(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
The following fees and charges shall be paid to the Department, except as otherwise specified here, in connection with the following:
A. Subdivision Maps.
1. Tentative Map.
(a) Single-Family Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Single-Family Zones - 5-49 Lots | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Single-Family Zones - Each additional Set of 50 Lots over 49 Lots | $6,895 |
(b) Multi-Family Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 5-49 Units | $13,893 |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 50-99 Units | $15,788 |
Tentative Map - MF Residential - 100 Units or More | $19,316 |
(c) Commercial/Industrial:
(1) With Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - Less than 50,000 square feet of Floor Area | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 50,000-99,999 square feet of Floor Area | $14,727 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 100,000-249,999 square feet of Floor Area | $16,083 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/ Building - 250,000 square feet of Floor Area or More | $18,013 |
(2) Without Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - Less than 1 Acre | $12,641 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - 1 to Less than 5 Acres | $13,579 |
Tentative Map - Commercial/Industrial w/o Building - 5 Acres or More | $14,006 |
(d) Phasing of Map. For each request for the Advisory Agency to approve the recording of a final map which covers only a portion of the property shown on an approved tentative map pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.07 B. and Section 13B.7.4. of this Code, a fee of $9,859.
(e) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. For tentative maps within Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, as described in Section 57.4908 of this Code, a surcharge of one-half the sum of the fees paid pursuant to Paragraphs (a) through (c) shall be paid.
(f) Mixed-Use. Where the project involves a combination of Single-Family, Multi-Family, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee, including modifications to the base fee, shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the surcharge required by Paragraph (e) of this subdivision.
(g) Bureau of Engineering Fees. In addition to the fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees applicable to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots, a fee of $8,240. For each modified or revised subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $1,854.
(2) For each subdivision tract of 20 or more lots, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code. For each modified or revised subdivision tract of 20 or more lots requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $1,854.
2. Final Map.
(a) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees that apply to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each subdivision tract of fewer than 20 lots, a fee of $8,240.
(2) For each subdivision tract of 20 or more lots, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(3) For each airspace subdivision, actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(b) For each subdivision that is located entirely or partly within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.4908 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a surcharge in the amount of 50% of the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (a) of this Subdivision.
(c) In addition to the fee and surcharge imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a resubmission fee of $824 for each and every map or any part of a map submitted to the City Engineer more than three times, including the original submission, and the fee shall be paid to the Bureau of Engineering upon each and every submission to the City Engineer thereafter.
(d) In addition to all other fees charged pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, if a final map is filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage or for merger and re-subdivision of land pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.10 or 17.10.1 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $2,549.
4. Appeals. Each appeal of a tentative or final map shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee pursuant to Section 19.01 B.
5. Modifications. Each request for a modification of an approved Tentative Map or Recorded Final Map shall be accompanied by the payment of the appropriate fee indicated in Section 19.02 F.
B. Parcel Maps.
1. Preliminary Parcel Map.
(a) Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots - Single-Family Zones | $13,204 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Residential Dwellings, up to 4 Lots - Multi-Family | $13,621 |
(b) Commercial/Industrial, up to 4 Lots:
(1) With Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - Less than 50,000 square feet of Floor Area | $13,726 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 50,000 to Less than 100,000 square feet of Floor Area | $14,717 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 100,000 to Less than 250,000 square feet of Floor Area | $16,125 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/ Building), up to 4 Lots - 250,000 square feet of Floor Area or More | $18,013 |
(2) Without Building:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - Less than 1 Acre in Area | $12,975 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - 1 to Less Than 5 Acres in Area | $12,975 |
Preliminary Parcel Map - Commercial/Industrial (w/o Building), up to 4 Lots - 5 Acres or More in Area | $12,975 |
(c) Other Parcel Map Actions:
(d) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. For preliminary parcel maps within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones, as described in Section 57.4908 of this Code, a surcharge of one-third the sum of the fees paid pursuant to Paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be paid.
