMC Sections 57.3101 through 57.3104, and California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 2, Sections 303, 310, 312, 315, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325, 326, 332, 334, 335, 340, and 341. Tents and membrane structures shall be limited to one level located at the level of Fire Department vehicle access road or lane.
3. Light, Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation.
A. Exterior openings for natural light and ventilation shall be provided as required for Group R occupancy, CBC Sections 1203 and 1205; exterior openings or artificial lighting shall be provided per CBC section 1205.3; and exterior openings or mechanical ventilation shall be provided per the California Mechanical Code.
B. All sleeping areas shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70°F at a point 8 feet above the floor.
C. Every building shall be provided with at least one water closet and one bathing facility for every 15 occupants of each sex. Bathing facilities shall be provided with heating equipment that shall be capable of maintaining a temperature of 70°F within such facilities. Lavatories shall be provided and maintained in or adjacent to the toilet facilities.
D. Kitchen facilities, where provided, shall comply with applicable sections of Chapter IX of the LAMC and CBC Section 1208. Where kitchen or cooking facilities are not provided, all food shall be catered or delivered on site.
E. All garbage, kitchen waste and rubbish shall be deposited in approved covered receptacles, which shall be emptied when filled and the contents shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner.
91.8605.3. Alternative compliance and/or slight modifications in individual cases, that are reasonably equivalent to the building ordinances of the city and regulations under Articles 1 through 8 of Chapter IX of the LAMC may be granted by the Department pursuant to Section 98.0403.1(a)10. of the LAMC.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8606.1. Scope. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) The provisions of this section apply to all existing buildings, which contain five or more dwelling units with an enclosed exit corridor or pathway that is 50 feet in length or greater on any single floor, or which has an enclosed stairway.
A. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Group R-1 and R-2 Occupancies, which currently have lighted emergency exit signs and emergency lights in the corridors and stairwells where both signs and lights are connected to a generator, central battery system or individual battery powered unit.
B. The provisions of this section shall not apply to corridors located inside individual dwelling units.
C. The provisions of this section shall not apply to Group R-1 and R-2 Occupancies, which do not contain enclosed exit corridors, enclosed stairways, lobbies, passageways, or other common interior pathways that are part of the exiting system.
91.8606.2. Definition.
1. The owner is that legal owner of an apartment building, congregate residence, hotel, and in those instances where a building is a condominium, the association of owners or the association of owners and the owner of each unit.
2. The legal owner of a building is that person, firm, corporation, partnership, or other entity whose name or title appears in the last equalized assessment roll in the Office of the County Recorder, as well as all successors or assignees of these owners.
91.8606.3. Requirements.
91.8606.3.1. (Amended by Ord No. 171,430, Eff. 1/5/97.) All buildings required to comply with this section shall be provided with:
1. permanently connected, emergency, battery operated, enclosed exit corridor, enclosed stairway, and exit sign illumination installed in the required exit pathway; or,
2. the required emergency enclosed exit corridor, enclosed stairway, and exit sign illumination powered from a central battery system or an emergency generator complying with Article 700 of the NEC.
91.8606.3.2. Plan Check. Plans for the emergency exit corridor and exit sign lighting systems shall be submitted to the Department of Building and Safety for review and approval prior to obtaining a permit. Plans shall provide the information specified in Section 93.0207 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. (Electrical Code).
EXCEPTION: Existing buildings having less than four stories and containing fewer than 50 dwelling units are exempt from the requirement to submit electrical plans.
91.8606.3.3. Means of egress illumination shall be provided for the enclosed exit corridor, enclosed stairway, and pathway as required in CBC Section 1006. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
91.8606.3.4. Lighted exit signs shall meet the requirements of CBC Section 1011.1 and where emergency power is required for Group R-1 and R-2 Occupancies as specified in CBC Section 1011.6.3. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,692, Eff. 12/30/16.)
91.8606.3.5. Emergency battery powered units shall be capable of operating for a minimum one and one-half hours.
91.8606.3.6. The provisions of this section shall not authorize modifying emergency lighting systems in existing buildings or portions thereof which provide a greater degree of protection than the minimum requirements established by this section.
91.8606.3.7. When the residential portion of a mixed occupancy building falls within the scope of this section, the non-residential portions of that building must also comply with the provisions of this section.
