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Sec. 464. Amendment and Repeal of Ordinances Adopted by Initiative and Referendum.
   (a)   Initiative. Any ordinance adopted by a vote of the electors of the City pursuant to an initiative petition cannot be amended or repealed, except by an ordinance proposed either by petition or by the Council at its own instance and adopted by a vote of the electors, or by an amendment of the Charter superseding the ordinance.
   (b)   Referendum. Any ordinance, order or resolution adopted by referendum shall be subject to amendment or repeal as provided in subsection (a). In addition, any ordinance, order or resolution shall be subject to amendment or repeal by the Council at any time, but amendment or repeal shall not be made within six months after adoption, except by unanimous vote of the Council, and the amendment or repeal shall be subject to a referendary vote as provided in this Article.