152.00 Adoptions
152.01 Title
152.02 Purpose
152.03 Effective date
152.04 Composition of the code
152.05 Scope of code
152.06 Continuation of existing uses
152.07 Maintenance
152.08 Relationship to other laws
152.09 Amendments
152.10 Interpretation
152.11 Validity
152.12 Building Official, qualifications
152.13 Building Official, appointment
152.14 Building Official, duties and powers
152.15 Building Official, delegation of authority
152.16 Liability and indemnity
152.17 Board of Building Appeals
152.18 Application for permit
152.19 Work without permits
152.20 Permits
152.21 Conditions of permit
152.22 Inspection
152.23 Violations and penalties
152.24 Stop work order
152.25 Unsafe buildings
152.26 Emergency measures
152.27 Schedule of fees
152.28 Refund of permit fees
152.29 Construction of language
152.30 Definitions
The City of Forest Park Building Code is comprised of:
(A) (1) The Ohio Building Code (OBC), 2017 Edition as adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as OAC Chapters 4101:1-1 to 35(OBC) (based on 20151BC).
(2) FPBC Amendments to the OBC as approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as not in conflict with the OBC.
(3) No amendments.
(B) (1) The Ohio Mechanical Code (OMC), 2017 Edition as adapted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as OAC Chapters 4101:2-1 to 15 (OMC) (based on 2015 IMC).
(2) FPBC Amendments to the OMC as approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as not in conflict with the OMC.
(3) No amendments.
(C) (1) The Ohio Plumbing Code (OBC), 2017 Edition adapted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as OAC Chapters 4101:3-1 to 15 (OPC) (based on the 2015, PC).
(2) FPBC amendments to the OPC as approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as not in conflict with the OPC.
(3) No amendments.
(D) (1) The Residential Code of Ohio (RCO), 2019 Edition adopted by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as OAC Chapters 4101:8-1 to 25, 29, 34, 44 (RCO) (based on the 2018 IRC).
(2) FPBC Amendments to the RCO as approved by the Ohio Board of Building Standards as not in conflict with the RCO.
(3) Table 301.2(1) values are:
(a) Ground snow load, 20 psf;
(b) Seismic design category, B ( categories I, II, II);
(c) Front line depth, 30";
(d) Water design temperature, 6° F;
(e) Flood hazard, map manuals 39061C0098D, 39061C0086D, 39061C00650;
(f) Air freezing index, <1,500;
(g) Mean annual temperature, 51.7° F.
(Ord. 24-2019, passed 8-5-19)