(A) Basic regulations. In any district, on any corner lot, no fence, structure, or plant shall be erected, planted, or maintained within the traffic visibility zone; defined horizontally as the area encompassed by the lines extending from the point of intersection of two or more street rights-of-way along the rights-of-way line a distance of 30 feet and a line connecting the terminations of the 30-foot lines. The traffic visibility zone is described vertically as the area with its lower limit at a height of two feet above the grade of the top of the curb and its upper limit at a height of seven feet above the top of the curb.
(B) Exception. Certain specifically approved portions of structures or plantings are allowed to penetrate the traffic visibility zone, such as tree trunks (if limbs and foliage are trimmed to comply with the traffic visibility zone) and sign supports.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86) Penalty, see § 150.999