91.8606.4. Enforcement.
91.8606.4.1. Notification. (Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.) Whenever the Department of Building and Safety or the Fire Department determines by inspection or review of City records that a Group R-1 or R-2 Occupancy multi-family residential building containing five or more dwelling units does not conform to the minimum requirements of this section, either Department shall prepare a written order directing the owner to repair and modify the building so as to conform to the minimum requirements of this section.
The order shall specify the manner in which the building fails to meet the minimum requirements of this section. The order shall direct the owner of the building to submit plans, if required, to the Department of Building and Safety, obtain necessary permits and complete the work specified in the order.
Service of the order shall be accomplished in the following manner:
1. The Department of Building and Safety and/or the Fire Department may personally serve the order upon the owner; or,
2. The Department of Building and Safety and/or the Fire Department may serve the order by certified or registered mail upon the owner.
In addition, the person in real or apparent charge or control of the building or unit of the building may be served in the manner prescribed by this section.
91.8606.4.2. Time for Compliance. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Whenever an order is served pursuant to LAMC Subdivision 91.8606.4.1 above, the owner shall:
1. Submit all building plans required by the order to the Department within two years of the effective date of the order; and
2. Obtain permits required by the order from the Department as a result of the order within three years of the effective date of the order; and
3. Complete the work required by the order within five years of the effective date of the order.
91.8606.4.3. Penalties. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Any person who fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to LAMC Section 91.8606, within each of the time periods set forth in LAMC Subdivision 91.8606.4.2 above, or who causes or permits another person to fail to comply with such an order, is guilty of a misdemeanor which is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 and/or six months imprisonment in the County Jail. For purposes of penalties, the phrase "any person" includes an owner, lessor, sublessor, manager, or any person in charge or control of a building subject to this section.
In addition to any other remedy available by law, if the owner or other person in charge or control of the subject building fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to this section within the time periods set forth in LAMC Subdivision 91.8606.4.2, the Department or the Fire Department may refer the violation to the State Franchise Tax Board as a substandard residential building and/or refer the building to the Rent Escrow Account Program (REAP).
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
The purpose of this section is to provide minimum security standards for tenants in existing apartment houses, except for residential condominiums as defined in this Code. Owners of all lots developed with an apartment house shall provide lights and locks or metal bars or grilles that comply with LAMC Section 12.21 A.5.(k), Subsection 91.6304.2, and Section 91.6305, and Division 67, Article 1, Chapter IX of the LAMC, in any of the following circumstances:
1. At the time the apartment building is sold or exchanged; or
2. At the time a permit is issued for alterations, repairs or additions which exceed a valuation of $10,000; or
3. Upon the determination of the Board pursuant to LAMC Subsection 91.8108.3.
No costs incurred as a result of this section may be charged to the tenant or tenants of any properties subject to the Rent Escrow Account Program provisions commencing at LAMC Section 162.00.
(Division 88 Added by Ord. No. 159,068, Eff. 7/29/84, Oper. 1/29/85.)
91.8801 Purpose.
91.8802 Scope.
91.8803 Definitions.
91.8804 Rating Classifications.
91.8805 General Requirements.
91.8806 Administration.
91.8807 Historical Buildings.
91.8808 Analysis and Design.
91.8809 Materials of Construction.
91.8810 Information Required on Plans.
91.8811 Design Check – Compatibility of Roof Diaphragm Stiffness to Unreinforced Masonry Wall Out-of-plane Stability.
91.8812 Violations.
91.8813 Special Requirements for Vacant Buildings.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,939, Eff. 4/15/98.)
The purpose of this division is to promote public safety and welfare by reducing the risk of death or injury that may result from the effects of earthquakes on unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings constructed before 1934. Such buildings have been widely recognized for their sustaining of life hazardous damage as a result of partial or complete collapse during past moderate to strong earthquakes.
The provisions of this division are minimum standards for structural seismic resistance established primarily to reduce the risk of loss of life or injury and will not necessarily prevent loss of life or injury or prevent earthquake damage to an existing building which complies with these standards. This division shall not require existing electrical, plumbing, mechanical or fire-safety systems to be altered unless they constitute a hazard to life or property.
This division provides systematic procedures and standards for identification and classification of unreinforced masonry bearing wall buildings based on their current use. Priorities, time periods and standards are also established under which these buildings are required to be structurally analyzed and anchored. Where the analysis determines deficiencies, this division requires the building to be strengthened or demolished.