(e) Mixed-Use. Where the project involves a combination of Single-Family, Multi-Family, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee, including modifications to the base fee, shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the surcharge required by Paragraph (d) of this subdivision.
(f) Bureau of Engineering Fees. In addition to the fees imposed pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each application the following nonrefundable fees applicable to the project for which the application is made:
(1) For each map, a fee of $8,240.
(2) For each modified or revised map requiring a revised engineering report, a fee of $824.
(3) For each parcel map exemption, a fee of $1,262.
2. Certificate or Conditional Certificate of Compliance. A fee of $4,920 shall be paid for each determination of the Advisory Agency with respect to a certificate or conditional certificate of compliance pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act in California Government Code Section 66499.35. The above fee shall be waived when the Advisory Agency has approved a division of land and collected a fee without the requirement of a final map being filed with the County Recorder. In every case, the applicant shall also pay a fee equal to the amount required by law for recording any certificate or conditional certificate of compliance issued in connection with the decision. Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,262 for the review and processing of each application for a Certificate of Compliance.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Certificate or Conditional Certificate of Compliance - Determination | $4,920 |
3. Final Parcel Map.
(a) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a nonrefundable fee of $8,240 for each final parcel map submitted, except for airspace parcel maps. For each airspace parcel map application submitted, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
(b) For each subdivision that is located entirely or partly within a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 57.4908 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a surcharge in the amount of 50% of the fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
(c) In addition to the fee and surcharge imposed pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a resubmission fee of $824 for each and every map or any part of a map submitted to the City Engineer more than three times, including the original submission, and the fee shall be paid to the Bureau of Engineering upon each and every submission to the City Engineer thereafter.
(d) In addition to all other fees charged pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision, if a final map is filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage or for merger and re-subdivision of land pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.10 or 17.10.1 of this Code, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,854.
(e) Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $1,262 to review and process each application for a final map waiver requested pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.50 D. and Section 13B.7.5. of this Code.
4. Appeals. Each appeal of a parcel map shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee pursuant to Section 19.01 B.
5. Modifications. Each request for a modification of an approved Preliminary Map or Recorded Final Map shall be accompanied by the payment of the appropriate fee indicated in Section 19.02 F.
C. Private Street Map.
1. In the event the person plotting or dividing land as lots or building sites pursuant to Article 8 of this chapter shall elect to subdivide land in accordance with Article 7 of this chapter within one year from the filing date of the private street map, the fees required and paid under this subsection may be applied against the payment of the fees required by Subsection A of this section.
2. For each request for modification of the requirements governing private streets pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.12 and Section 13B.7.7.H., a fee of $3,323 shall be paid. For each and every lot or building site shown on a private street map, excepting the lots or building sites as are shown at the request of the City Engineer to facilitate the description of the land to be acquired by condemnation proceedings, a fee of $59 shall be paid.
3. Before acceptance for examination by the City Engineer, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect for each private street map application a fee of $6,304, and shall charge and collect for each modified or revised street map application requiring a revised engineering report a fee of $630.
D. Mobile Home Park Impact Reports.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Mobile Home Park Impact Report (Section 17.04) | $13,682 |
If no request for hearing is filed within the time periods set forth in Section 47.09 D.5. of this Code, upon written demand by park management, a refund of $5,229 shall be made to park management.
E. Condominium Conversion for Subdivision and Parcel Maps.
1. Residential Dwellings:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
1 to 4 Units | $15,822 |
5 to 49 Units | $18,743 |
50 to 99 Units | $22,561 |
100 Units or More | $25,336 |
For the approval of any relocation assistance plan required by Section 12.95.2 F.6., a fee of $186.
2. Commercial/Industrial:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Less than 50,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $13,819 |
50,000 to Less Than 100,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $14,769 |
100,000 to Less Than 250,000 Square Feet of Floor Area | $15,655 |
250,000 Square Feet of Floor Area or More | $16,667 |
3. Mixed-Use: Where the project involves a combination of Residential, Commercial, and/or Industrial uses, the highest fee shall be charged at 100%, the second highest at 50%, and the third and subsequent fee at 25%. This fee discounting shall not apply to the fee required by Section 19.02 E.1.(a) of this Code.
