The ballot for any primary nominating election conducted by the City Clerk shall be as follows:
(a) Order of Placement. The names of candidates who have qualified for placement on the ballot, except candidates who have withdrawn or died or otherwise been disqualified, together with any measures or propositions as ordered by the Council or otherwise required by law, shall appear on the ballot. The offices to be filled shall be arranged on the ballot as follows: Mayor, City Attorney, Controller, member of the Council, member of the Board of Education, followed by any other offices to be filled in the order determined by the Council. Measures and propositions shall appear on the ballot in the order determined by the Council.
(b) Nonpartisan Ballot. There shall be nothing on any ballot indicative of the party affiliation, source of candidacy or support of any candidate.
(c) Write-in Candidates. Each ballot shall provide an opportunity for voters to write-in, for each office on the ballot, the name of any person whose name does not appear on the ballot and for whom the voter wishes to vote.
Amended by: Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015.
(a) In the event that any candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for an office at the primary nominating election, that candidate shall be elected to the office.
(b) In the event no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast for an office, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the office shall be the candidates, and the only candidates, for that office whose names shall appear on the ballots to be used at the general municipal election.
(c) In the event that two or more persons receive an equal number of votes as candidates for an office at the primary nominating election, so that the result of the election does not determine which of the persons are entitled to be nominated as candidates, the Council shall draw lots to determine which of the persons shall be the candidate or candidates for the office. The lots shall be drawn at the next regular Council meeting occurring later than five days after the declaration of the result of the election, in the manner the Council prescribes. However, if a recount of the ballots with respect to the office in question is timely requested, lots shall not be drawn until and unless the recount also fails to result in a determination of which persons are entitled to be nominated as candidates for the office.
The ballot for any general election conducted by the City Clerk shall be in the same general form as for the primary nominating election, so far as applicable, and without any indication as to the party affiliation, source of candidacy or support of any candidate.
Amended by: Charter Amendment 1, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015; Charter Amendment 2, approved March 3, 2015, effective April 2, 2015.