The provisions of this division shall apply to all buildings constructed or under construction prior to October 6, 1933, or for which a building permit was issued prior to October 6, 1933, which on the effective date of this ordinance have unreinforced masonry bearing walls as defined herein.
EXCEPTION: This division shall not apply to detached one- or two-family dwellings and detached apartment houses containing less than 5 dwelling units and used solely for residential purposes.
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
For purposes of this division, the applicable definitions in CBC Sections 1602 and 1613 and the following shall apply:
ESSENTIAL BUILDING is any building housing a hospital or other medical facility having surgery or emergency treatment areas, fire or police stations, municipal government disaster operation and communication centers.
HIGH-RISK BUILDING is any building not classified as an essential building having an occupant load, as determined by CBC Section 1004.1, of 100 occupants or more.
EXCEPTION: A high-risk building shall not include the following:
1. Any building having exterior walls braced with masonry cross walls or wood-frame cross walls spaced less than 40 feet (12 192 mm) apart in each story. Cross walls shall be full-story height with a minimum length of 1 1/2 times the story height.
2. Any building used for its intended purpose, as determined by the Department, for less than 20 hours per week.
HISTORICAL BUILDING is any building designated as an historical building by an appropriate federal, state or City jurisdiction.
LOW-RISK BUILDING is any building not classified as an essential building having an occupant load as determined by CBC Section 1004.1 of less than 20 occupants.
MEDIUM-RISK BUILDING is any building not classified as a high-risk building or an essential building having an occupant load as determined by CBC Section 1004.1 of 20 occupants or more.
UNREINFORCED MASONRY BEARING WALL is a masonry wall having all the following characteristics:
1. Provides the vertical support for a floor or roof.
2. The total superimposed load is over 100 pounds per linear foot (1.5 kN/m).
3. The area of reinforcing steel is less than 50 percent of that required by CBC Section 2106.1.
(Amended by Ord. No. 179,324, Eff. 12/10/07, Oper. 1/1/08.)
The rating classifications as exhibited in Table No. 88-A are hereby established and each building within the scope of this division shall be placed in one rating classification by the Department. The total occupant load of the entire building as determined by CBC Section 1004.1 shall be used to determine the rating classification.
1. For the purpose of this division, portions of buildings constructed to act independently when resisting seismic forces may be placed in separate rating classifications.
2. For the purpose of this division, to establish the rating classification of a building containing one or more artist in residence spaces, as defined in Section 91.8501 of this Code, the occupant load of each artist in residence space shall be one for each space less than 2,000 square feet (186 m2) in area and two for each space 2,000 square feet (186 m2) or more in area.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,939, Eff. 4/15/98.)
The owner of each building within the scope of this division shall cause a structural analysis to be made of the building by a civil or structural engineer or architect licensed by the state of California, and if the building does not meet the minimum earthquake standards specified in this division, the owner shall cause it to be structurally altered to conform to such standards or cause the building to be demolished.
The owner of a building within the scope of this division shall comply with the requirements set forth above by submitting to the Department for review within the stated time limits:
1. Within 270 days after the service of the order, a structural analysis. Such analysis, which is subject to approval by the Department, shall demonstrate that the building meets the minimum requirements of this division, or
2. Within 270 days after the service of the order, the structural analysis and plans for the proposed structural alterations of the building necessary to comply with the minimum requirements of this division, or
3. Within 120 days after service of the order, plans for the installation of wall anchors in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 91.8808.3, or
4. Within 270 days after the service of the order, plans for the demolition of the building.
After plans are submitted and approved by the Department, the owner shall obtain a building permit, and commence and complete the required construction or demolition within the time limits set forth in Table No. 88-B. These time limits shall begin to run from the date the order is served in accordance with Sections 91.8806.1 and 91.8806.2.
Owners electing to comply with Item 3 are also required to comply with Items 2 and 4, provided, however, that the 270 day period provided for in Items 2 and 4 and the time limits for obtaining a building permit, commencing construction and completing construction for complete structural alterations or building demolition set forth in Table No. 88-B shall be extended in accordance with Table No. 88-C. Each such extended time limit, except the time limit for commencing construction, shall begin to run from the date the order is served in accordance with Section 91.8806.2. The time limit for commencing construction shall commence to run from the date the building permit is issued.