(Amended by Ord. No. 173,268, Eff. 7/1/00, Oper. 7/1/00.)
A. Operating Surcharge. There shall be added to each fee imposed for any permit, plan check, license or application provided for in Chapter I of this Code a surcharge in an amount equal to the greater of 7 percent of the fee or $1.00, except that any other surcharge shall be excluded from the computation of this surcharge. Moneys received from this surcharge shall be deposited and maintained in the City Planning Systems Development Fund pursuant to Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 5.457 for the maintenance and operation of automated systems. Exempted from this surcharge are all fees and costs imposed pursuant to Section 12.37.
B. Development Surcharge. There shall be added to each fee imposed for any permit, plan check, license or application provided for in Chapter I of this Code an automated systems development surcharge in an amount equal to the greater of 6 percent of the fee or $1.00, except that any other surcharge shall be excluded from the computation of this surcharge. Moneys received from this surcharge shall be deposited into the City Planning Systems Development Fund pursuant to Los Angeles Administrative Code Section 5.457. Exempted from this surcharge are all fees and costs imposed pursuant to Section 12.37. (Amended by Ord. No. 176,489, Eff. 4/13/05.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,654, Eff. 1/16/17.)
(a) Unless a fee Exemption pursuant to Section 19.14(b) applies, the following fees shall be charged and collected by the Los Angeles Housing Department (Department) for the preparation, enforcement, monitoring, and associated work relating to the affordable housing covenants described in Sections 12.22 A.25.(h)(1) through (3), 12.22 A.29.(d)(1) through (2), and 14.00 A.10.(c)(2) of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 187,122, Eff. 8/8/21.)
Type of Service: | Fee: |
Housing Replacement Determinations pursuant to AB 2222 | $1,027.00 per unit |
Affordable Housing Covenant Preparation | $5,770.00* per project |
Affordable Housing Covenant Amendments | $5,770.00 per amendment |
Affordable Housing Covenant Assumptions and Terminations | $1,214.00 per assumption or termination |
Affordable Housing Covenant Monitoring | $173.00* per restricted unit, per year |
Filing Fee | $43.00* per project |
(b) Fee Exemption: New projects subject to an affordable housing covenant described in Section 19.14(a) wherein at least 50% of the units are restricted for use as permanent supportive housing shall be exempt from the fees above marked with an asterisk.
(c) Any owner or landlord of a project subject to an existing affordable housing covenant in effect prior to the effective date of the fees set forth in Section 19.14(a) and which contains a conflicting monitoring fee amount, shall be subject to the fee set forth in the existing covenant.
(e) The affordable housing covenant monitoring fees may be pre-paid in full at or before the time of the recording of an underlying affordable housing covenant or billed annually to an owner or landlord upon the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the project subject to an underlying affordable housing covenant. (Amended by Ord. No. 184,907, Eff. 5/17/17.)
(f) The Department shall have the right to bring legal action in any court to collect the amount of any outstanding fees. The Department may make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(Amended by Ord. No. 183,270, Eff. 12/15/14.)
(a) Fees. The following specific fees shall be paid to the Department of Transportation (Department) for the preparation and processing of traffic reports, clearance of conditions and permit sign-offs in connection with obtaining any environmental clearance and/or permit issuance related tasks.
(1) Building Permit Sign Offs (Note 1) $365
(2) Dedication & Widening Waivers $445
(3) Department Referral Form (Note 2) $430
(4) Driveway Permit Sign Offs (Note 3) $535
(5) Haul Route Review $420
(6) Master Plan / Complex Circulation Review (Note 4) $1,595
(7) Project Condition Clearance (Note 5) $270
(8) Revocable Permit $205
(9) Street Vacation Requests $965
(10) Subdivision Report $205
(11) TDM Compliance / Trip Monitoring Report Review $770
(12) Technical Study (Note 6) $1,340
(13) Traffic Study MOU $1,175
(14) Traffic Study Review (Note 7) $7,480
(15) Traffic Study Review / Plan Review - Expedited See Subsection (c)
(16) Worksite Traffic Control Plan Review (non B-permit) $1,645
Note 1: For a project with multiple addresses and permits (i.e., multi-family units), $365 should be charged per distinct site plan and not per unit. For example: if, for a 100 unit small lot subdivision condominium project, each unit falls into one of three different site plan options, then the Department review fee should be $1,110 ($370 X 3) even if there are 100 separate building permits to approve.
Note 2: The Department Referral Form may also be submitted to the Department in the form of an Initial Site Assessment Form or a Site Plan Review Form. If this is the case, the Department Referral Form fee still would apply.
Note 3: When reviewing a Building Permit application that also includes a Driveway Permit Sign Off, the applicant should not be charged two fees (Building Permit and Driveway Permit). Instead, the applicant should be charged only the Building Permit fee if the driveway plan does not include a new curb cut. If the driveway plan does include a new curb cut, then the applicant only should be charged the Driveway Permit Sign-Off fee.
Note 4: This fee applies to Master Plan type developments or large scale projects with complicated circulation plans that require considerable staff time to help applicant arrive at an acceptable access and circulation plan.
Note 5: $270 for the first three condition clearances plus $200 for each additional condition clearance.
Note 6: A “technical study” can include technical memorandums (defined in LADOT’s Traffic Study Guidelines), trip generation assessments, traffic study supplements, shared parking analyses, etc. The fee includes the cost to process a study MOU, if required.
Note 7: $7,480 for the first ten study intersections plus $400 per each additional study intersection, not to exceed a total of $25,000.
Special Note: If a project is approved by LADOT through the subdivision clearance or building permit process and the applicable fees have been paid, future approvals will not require additional fees as long as there have been no substantial changes to the approved portion of the project.
(b) Transportation Review Fee Fund. Each fee collected pursuant to this section shall include a five percent surcharge to be deposited into the Transportation Review Fee Fund No. 50Y. This fund shall be used exclusively by the Department to provide funding for the continual enhancement of development review related information technology systems and for procurement costs associated with equipment, software, materials, staff training and, if needed, consultant services. With the exception of the five percent surcharge deposited into the Transportation Fee Fund No. 50Y, the remaining 95 percent fees collected shall be credited to the General Fund.
(c) Expedited Services. The Department shall offer expedited services in the review of traffic studies or the review of B-permit design plans. Project applicants can choose to pay a higher review fee to allow Department staff to work overtime hours to expedite their review. The actual review fee to process a traffic study, which will be greater than the standard traffic study review fee, will be determined by the Department during the preparation of the Traffic Study Memorandum of Understanding executed between the Department and the applicant’s representative. The fee established shall be based on the applicant’s desired completion date, the availability of staff to work overtime and the affected division’s case workload. During times of peak workloads, the expedited review fee may be utilized by the Department to procure an outside firm from the Department’s pre-screened list of consultants to conduct the review of the study. Similarly, the actual fee to process B- permit design plans shall be established by the Department at the pre-design meeting with the applicant’s representative.
(d) Fee Revisions. The Department shall provide an annual review of the fees established pursuant to this section, and shall submit recommendations for changes in these fees for special services to the Council. The fees shall be revised by the Department to account for any staff salary cost of living adjustments. Notice of a revision in fees shall be in accordance with California Government Code Sections 66018 and 6062a, which require that prior to adoption of a new or increased fee a public hearing be held and notice of that hearing be published in a newspaper with two publications at least five days apart over a ten-day period. The notice period begins the first day of publication, and there must be at least five days intervening between the first and second publications, not counting the dates of publication.