F. Map Related Fees.
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Review of Revision of Tentative/Preliminary Map | $3,174 |
Modification to Approved Tentative/Preliminary Map or Recorded Final Map | $8,912 |
Reversion to Acreage (Section 17.10) | $8,922 |
Time Extension for Maps | $1,067 |
Letter of Clarification or Correction (initiated by Applicant) | $4,786 |
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
The following fees shall be charged when a zone change is requested by an applicant that necessitates the initiation of a General Plan Amendment to achieve consistency between the requested zone change and the General Plan:
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Zone Change and associated costs for a General Plan Amendment for less than 400 dwelling units, 500,000 square feet for commercial/ industrial, or 250,000 square feet for mixed-use (Section 11.5.6; Section 13B.1.1.) | $33,790 |
Zone Change and associated costs for a General Plan Amendment for 400 dwelling units or greater, 500,000 square feet or greater for commercial/industrial, or 250,000 square feet or greater for mixed-use (Section 11.5.6; Section 13B.1.1.) | $40,284 |
Annexation, Zone Change and associated costs for a General Plan Amendment less than 400 dwelling units, 500,000 square feet for commercial/industrial, or 250,000 square feet for mixed-use (Section 11.5.6; Section 13B.1.1.) | $91,084 |
Annexation, Zone Change and associated costs for a General Plan Amendment for 400 dwelling units or greater, 500,000 square feet or greater for commercial/industrial, or 250,000 square feet or greater for mixed-use (Section 11.5.6; Section 13B.1.1.) | $92,753 |
Street Re-Classification | $16,761 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
The following fees and charges shall be paid to the Department of City Planning in connection with sign-off or clearance requests:
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Public Benefit Project Clearance for by-right project (Section 14.00 A.) | $603 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - ZA (Section 12.24 and all other projects) | $2,347 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - ZA SF dwellings with no exceptions (Section 12.24 and all other projects) | $842 |
Request for Approval to erect temporary Subdivision Directional Signs (First Sign) (Section 12.21 A.7.) | $452 |
Request for Approval to erect temporary Subdivision Directional Signs (Each Additional Sign) (Section 12.21 A.7.) | $400 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - Director | $2,132 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - Commission | $2,522 |
Landscape Plan Approval as part of a Discretionary Approval | $1,005 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - Advisory Agency | $713 |
Miscellaneous Clearance - Approval of plans for Substantial Conformance | $2,681 |
Building Permit Clearance - Minor | $313 |
Administrative Review - Minor | $1,408 |
Administrative Review - Major | $4,173 |
Administrative Clearance - Restaurant Beverage Program | $2,347 |
Monitoring - Restaurant Beverage Program | $1,878 |
Inspection and Field Compliance Review - Restaurant Beverage Program | $816 |
A. Development Plans. Each final development plan for a residential planned development filed with the City Planning Commission for its report and recommendation subsequent to the application for the establishment of a Residential Planned Development District (RPD District), as defined in Section 13.04 shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $199 plus $1.70 for each acre or portion of an acre shown on the plan.
B. Modification of Plans or Conditions. Each request to the City Planning Commission for its report and recommendations on modifications of an approved final development plan in an RPD District or of a condition imposed on a residential planned development shall be accompanied by a filing fee of $263.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
A. Fees. For the preparation and processing of required studies, analysis, reports, findings, mitigation measures, certifications, and notices under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), all fees, deposits, and costs provided in Subsections 1. and 2. below, shall be paid. All monies required to be paid in this Section, shall be paid to the City Planning Department at the time the permit application is filed unless otherwise indicated in this Section. The determination of the necessary actions to comply with CEQA is at the City’s discretion acting as the lead or responsible agency.
