400 Types of Elections.
401 Election Days – City of Los Angeles and Board of Education.
402 Ordinance Ordering the Holding of an Election.
403 Officers of Election.
404 Returns of Election.
405 Employment of Additional Persons.
406 Recounts.
407 Eligibility for Office.
408 Eligibility to Vote.
409 Filling Vacancies in the Offices of Mayor, City Attorney, Controller and Member of the City Council.
410 Filling Vacancies in the Office of Members of the Board of Education.
411 Substantial Compliance with Election Requirements.
412 City Election Code; Amendments.
420 Candidate’s Filing Fee.
421 Declaration of Intention.
422 Nominating Petition.
423 Withdrawal of Nominating Petition.
424 Primary Nominating Election Ballot.
425 Results of Primary Nominating Election.
426 General Election Ballot.
427 Death or Disqualification of Candidate.
430 Subject of Recall.
431 Recall Petition.
432 Action by Council on Recall Petition.
433 Supporting and Opposing Arguments.
434 Prohibition on Reappointment.
435 Recall Ballot.
436 Nomination of Candidates to Replace Recalled Officer.
437 Election of Candidate to Succeed Recalled Officer.
438 Removal of Appointed Officers.
439 Resignation or Vacancy Pending Removal.
440 Removal of the City Clerk.
450 Subject of Initiative.
451 Initiative Petition.
452 Action by Council on Initiative Petition Requesting Adoption of Ordinance.
453 Action by Council on Initiative Petition Requesting Amendment or Repeal of Ordinance.
454 Supporting and Opposing Arguments.
455 Adoption of Ordinances by Initiative.
460 Subject of Referendum.
461 Referendary Petition.
462 Action by City Council on Referendary Petition.
463 Conflict Between Measures.
464 Amendment and Repeal of Ordinances Adopted by Initiative and Referendum.
470 Limitations on Campaign Contributions in City Elections.
471 Public Matching Funds and Campaign Expenditure Limitations.
480 Commission Establishment and Purpose.
481 Commission Organization, Powers, and Duties.
482 Commissioner Qualifications and Restrictions.
483 Commissioner Selection and Removal.
484 Redistricting Criteria.
485 Public Meetings, Outreach, and Accessibility.
486 Commission Conduct of Business, Administration, and Personnel.
487 Adoption of Final Redistricting Plan.
488 Commission Funding.
489 Commission Recommendations.
490 City Data Bureau.
For City offices and elections of the Board of Education, primary nominating elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in March in every even-numbered year, and general municipal elections shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of every even-numbered year. The Council may, by ordinance, specify different dates for the primary nominating and general municipal elections so that they may be held on the same dates as the statewide primary and general elections.
Amended by: Charter Amendment R § 1, approved March 5, 2002, effective April 12, 2002; Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment E, approved November 6, 2018, effective December 14, 2018; Charter Amendment EE, approved November 6, 2018, effective December 14, 2018; Charter Amendment HH, approved November 5, 2024, effective January 8, 2025.
The Council shall, by ordinance, order the holding of all elections. The ordinance ordering the election shall specify the object and time of holding the election and whether the election is to be conducted by the City Clerk or, alternatively, consolidated with another election or otherwise conducted by the County of Los Angeles. The ordinance also shall establish election precincts, designate polling places and name officers of election for each precinct, and may do so by making reference to other enactments or documents. Any ordinance ordering the holding of an election may also order the holding of a run-off election, to be held if necessary.
Amended by: Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015.
Officers of election for elections conducted by the City Clerk shall be selected and appointed in accordance with procedures set forth in the City Election Code. No candidate who has taken out papers for nomination, nor a member of his or her immediate family, shall be permitted to act as an election officer, nor shall the polling place be held in his or her residence.
Amended by: Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015.
The returns of every election conducted by the City Clerk shall be delivered to the City Clerk, who shall, within 28 days after any election, canvass the returns and certify them to the Council, who shall declare the result and order the issuance of certificates of nomination or election as appropriate. The Council shall be the judge of the qualifications of all of the elected officers. When any municipal election is consolidated with any state or county election, after the Board of Supervisors or Registrar of Voters of Los Angeles County has canvassed the returns and certified the result of the canvass of all municipal questions submitted at the election to the Council, the Council shall declare the result and order the issuance of certificates of nomination or election as appropriate. Any act in relation to the conduct of the election required by the Charter to be performed by an officer or employee of the City may be performed by the proper officer or employee of the county.
Amended by: Charter Amendment R § 2, approved March 5, 2002, effective April 12, 2002; Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015.