137.01 Work week.
137.02 Day off defined.
137.03 Authority of Fire Chief to designate days off.
137.04 Holidays.
137.05 Special duty assignments for firefighters.
137.06 Purchase of equipment.
137.07 Uniform allowance.
137.08 Tuition reimbursement.
137.09 Retirement benefits.
137.10 Fees for copies of records.
137.11 Overtime compensation.
137.12 Life insurance.
137.13 Firefighter grades; promotion.
137.14 Emergency Medical System Services.
137.15 Terms and conditions of employment for paramedics and paramedic supervisors.
Appointments; probationary period; age - see Ohio R.C. 124.27, 124.30, 124.42
Promotions - see Ohio R.C. 124.31, 124.45 et seq.
Fire protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 307.05, 505.44, 717.02
Schooling, buildings and equipment - see Ohio R.C. 715.05, 737.23 et seq.
Fire Chief - see Ohio R.C. 737.09
Appointment of emergency firemen - see Ohio R.C. 737.10
General duties - see Ohio R.C. 737.11
Parking near fire - see TRAF. 331.27
Driving over fire hose - see TRAF. 331.28
Arson - see GEN. OFF. 541.02
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the customary and average work week of members in the Division of Fire shall be fifty-six hours per calendar week, arranged in alternating periods of twenty-four consecutive hours on duty and twenty-four consecutive hours off duty. Every third scheduled on duty period shall be granted as a "special" day off-duty.
(Ord. 11-69. Passed 2-17-1969.)
In the application of this chapter, "day off" means:
(a) In the case of members assigned to duties operating under the two-platoon system, it shall be construed to equal twelve hours off duty of hours normally scheduled for duty under the two-platoon system, and the grant of seven holidays per calendar year shall be construed to equal eighty-four hours off such duty per calendar year.
(b) In the case of members assigned to duties operating on an eight-hour day schedule, it shall be construed to equal eight hours off duty of the hours normally scheduled for duty under the eight-hour day system.
(Ord. 28-61. Passed 5-15-1961.)
In all cases, the dates of days off duty because of or in lieu of holidays shall be designated by the Chief of the Division of Fire and shall be designated so as to cause minimum interference with the customary and normal operation of the Fire Division. Nothing hereinabove set forth shall be construed to derogate from any power which may exist to enforce departmental discipline by depriving any member of the Division of Fire of holidays or of days off duty, or to authorize payment of additional or premium compensation for work performed on a holiday.
(Ord. 4718. Passed 1-15-1951.)