A.   Purpose: This section sets forth the procedure for other land use applications not included in this chapter.
   B.   Authority: The Community Development Director is authorized to approve those land use permits not included in this chapter as listed in appendix B of this title.
   C.   Initiation: A property owner may apply for a land use permit as provided in the provision of this title authorizing such permit. An agent of a property owner shall provide an affidavit of authorization.
   D.   Procedure:
      1.   A complete application for the land use permit shall be submitted along with the required fee to the Community Development Director.
      2.   The land use permit application shall be reviewed for compliance with applicable provisions of this title.
   E.   Approval Standard: No land use permit shall be approved unless the permit will conform to applicable provisions of this title and applicable conditions of approval.
   F.   Appeal: A person adversely affected by a decision of the Community Development Director regarding a land use permit approved under this section may appeal the decision to the Administrative Appeals Board.
   G.   Effect Of Approval: Approval of a land use permit shall authorize an applicant to proceed with the thing authorized by the permit.
   H.   Amendment: The procedure for amending a land use permit issued pursuant to this section shall be the same as the original procedure set forth in this section.
   I.   Expiration: A land use permit issued pursuant to this section shall expire and have no further force or effect if the thing authorized by the approval is not commenced within one year. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012; amd. Ord. 2014-05, 4-17-2014)