Once a particular tract of land has been zoned R-PUD 7 and R-PUD 14, no building permit shall be issued nor shall plans be approved for zoning compliance for the development of land within these zoning districts unless a site development plan as defined in division (A) below and as governed by procedures set forth in division (B) below. Any request for a change of zoning to a PUD Planned Unit Development District shall be in compliance with the provisions of § 150.150.
   (A)   Required contents of site development plan. The applicant shall submit the following materials to the Planning Commission for their study, review, and approval.
      (1)   Application. A completed application form supplied by the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Location map. Location map showing the location of the planned site development tract in relationship to adjacent lands and existing urban development.
      (3)   Topographic map. Topographic map showing contour intervals of two feet.
      (4)   Site development plan. A site development plan prepared for the applicant by a professionally competent urban planner, engineer, architect, or landscape architect, and showing:
         (a)   Tract boundaries and lot lines.
         (b)    Basic vehicular circulation system.
         (c)   Location and type of buildings.
         (d)    Preliminary building plans, including floor plans and exterior elevations.
         (e)   Location of public schools, if any.
         (f)    Location of public and private park land and open space.
         (g)   Location of off-street parking.
         (h)   Landscape plan.
   (B)   Conditions of approval for site development plan. Subsequent to the time of adopting any ordinance establishing an R-PUD 7 and R-PUD 14 Zoning District, the Planning Commission is authorized to consider specific site development plan for sections or the whole or the planned unit development land holding.
   Upon receipt of all required items for an application, the Planning Commission shall study and review all these materials and shall, within a time period of 60 days, approve, disapprove, or modify the application on the basis that the land use requirements have been met, and a finding that the following specific conditions have been fully met:
      (1)   Open space. That the minimum common open space area has been reserved and is to be dedicated to the city or transferred to a homeowner's association; and that all necessary legal documentation relating to the dedication of common open space to the city or transferred to a homeowner's association be submitted;
      (2)   Landscaping. That any part of a planned unit development not used for structures, parking and loading areas, or streets should be landscaped or otherwise improved; and
      (3)   Consistent with purpose. That the site development plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of these regulations to promote public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of city residents.
      (4)   Special conditions. In addition, the Planning Commission may explicitly impose special conditions relating to the planned unit development with regard to type and extent of public improvements to be installed, landscaping, development, improvement, and maintenance of common open space, and any other pertinent development characteristics.
      (5)   Setback requirements. Minimum distance between building and setback requirements on each development plan shall be established by Planning Commission.
   (C)   Time limits and extensions. These shall be as indicated in § 150.150(F)(3) of this chapter.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86; Am. Ord. 27-1989, passed 9-5-89) Penalty, see § 150.999