1 General Fund
2 Special Parking Revenue Fund
3 Permit Parking Program Revenue Fund
4 Reserve Fund
4.1 Budget Stabilization Fund
4.5 Municipal Housing Finance Fund
5 Venice Area Surplus Real Property Fund
6 Santa Monica Mountains Funds
7 Solid Waste Resources Special Funds
8 Street Damage Restoration Fee
8.1 Council Discretionary Street Furniture Fund
9 Department of Building and Safety Building Permit Enterprise Fund
10 Department of City Planning Case Processing Special Revenue Fund
11 Code Compliance Fund
12 Sidewalk and Curb Repair Fund
13 Certified Access Specialist Certification and Training Fund
14 Bureau of Street Services Transaction Fund
15 RAISE LA Fund
All money paid into the City Treasury shall be credited to and kept in separate funds in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, the law, or ordinance. The following funds are hereby established: Fire and police general pension fund, fire and police service pension fund, new system general pension fund, new system service pension fund, general fund, harbor revenue fund, library fund, park fund, playground and recreation fund, power revenue fund, reserve fund, water revenue fund, and such bond funds, interest funds, sinking funds, trust funds, and other funds as may be required by law or ordinance. For the purposes of the Charter, the “General Fund” is established as a medium of control of and accounting for municipal activities other than activities authorized or contemplated by special funds. All revenues and receipts which are not by law or Charter pledged or encumbered for special purposes shall be credited to the “General Fund”.
Based on Charter, Sec. 380.
Amended by: Ord. No. 154,252, Eff. 9-11-80.
Renumbered Sec. 5.116, Ord. No. 159,509, Eff. 12-21-84.