135.01 Work week.
135.02 Holidays.
135.03 Special duty assignments.
135.04 Enforcement of discipline; overtime compensation.
135.05 Traffic guards.
135.06 Fees for copies of records.
135.07 Polygraph tests; fees.
135.08 Purchase of equipment.
135.09 Uniform allowance.
135.091 Tuition reimbursement.
135.092 Retirement benefits.
135.10 Auxiliary police unit.
135.11 Overtime compensation.
135.12 SAVE Rewards Program. (Repealed)
135.13 Patrol officer grades; benefits.
135.14 Rental of police pistol range.
135.15 Part-time police officers.
135.16 Administrative towing fees.
Appointments; probationary period; age - see Ohio R.C. 124.27, 124.30, 124.41
Promotions - see Ohio R.C. 124.31, 124.44
Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
Auxiliary police unit - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.06
Police Chief - see Ohio R.C. 737.06
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
Recovered property and disposition - see Ohio R.C. 737.29 et seq.
False reports - see GEN. OFF. 509.07
Impersonating an officer - see GEN. OFF. 525.03
Report of crime, death or wounds - see GEN. OFF. 525.05
Special police officers - see SAN. 1701.055
Except as hereinafter provided, the customary and average work week of members in the Division of Police, Department of Public Safety, shall be forty hours per calendar week. No work week shall exceed forty-eight hours in any calendar week, and the working hours of a member, including hours off duty by reason of holidays, vacations or sick leave, shall not exceed 176 hours during any consecutive four calendar week period.
(Ord. 12-52. Passed 12-1-1952.)
Members and other uniformed personnel of the Division of Police shall be granted as holidays New Year's Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, the member’s birthday and a personal day in the calendar year 1977 and each succeeding calendar year thereafter. Members and other uniformed personnel may be required to work on the foregoing named holidays, provided such members and uniformed personnel shall be granted time off, equal to the number of hours worked on the holiday, during a succeeding calendar week as designated by the Chief of Police, which time off shall apply on the work week as defined in this section.
In the event a member's customary day off, or that of other uniformed personnel, falls on any of such holidays, the member or other uniformed personnel shall be given a day off in lieu of the holiday. In all such cases the date of such day or hours off duty shall be designated by the Chief so as to cause minimum interference with customary and normal operation of the Division.
If, due to scheduling, holidays are not taken in the year earned, they may be accumulated and taken off in the subsequent calendar year at the salary rate in effect at the time when the holiday is taken. (Ord. 31-81. Passed 4-6-1981.)
In the event the Chief of Police determines that emergency special duty assignments require additional hours of service by Police Division members, he shall report such determination and make his recommendation to the Mayor. In such event and to the extent the Mayor concurs, the Mayor is authorized and empowered to so find and declare and to thereupon require members to work forty-eight hours per calendar week and on holidays without allowance for time off for overtime.
Any such action shall become effective upon the posting on the bulletin board in police headquarters of a notice signed by the Mayor and shall continue until notice of termination is similarly posted. In case of any such action, the Mayor shall fully report the fact thereof and the reasons therefor to Council at its next regular meeting.
(Ord. 4691. Passed 6-19-1950.)
Nothing hereinabove set forth or in Chapter 149 shall be construed to derogate from any power that may exist to enforce departmental discipline by requiring extra hours of labor or by depriving any member of the Police Division of holidays, days off or vacations, or allow additional compensation for overtime.
(Ord. 4691. Passed 6-19-1950.)