13.01.010: Citation
13.01.020: Authority
13.01.030: Purpose
13.01.040: Organization Of Title
13.01.050: Licenses And Permits To Conform
13.01.060: Certificate Of Occupancy
13.01.070: Omission Not A Waiver
13.01.080: Resolution Of Conflicts
13.01.090: Time Computation
13.01.100: Improvement Completion Assurance, (Guarantee)
13.01.110: Effect On Previous Ordinances And Maps
13.01.120: Transition Rules
This title is adopted pursuant to the Utah municipal land use, development, and management act, as set forth in Utah Code Annotated section 10-9a-102(2) et seq., as amended; the general welfare power delegated municipalities as set forth in Utah Code Annotated section 10-8-84, as amended, and the police power authority of local government established by Utah common law. This title constitutes the land use and subdivision ordinance authorized by the Utah municipal land use, development, and management act. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
The purposes of this title are to provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and promote the prosperity, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of the city and its present and future inhabitants and businesses, to protect the tax base, to secure economy in governmental expenditures, to foster the city's agricultural and other industries, to protect both urban and nonurban development, to provide fundamental fairness in land use regulation, and to protect property values. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)
A. Composition: This title is composed of regulations and standards for general provisions, administration and enforcement, zones, regulations of general applicability, and regulations for specific uses for land use and development within the city of Holladay.
1. General Provisions: General provisions establish how this title is applied; how planning documents such as the general plan relate to this title; and provide rules and definitions applicable to the entire title.
2. Administration And Enforcement: Administration and enforcement provisions describe the powers and duties of decision making bodies and officials, procedures for considering land use applications, and standards for dealing with nonconforming circumstances. Enforcement provisions set forth procedures used to correct violations of this title.
3. Zones: This title establishes two (2) types of zones: base zones, and overlay zones.
a. Base zones include residential, commercial, and public zones. Base zone provisions establish regulations and development standards that govern land uses allowed in each base zone.
b. Overlay zone provisions establish regulations that address land use matters in geographic areas which overlay one or more base zones. Overlay zone regulations apply in addition to base zone regulations.
4. Regulations Of General Applicability: Regulations of general applicability govern land use matters, such as parking, signs and tree protection that apply in all zones.
5. Regulations For Specific Uses: Specific uses subject to additional regulations are set forth in this title.
B. Appendices: The following tables are appended to and are considered part of this title.
1. Appendix A, Allowed Uses: Permitted and conditional uses allowed by zone are set forth in appendix A of this title.
2. Appendix B, Land Use And Appeal Authorities: The land use and appeal authorities as set forth within this title are listed for reference in appendix B of this title. (Ord. 2012-15, 9-20-2012)