1. Categorical Exemptions (CEs), Negative Declarations (NDs)/Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), Environmental Assessment Forms (EAFs), and Addenda:
Table 1. Fees for CEs, EAFs, NDs, and MNDs
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Categorical Exemption (Classes 1-31, 33) | $556 |
Class 32 Categorical Exemption | $4,481 |
EAF / Initial Study leading to ND or MND or Statutory Exemptions (except Sustainable Communities Project Exemption) | $6,911 |
MND / Expanded Initial Study, Subsequent Approval Review (CEQA Guidelines Section 15162), or Addendum to ND or MND - Expanded | $12,163 |
Subsequent Approval Review (CEQA Guidelines Section 15162) or Addendum to ND or MND | $2,692 |
Publication Fee for Notice of Intent to Adopt ND or MND (pass through of publishing costs) | $1,700 |
2. EIRs, SCPEs, and SCEAs:
(a) Deposit. An initial deposit as provided in Table 2 below, is required at the time of an application for an EAF, resulting in an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Sustainable Communities Project Exemption (SCPE), Sustainable Communities Environmental Assessment (SCEA), or any other environmental clearance available in CEQA that is not otherwise expressly listed in Subsections 1. or 2. (Other CEQA Clearance).
Table 2. Deposits and Fees for EIRs, SCEAs, SCPEs and Other CEQA Clearances
Type of Application | Base Fee |
Type of Application | Base Fee |
EIRs (includes Focused EIRs) - Initial Deposit | $15,000 |
SCPE, SCEA, or Other CEQA Clearance - Initial Deposit | $10,000 |
Subsequent Approval to EIR (CEQA Guidelines Section 15162) - Initial Deposit | $7,500 |
EIR (including Supplemental, Subsequent, Tiered, Focused, or Addendum to EIR) Review Services (hourly) | $209 |
SCPE Review Services (hourly) | $209 |
SCEA Review Services (hourly) | $209 |
Other CEQA Clearance Review Services (hourly) | $209 |
(b) Full Cost Recovery. For any costs incurred by the City, other than for those CEQA clearances or notices identified in Table 1, above, the applicant is responsible for all of the City’s actual costs to comply with CEQA. All other costs shall be paid at the cost invoiced by the City for the City’s actual costs.
(c) Indemnification and Defense. Applicants are responsible for any and all costs incurred by the City in defense of any and all actions or claims arising in full or in part out of the City’s processing of a project application filed under Chapter 1 or Chapter 1A and the City’s actions to comply with CEQA. Applicants shall deposit $50,000 (or an amount found necessary by the City Attorney’s Office to ensure the City’s costs are fully covered) to the City Attorney’s Office upon receipt of a tender of defense letter. The Applicant shall pay all invoices from the City Attorney’s Office for its costs and ensure that the initial deposit is maintained in full at all times prior to final disposition of the case or action.
B. Child Care Fees. No fee shall be charged in connection with the processing of an initial study or filing of an EIR for any child care facility or nursery school which is determined to be nonprofit, including, but not limited to, parent cooperatives and facilities funded by a governmental agency or owned or operated by a philanthropic institution, church, or similar institution. A facility funded by a governmental agency shall indicate the primary current and anticipated source of funds.
Where any uncertainty exists as to the nonprofit status of the facility, the applicant shall file a copy of the articles of incorporation or an affidavit showing, to the satisfaction of a Zoning Administrator, that the child care facility will be nonprofit.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
A. Filing Fees. In addition to any other fees set forth in this Code, the following fees shall be charged and collected by the permit granting authority in connection with the filing of all applications for coastal development permits:
Type of Application | Base Fee* |
Coastal Development Permit for Single-Family residential dwelling (Section 12.20.2; Section 13B.9.1.) | $12,605 |
Coastal Development Permit for Multi-Family residential dwelling (Section 12.20.2; Section 13B.9.1.) | $16,709 |
Coastal Development Permit for Non-residential (Section 12.20.2; Section 13B.9.1.) | $16,709 |
Coastal Development Permit Exemption Determination (Section; Sections 13B.9.1. and 13B.9.2.) | $1,565 |
Coastal Development Permit Amendment | $10,988 |
Coastal Development Permit - Mello Compliance Review - City Review (Section 12.20.2) | $3,394 |
* See Section 19.01 Q. for multiple applications.
