Code Amendment Number | Council Ordinance Number | Date of Ordinance Approval | Title of Ordinance |
Code Amendment Number | Council Ordinance Number | Date of Ordinance Approval | Title of Ordinance |
--- | 04-1961 | 09-01-61 | Adopting the Hamilton County Zoning resolution providing for the administration and enforcement thereof and declaring an emergency. |
--- | 14-1963 | 05-21-63 | Enacting Section 197 to the zoning resolution. |
--- | 38-1964 | 11-17-64 | The City of Forest Park zoning code. |
--- | 24-1965 | 07-20-65 | Amending Ordinance 38-1964 zoning ordinance, by adding new Article, 14A (M-2 Manufacturing District). |
--- | 17-1967 | 04-04-67 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964 (including Ord. 24-1965, Article 14-A). |
--- | 18-1967 | 04-04-67 | Rezoning land from R-1 (Residentia1) to IP (Industrial Park) and changing the zoning map, and declaring an emergency. |
--- | 66-1968 | 01-20-68 | Amending Ordinance 32-1968 (zone change) to correct description only and declaring an emergency. |
--- | 15-1969 | 04-20-69 | Amending Ordinance 38-1964 (zoning ordinance) Section 17.04 fences, walls and hedges. |
--- | 25-1969 | 05-05-69 | Approval of addition to Forest Park Plaza Shopping Center and declaring an emergency. |
--- | 39-1969 | 08-18-69 | Amending Ordinance 38-1964 (zoning ordinance) Section 16.015, number of parking spaces required. |
--- | 22-1971 | 05-17-71 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 5.05, minimum ground floor area for single-family dwellings and adding definitions. |
--- | 40-1971 | 09-07-71 | Amending Ordinance 35-1971, Section 1, Article 5 (general provisions) Section 5.102, parking or storage. |
--- | 44-1971 | 09-20-71 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964 by adding a new section- planned unit development -Article 9. |
--- | 60-1972 | 12-04-72 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Article 6.011 -institutional. |
--- | 61-1972 | 12-04-72 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Article 10.012 -services. |
--- | 62-1972 | 12-04-72 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964 by adding new Article 10.013 - services. |
--- | 63-1972 | 12-04-72 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Article 11.03 -principal permitted uses. |
--- | 64-1972 | 12-04-72 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Article 9 - planned unit development. |
--- | 3-1973 | 01-15-73 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 9.041 (508.01 codified ordinances) intent and declaring an emergency. |
--- | 21-1973 | 05-21-73 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 15.01 -conditional uses in M-Manufacturing Zone. |
--- | 22-1973 | 05-21-73 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 15.03 -prohibited uses in M-Manufacturing Zone. |
--- | 23-1973 | 05-21-73 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 17.002 -submission of preliminary plans for planned projects. |
--- | 28-1973 | 06-04-73 | Amending zoning Ordinance 38-1964, Section 15.032 -prohibiting uses in M-Manufacturing Zone. |
--- | 47-1974 | 10-07-74 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5, codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Sections 521.03 and 520.022 public hearings, to require posting of signs and properties being the subject of a request for rezoning, conditional use or special exceptions. |
--- | 61-1974 | 01-20-75 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Section 515 IP (Industrial Park District); to add new district Section 515 IP-1. |
--- | 31-1975 | 06-02-75 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Sections 521.04 (district changes and regulation amendments) and 520.023 conditional uses and special exceptions. |
--- | 20-1976 | 05-17-76 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7603 | 40-1976 | 08-30-76 | Amending Chapter 5 zoning ordinance of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
--- | 60-1976 | 11-01-76 | Amending zoning ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio - 510 PO (Planned Office) project. |
--- | 61-1976 | 11-01-76 | Amending zoning ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio - 514 M (Manufacturing District). |
7605 | 62-1976 | 11-01-76 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio - 515 IP and 515 IP-1 (Industrial Park District). |
--- | 30-1977 | 09-06-77 | Amending zoning Ordinance Title 5 codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio -Sections 502 and 504. |
--- | 48-1977 | 03-20-78 | Amending zoning Ordinance, Chapter 150 (recreation) (#21) codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio - adding section. |
7802 | 18-1978 | 07-03-78 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
--- | 19-1978 | 07-03-78 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
--- | 29-1978 | 07-03-78 | Various amendments to Chapter 150 of the codified ordinances (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7804 | 38-1978 | 01-02-79 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7810 | 6-1979 | 02-19-79 | Amending fencing regulations in Chapter 96 (miscellaneous regulations) and Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7813 | 19-1979 | 05-21-79 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7904 | 22-1979 | 07-16-79 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8001 | 10-1980 | 04-21-80 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
7910 | 11-1980 | 04-21-80 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
--- | 23-1980 | 08-18-80 | Amending parking requirements of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio and declaring an emergency. |
8005 | 28-1980 | 09-15-80 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio and declaring an emergency. |
8006 | 29-1980 | 09-15-80 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio and declaring an emergency. |
8007 | 35-1980 | 12-01-80 | Amending section of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the code of ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8010 | 4-1981 | 01-19-81 | Amending section of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the code of ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8101 | 15-1981 | 06-01-81 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio by providing regulations for animals and agricultural uses within Residential Districts. |
8103 | 19-1981 | 07-06-81 | Amending the lot frontage, lot width and fencing requirements contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8105 | 21-1981 | 07-06-81 | Rearranging the order of definitions contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8106 | 22-1981 | 07-06-81 | Amending sections of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances providing for an appeal on a tie vote. |
