(A)   Locations. In any R-1, R-2, or R-3 District, the owner of a lot containing a total land area of a least one acre may submit a site plan for a dwelling group to the Planning Commission in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in this section, provided that the proposed project site is not divided by an existing public street.
   (B)   Site plan requirements. All site plans for a dwelling group shall include the following items:
      (1)    Use. The use of each building shall be specified on the plan, including two-family structures in R-2 or R-3 Districts where permitted in those districts.
      (2)   Allowable building areas. The approximate location of each building shall be shown by the maximum allowable building coverage area formed by all front, side, and rear building lines relating to each building in the project. No building permit shall be issued for any structure which protrudes beyond the allowable building area in an approved dwelling group site plan.
      (3)   Traffic circulation. The location of each access drive or public street showing the proposed width of each pavement as specified in divisions (C)(7) and (8) of this section.
      (4)   Building height. The plan shall show the maximum allowable building height for each structure, provided that no building shall exceed the maximum height requirements for the district in which it is located.
   (C)   Commission findings. It shall be the duty of the Planning Commission to investigate and ascertain whether the proposed project complies with the following conditions:
      (1)   Consistent with zoning code. That the site plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter, and that it complies with all applicable requirements and conditions in accordance with this chapter, except as modified in this section.
      (2)   Unified design. That the proposed plan consists of one or more groups of buildings placed in an integrated and harmonious design, together with adequate and properly arranged traffic and parking facilities.
      (3)   Adjacent property. That the property adjacent to the area included in the plan is not likely to be adversely affected thereby, and that the proposed residential development will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding neighborhood and insure substantially the same type of occupancy as obtained or may be expected to be obtained in the neighborhood.
      (4)   Residential use. That the land and buildings are to be used primarily for residential purposes and customary accessory uses, such as garages, storage spaces, recreational and community facilities or activities, including churches. However, all community facilities or churches shall front directly on a public street, and any use which is not permitted in the district wherein the project is located shall be prohibited.
      (5)   Area and lot requirements. That the average lot area per dwelling unit contained on the project site, exclusive of the area occupied or intended to be occupied by streets or access drives, shall not be less than the requirements of the district considered as one parcel regardless of the extent to which the parcel is subdivided by interior streets.
      (6)   Yard requirements. That all setbacks shall meet the requirements of the district wherein the project is located, except for interior setbacks which shall be determined by the approved dwelling group site plan.
      (7)   Access roads. Every dwelling in the dwelling group not fronting directly on a public street shall be within 60 feet of a private access roadway or drive providing vehicular access from a public street and within 500 feet, measured along the route of vehicular access, from a public street.
The minimum width of access pavements shall be:
   Access Pavement         Minimum Width (Feet)
   Serving one unit            10
   Serving two units            15
   Serving three to five units         20
   Serving more than five units         25
         (a)   Turnaround. Access roads shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities, paved in accordance with city specifications for residential streets, and maintained in good condition.
      (8)   Public streets and rights-of-way. All streets intended to be dedicated for public street purposes shall comply with the official thoroughfare plan and shall be improved in accordance with all city requirements and regulations for the installation of street improvements.
   (D)   Commission may authorize project. After a public hearing is held by the Commission and if the Commission finds that the proposed dwelling group site plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this chapter, it may authorize the Administrative Agency to issue a building permit for each building in the project even though the location of the building to be erected and the setbacks and open spaces contemplated by the plan do not conform in all respects to the regulations of the district wherein the project is located.
      (1)   Issuance of building permits. In no case shall the Administrative Official issue a building permit for any building in a dwelling group project unless the plan for the building conforms entirely in all respects to the conditions set forth on the approved dwelling group site plan or an approved adjusted plan.
   (E)   Adjustments in plan after approval. After the dwelling group site plan has been approved by the Commission, the following provisions shall apply to any changes in such plans:
      (1)   Minor revisions. In the course of carrying out this plan, adjustments or minor rearrangements of allowable building areas, building heights, setbacks, access drives, or interior public streets may be requested by the proponents. And provided such requests conform to the standards established by the approved dwelling group site plan in this chapter, such adjustments or rearrangements may be authorized by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Substantial revisions. Any request for a substantial revision in an approved dwelling group site plan involving a new plan, additional buildings or structures, or changes in land use, shall be treated as a new and separate request for dwelling group approval in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section.
   (F)   Subdivision of a dwelling group. The lot included in any approved dwelling group site plan may be subdivided into smaller lots, provided that each new lot in the subdivision shall contain a frontage of at least 25 feet along a public street, except as modified in division (D) of this section; and further provided that all lot areas in the subdivision shall conform to the requirements set forth in division (C)(5) of this section.
      (1)   Compliance with approved dwelling group site plan. On any lot where an approved dwelling group site plan has been approved, any plans submitted for issuance of a building permit shall conform to the conditions set forth in the approved site plan regardless of the extent the original dwelling group site has been subdivided.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86) Penalty, see § 150.999