(A) Accessory structures, general. An accessory structure may be erected detached from the principal building or may be erected as an internal part of the principal building. Except as provided for elsewhere, no accessory structure shall be erected in any required setback or court, except a rear setback, and shall not occupy more than 35% of a required rear setback 200 square feet, except as provided in division (D) of this section. Accessory structures shall be distant at least six feet from any building situated on the same lot unless an integrated part thereof and at least six feet from any other accessory building or from any lot lines adjoining lots which are within an R District. However, when the accessory structure is located in a setback adjacent to a public school or park, the accessory structure may be located not closer than two feet from the public school or park property line.
(B) Accessory structure, corner lots. In addition to the requirements of § 150.12(A) above, accessory structures on corner lots shall not be located nearer to the side street lot line than a distance equal to the minimum required side setback adjacent to a street for the district in which it is located.
(C) Accessory structure, integral part of principal structure. Except as provided for elsewhere, an accessory structure, if not located in the rear setback, shall be an integral part of, or connected with, the principal structure to which it is accessory, and shall be so placed as to meet all setback and court requirements for a principal structure of the same height and other dimensions as the accessory structure.
(D) Accessory structure, special exception. Any structure or structures exceeding 200 square feet in total, or any assemblage of materials, proposed to be used as an accessory structure, which is constructed, reconstructed or altered and used for a purpose other than that originally designed and/or intended shall be considered a special exception.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86; Am. Ord. 04-1989, passed 2-20-89; Am. Ord. 03-2014, passed 4-7-14) Penalty, see § 150.999