8109 | 33-1981 | 08-17-81 | Amending various sections dealing with special exceptions and other uses as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8110 | 34-1981 | 08-17-81 | Amending sections dealing with placement of public hearing notification signs, as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8112 | 35-1981 | 08-03-81 | Amending the permitted use section for the highway service and special commercial district (H-S) and definitions. |
8114 | 45-1981 | 10-12-81 | Amending fence, wall and hedge location requirements as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8116 | 51-198l | 11-02-81 | Amending the parking regulations as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8118 | 3-1982 | 02-01-82 | Amending various sections of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with accessory uses and location of same. |
8121 | 4-1982 | 02-01-82 | Amending section of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with existing lots of record. |
--- | 18-1982 | 06-07-82 | Enacting a revised code of ordinances for the City of Forest Park, Ohio recodifying, renumbering, revising and rearranging sections of the code of ordinances and other existing ordinances of the city, adding new matter, repealing various ordinances, and declaring an emergency. |
8201 | 38-1982 | 12-20-82 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with casual sales. |
8202 | 39-1982 | 12-20-82 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with canopies over service station gasoline pump island. |
8301 | 9-1983 | 03-21-83 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with the definition of "kennel" and the status of certain uses in the "PB", "M" and "IP" districts. |
8304 | 37-1983 | 07-05-85 | Amending the definition of "dwelling" as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the code of ordinances. |
8303 | 42-1983 | 09-19-83 | Amending the requirements for fences, walls, and hedges as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8305 | 43-1983 | 09-06-83 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with the classification of uses within the "M" and "IP" districts. |
8401 | 6-1984 | 03-19-84 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances dealing with uses in the "M" and "IP" districts. |
8404 | 11-1984 | 4-16-84 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park Code of Ordinances to allow dish-type satellite signal receiving stations in residential areas. |
8405 | 17-1984 | 06-18-84 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park code of ordinances to allow "residential care facilities" in "HS" zoning districts. |
8410 | 30-1984 | 09-04-84 | Amending Chapters 150 (zoning code), 90 (sign code), 151 (subdivision rules and regulations), and 51 (Stormwater Management Code) of the City of Forest Park code of ordinances to provide for the establishment and regulation of "special planning areas." |
8408 | 38-1984 | 10-15-84 | An ordinance revising the powers of City Council, the Board of Zoning Appeals and Planning Commission as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) and Chapter 90 (sign code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8412 | 40-1984 | 12-17-84 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park code of ordinances to provide for residential care facilities. |
8414 | 50-1984 | 01-07-85 | An ordinance amending the requirements for parking trucks and other vehicles as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8502 | 13-1985 | 04-15-85 | An ordinance amending the requirements for front yard setback in the planned multi-family residence district (PR-3) as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8503 | 18-1985 | 05-20-85 | An ordinance amending the procedural requirements for zone changes and amendments to the text of the zoning code as contained in Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park code of ordinances. |
8504 | 20-1985 | 05-06-85 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park code of ordinances as it pertains to use classification. |
8509 | 9-1986 | 5-5-86 | An ordinance amending the various fee and deposit schedules contained in various chapters of the codified ordinances of the City of Forest Park, repealing ordinance 3-1979 and adopting a new Chapter 156 (comprehensive fee schedule) and amending specified rates. |
8510 | 48-1985 | 02-12-85 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park code of ordinances as it pertains to classification of uses in the SPA-1 district. |
8601 | 13-1986 | 4-21-86 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park codified ordinances as it pertains to the definition of the word "family." |
8602 | 10-1986 | 5-19-86 | Enacting a revised Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park, Ohio, recodifying, renumbering, revising, and rearranging sections of Chapter 150, and adding new matter. |
8603 | 21-1986 | 7-21-86 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to classification of uses in the SPA-1 District. |
8604 | 22-1986 | 7-21-86 | An ordinance amending the requirements for the parking of trucks in residential districts as contained in Chapters 150 (zoning code) and 73 (stopping and parking) of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Forest Park, Ohio. |
8606 | 33-1986 | 9-15-86 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to restrictions in the SPA-1G Subdistrict. |
8610 | 44-1986 | 12-1-86 | An Ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances by adding a new Subdistrict "K" and requirements for same in Special Planning Area No. 1. |
---- | - | 20-1987 | 6-1-87An ordinance providing for interim special exception criteria and declaring an emergency. |
8703.2 | 26-1987 | 7-20-87 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it relates to the status of self-service storage facilities. |
8704.01 | 29-1987 | 8-17-87 | Amending portions of Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it relates to the maximum lot coverage in the "PB" Planned Business District. |
8705 | 33-1987 | 9-21-87 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to self-storage facilities. |
8707.5 | 45-1987 | 12-21-87 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the city of Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it relates to the storage of wood on residential properties. |
8708 | 46-1987 | 12-81-87 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to criteria for reviewing and approving special exceptions. |
8709 | 47-1987 | 12-7-87 | An ordinance amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to the status of "general merchandise stores" in various zoning districts. |
8710 | 49-1987 | 1-4-88 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to the definition and use status of self-service storage facilities. |
8711.02 | 50-1987 | 1-4-88 | Amending Chapter 150 (zoning code) of the City of Forest Park Code of Ordinances as it pertains to the definitions of the word "FAMILY". |