B. Filing Fees for Environmental Impact Reports and Negative Declarations. Where an environmental impact report or negative declaration is prepared for a project for which application for a coastal development permit has been made, a negative declaration or environmental impact report shall consider the effect of the project in light of the criteria established in Section 12.20.2 G.1.(a) through (e) and Section 13B.9.1.D.-E. of this Code, and no additional charge shall be made. Where the underlying project is otherwise exempt from the preparation of a negative declaration or environmental impact report but either document is required for the coastal development permit, those fees set forth in Section 19.05 of this Code shall be applicable, and shall be collected by the appropriate permit granting authority.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
A. Basic Review Fee. Except for services subject to the provisions of Subsection B. or C. of this section, the Bureau of Engineering shall charge and collect a fee of $273 to perform each of the following services pertaining to Flood Hazard compliance:
1. Flood Hazard Compliance Check Fee. Review to verify that a permitted project would or does comply with the requirements of the Los Angeles Specific Plan for the Management of Flood Hazards (Ordinance 172,081, as may be amended) and the National Flood Insurance Program.
2. Elevation Certificate Processing Fee. Process an Elevation Certificate for building permits located in floodplain zones, in compliance with the requirements of the Los Angeles Specific Plan for the Management of Flood Hazards (Ordinance 172,081, as may be amended) and the National Flood Insurance Program.
3. Floodproofing Certificate Processing. Process a Floodproofing Certificate for a commercial project or a non-single-family development proposed in a floodplain zone, in compliance with the requirements of the Los Angeles Specific Plan for the Management of Flood Hazards (Ordinance 172,081, as may be amended) and the National Flood Insurance Program.
4. Letter of Map Change/Conditional Letter of Map Change Processing. Process a Conditional Letter of Map Revision, Conditional Letter of Map Amendment, Letter of Map Revisions, or Letter of Map Amendment.
B. Reviews or Services Requiring Additional Staff Time of 16 or Fewer Hours. For all Bureau of Engineering services identified in Subsection A. of this section for which a fee of $273 is charged, and which will require Bureau staff to review plans or surveys, or take other action in addition to that normally required to accomplish the task for which the $273 fee is charged, the Bureau shall charge and collect a fee pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.14 of this Code, except for reviews or services provided pursuant to the provisions of Subsection C. of this section.
C. Reviews or Services Requiring Additional Staff Time of More than 16 Hours. For all Bureau of Engineering services identified in Subsection A. of this section for which a fee of $273 is charged, and which will require Bureau staff to review plans or surveys, or take other action, and where Bureau staff will be required to provide more than 16 hours of staff time in addition to that normally required to accomplish the task for which the $273 fee is charged, the Bureau shall charge and collect actual Bureau of Engineering costs and a deposit for such costs as determined and collected pursuant to the provisions of Section 61.15 of this Code.
D. All Fees Owed Prior to Bureau Action. The Bureau of Engineering shall not issue any approval or decision with respect to any matter for which this section requires payment to the Bureau until all monies owed pursuant to the provisions of this section are paid.
(Amended by Ord. No. 188,063, Eff. 2/10/24.)
A. There shall be added to each fee imposed for any permit, license, or application provided for in this article, a surcharge in an amount equal to the greater of 3% of the fee or $1.00.
B. The previous surcharge amount of 2% is increased solely to pay for the $21.76 million cost of developing and implementing BuildLA, a comprehensive enterprise-wide development services system, and shall not be used to pay for ongoing BuildLA costs, such as maintenance or system hosting services.
C. The surcharge shall be returned to the greater of 2% or $1.00 when the City Administrative Officer determines the surcharge increase has recovered the $21.76 million cost of BuildLA.