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Sec. 454. Supporting and Opposing Arguments.
   Any person or persons filing an initiative petition or the person or organization on whose behalf the petition is filed, shall have the right to file with the City Clerk, within the time specified by ordinance, an argument favoring the proposed ordinance. The Council shall have the right to present, or permit to be presented and filed with the City Clerk within the same limit of time, an argument opposing the ordinance. Arguments supporting and opposing the ordinance proposed by initiative shall be submitted to the City Clerk and distributed to the voters in accordance with the requirements of the City Election Code.
Amended by: Charter Amendment E, approved November 6, 2018, effective December 14, 2018; Charter Amendment EE, approved November 6, 2018, effective December 14, 2018.
Sec. 455. Adoption of Ordinances by Initiative.
   If a majority, or other percentage as required by law, of the voters voting on any ordinance proposed by initiative petition vote in favor, the ordinance shall become an ordinance of the City upon the declaration by the Council of the result of the election.
Sec. 460. Subject of Referendum.
   Any ordinance adopted by the Council, except an ordinance taking effect upon its publication or passage as provided in Section 252, is subject to a referendary petition as set forth in this Article.
   In addition, the Council is authorized to submit to a vote of the registered voters of the City, at any election for any purpose at which all the registered voters of the City are entitled to vote, any proposed ordinance, order or resolution, that the Council itself might adopt.
Sec. 461. Referendary Petition.
   Any referendary petition shall comply with the provisions of the Charter and the City Election Code. The following shall apply to all referendary petitions:
   (a)   The referendary petition circulated for signature shall contain the full text of the subject ordinance. All names signed to a petition must have been secured within 30 days after publication of the ordinance. Any signature affixed outside of this time period shall not be counted in determining the sufficiency of the petition. To qualify for presentation to the Council, a referendary petition must be signed by registered voters of the City in an amount equal to 10% of the total number of votes cast for all candidates for the office of Mayor at the last general municipal election, or primary nominating election at which a Mayor was elected prior to the filing of the petition.
   (b)   The provisions of the Charter and the City Election Code relating to filing, examination, certification, supplementation and amendment of initiative petitions, the processing of supporting and opposing arguments, and the presentation of initiative petitions to the Council by the City Clerk, shall apply to referendary petitions.
   (c)   If a referendary petition is filed, and the City Clerk certifies that the petition is sufficient, the subject ordinance, order or resolution shall not take effect until adoption by a vote of the electors and declaration by the Council of the result of the election. If the City Clerk certifies that the petition is insufficient, the ordinance shall take effect upon the date of the certificate, but in no event earlier than 30 days from publication of the ordinance.
   (d)   If more than one petition is filed with respect to the same ordinance, all signatures on all those petitions shall be counted in determining the sufficiency of the petition, as though all the names had been appended to a single petition.