All uses herein authorized shall be subject to the following conditions in addition to other applicable sections of this and other chapters of the code of ordinances.
   (A)   Location and area of tract. The subject tract of land shall contain a minimum of two acres and be located in the general location where a proposed multi-family area is shown on the Land Use Plan.
   (B)   Recreation facilities. There shall be provided, as a part of the proposed development, recreational facilities to serve needs of the anticipated population to be housed therein as follows:
      (1)   Recreation area. In any lot or tract on which a residential development is to be erected as least 5% of the acreage of such lot shall be set aside as recreational areas.
         (a)   Exceptions. These requirements for the provision of recreation areas may be modified or waived by the Planning Commission where, in its opinion, adequate public recreation areas are available nearby.
   (C)   Ingress, egress, traffic control. Ingress and egress to and from public streets shall be limited to one or more clearly defined driveways or curb cuts, located at least 100 feet apart on center. The Planning Commission shall determine the location of curbing and other improvements of said driveways, and shall also establish minimum distance of such driveways from street intersections, and may require other controls as may be necessary to provide for safe efficient traffic circulation within and about the tract or site.
   (D)   Interior streets. The minimum roadway width of interior one-way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be 21 feet. The minimum roadway width of two-way streets with parking permitted on one side shall be 28 feet. The minimum width of two-way streets without parking permitted shall be 22 feet. Such streets shall be paved according to city specifications for residential streets and maintained in good condition and lighted at night.
   (E)   Bedroom requirements. In no case shall the total number of bedrooms in a project exceed an average or two bedrooms per dwelling unit.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86) Penalty, see § 150.999