General Provisions
150.01 Short title
150.02 Scope
150.03 Definitions
150.04 Districts, zoning map, and boundaries
150.05 Relationship between the Standard Industrial Classification Manual and status of uses within district
150.06 Basic requirements
150.07 (Reserved)
150.08 (Reserved)
150.09 (Reserved)
150.10 Application of district regulation
150.11 (Reserved)
150.12 Accessory structures
150.13 Court requirements
150.14 Essential services
150.15 Off-street loading and parking regulations
150.16 Traffic visibility zone
150.17 Fences, walls, and hedges
150.18 Parking of trucks and other vehicles in commercial districts
150.19 Parking of trucks and other vehicles in residential districts
150.20 Parking, storage, or use of trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, and major recreational equipment
150.21 Dumpsters
150.22 Portable storage units
(R-1) One-Family Residence District
150.30 Purpose
150.31 Site plan
150.32 Status of uses
150.33 Required conditions
150.34 Basic requirements
(R-2) One-Family Residence District
150.40 Purpose
150.41 Site plan
150.42 Status of uses
150.43 Required conditions
150.44 Basic requirements
(R-3) One-Family Residence District
150.50 Purpose
150.51 Site plan
150.52 Status of uses
150.53 Required conditions
150.54 Basic requirements
(PR-3) Planned Multi-Family Residence District
150.60 Purpose
150.61 Development plan required
150.62 Status of uses
150.63 Required conditions
150.64 Basic requirements
(R-PUD) Residential Planned Unit Development District
150.70 Purpose
150.71 Site development plan required
150.72 Status of uses
150.73 Required conditions
150.74 Basic requirements
(PO) Planned Office District
150.80 Purpose
150.81 Development plan required
150.82 Status of uses
150.83 Required conditions
150.84 Basic requirements
(O) Office District
150.90 Purpose
150.91 (Reserved)
150.92 Status of uses
150.93 Required conditions
150.94 Basic requirements
(SPA) Special Planning Area District
150.100 Purpose
150.101 Development plan may be required
150.102 Status of uses
150.103 Required conditions
150.104 Basic requirements
150.105 Relationship to the Code of Ordinances
(PB) Planned Business District
150.110 Purpose
150.111 Development plan required
150.112 Status of uses
150.113 Required conditions
150.114 Basic requirements
(HS) Highway Service and Special Commercial District
150.120 Purpose
150.121 (Reserved)
150.122 Status of uses
150.123 Required conditions
150.124 Basic requirements
(M) Manufacturing District
150.130 Purpose
150.131 Site plan required
150.132 Status of uses
150.133 Required conditions
150.134 Basic requirements
(IP) Industrial Park District
150.140 Purpose
150.141 Site plan required
150.142 Status of uses
150.143 Required conditions
150.144 Basic requirements
Special Provisions
150.150 Planned projects
150.151 Group living facilities
150.152 Dwelling groups
150.153 Service stations
150.154 Restaurants and bars
Administration and Enforcement
150.160 Administration
150.161 Building permit required
150.162 Application for building permit
150.163 Approval of application for building permit
150.164 Certificates of zoning compliance
150.165 Administrative Official to act within 30 days
150.166 Construction and use to comply with certificate
150.167 Violations
150.168 Appeals
Planning Commission
150.170 Procedure for application, review, and approval
150.171 Powers of the Commission
Board of Zoning Appeals
150.180 Appointment
150.181 Procedure
150.182 Powers of the Board
150.183 Recommendations of the Board
150.184 Decisions of City Council
District Changes and Regulation Amendments
150.190 Amendment of zoning code
150.191 Procedure for zone district change
150.192 Procedure for amending zoning code regulations
150.193 Appeal of Council decision
150.194 Fee
Fees and Penalties
150.200 Fee schedule
150.201 Collection of fees
Wireless and Cellular Telecommunications Towers and Facilities
150.301 Purpose, definitions and effect
150.302 General requirements
150.303 Registration of wireless and cellular telecommunications facilities, carriers and providers
150.304 Wireless and cellular telecommunication towers and facilities structural requirements
150.305 Zoning districts where permitted
150.306 Application procedure
150.307 Application requirements
150.308 Existing wireless and cellular telecommunication towers and facilities
150.309 Design standards for wireless and cellular telecommunications towers and facilities
150.310 Design standards for wireless and cellular telecommunication facilities as attachments to existing structures
150.311 Standards for wireless and cellular towers and facilities on publicly owned property
150.312 Removal of wireless telecommunication towers and facilities
150.999 Penalties
Appendix A: Zoning Map and Listing of Adoption and Amendments to the Zoning Map
Appendix B: Use Status for Specific Zoning Districts
Appendix C: Basic Requirements by Zoning District
Appendix D: Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements
Appendix E: Park Land Dedication Requirements
Appendix F: Summary of Planning Commission Procedures
Appendix G: Requirements for Special Planning Area No. 1
Appendix H: Requirements for Special Planning Area No. 2
Appendix Z: Adoption and Amendments to Zoning Code
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this zoning code shall be held to be minimum requirements. Where this zoning code imposes a greater restriction than is imposed or required by other provisions of local law or by other rules, regulations, or ordinances, the provisions of this zoning code shall control.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86)