In lieu of the following, the requirements of § 150.150 shall apply for all zone changes to PR-3, R-PUD, PO, and PB Districts. For requests involving all other districts, application for any change of district boundaries or classifications of property as shown on the zoning map shall be submitted to the Planning Commission upon such forms specified by the Administrative Official and shall be accompanied by such data and information as will assure the fullest practicable presentation of facts for the permanent record together with the names and addresses of the property owners as found in the real estate department of the County Auditor's office of all abutting properties, all properties directly across any adjacent street right-of-way, and the name and address of the applicant and the nature of his interest in the property. Each application shall be verified by at least one of the owners or lessees of property within the area proposed to be reclassified, attesting to the truth and correctness of all facts and information presented with the applications. Applications for zone changes initiated by the Planning Commission itself shall be accompanied by its motion pertaining to the proposed amendment. An application initiated by the Council shall be accompanied by its resolution pertaining thereto.
(A) Establishing Council public hearing. The Community Development Director shall forward the application to the Clerk of Council who shall, upon receipt of such application, set a Council public hearing on such proposed amendment or supplement, which date shall be not more than 60 days from the filing date.
(1) Hearing notice. Notice of such public hearing shall be given by the Council at least 30 days prior to the hearing by each of the following methods:
(a) Newspaper. By one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city.
(b) Mail. Notices shall be mailed by first class mail to the landowners required to be listed on the application and to the applicant.
(c) Signs. The posting of a sign on the property line adjoining each public street or along two property lines closest to public streets or rights-of-way if the property affected does not adjoin a public street. In all cases, the signs shall be unobstructed from public view from the street or public right-of-way. The sign shall be provided by the City Manager and shall refer to the proposal affecting the property and the time and place of the public hearing. The sign shall be installed in such a manner as to withstand reasonable weather conditions.
(B) Planning Commission recommendations. The Planning Commission shall, after receipt of application and all necessary plans and data required by this chapter, recommend the approval or denial of the proposed amendment, supplement, district change, or approval of some modification thereof and shall submit such recommendation together with such application, the text and map pertaining thereto to the Council in accordance with the requirements of Appendix F. Failure to meet the deadline shall be interpreted as a positive recommendation.
Exception: City Council may, upon its own motion, extend the time limitation for specified periods of time when it considers the extension is warranted.
(C) Council action. No later than the second Council meeting after the required public hearing, the Council shall either adopt or deny the recommendations of the Planning Commission or adopt some modification thereof by a majority vote of all members of Council.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86)