The parking, storage, or use of trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, or major recreational equipment as defined below shall be controlled by this section.
   BOAT AND BOAT TRAILER . Includes boats, floats, rafts, or any structures capable of being operated on water and the normal equipment to transport the same on the highway.
   BUSINESS TRAILER or COMMERCIAL TRAILER. A vehicle or structure constructed in such a manner as to permit the conduct of any business, trade, or occupation or use as a selling or advertising device, or used for storage or conveyance for tools, equipment, or machinery, and so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels.
   FOLDING TENT TRAILER. A folding or retractable structure, of canvas or other material, mounted on wheels and designed for travel and vacation use.
   MOBILE HOME. A portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a dwelling for residence, travel, recreational, or vacation use and propelled or drawn by motive power, other than its own.
   MOTORIZED HOME. A portable dwelling designed and constructed as an integral part of a self-propelled vehicle.
   OTHER MAJOR RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT. Any other vehicle or portable structure designed as a temporary dwelling or for recreational use, including, but not limited to, watercraft, aircraft, and tents.
   PICK-UP CAMPER. A structure designed primarily to be mounted on a pick-up or truck chassis and with sufficient equipment to render it suitable for use as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational, or vacation use.
   TRAILER. Any vehicle or structure so designed that it is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance and propelled or drawn by motive power other than its own.
   TRAVEL-TRAILER. A vehicular, portable structure built on a chassis designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel, recreational, and vacation uses.
   (A)   Use and occupancy. No trailer, mobile home, motorized home, or major recreational equipment, shall be occupied as living quarters, or sleeping accommodations for longer than three days in any 30-day period in any district in the city. No fixed connections for electricity, water, gas, or sanitary sewers shall be permitted. Time extensions may be granted by the City Manager when requested in writing. Upon the approval and regulation of the City Manager, a business or commercial trailer may be permitted on a temporary basis during construction or other special circumstances.
   (B)   Parking or storage. All trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, or major recreational equipment, when not in a carport or garage shall be stored, parked, or erected to the rear of the front building line but not in the front yard or front of the house. On corner lots parking or storage shall not be permitted on the side setback nearest the public street. Such equipment may be parked in the front driveway of any premises for a period of not to exceed 48 hours, for purposes of loading and unloading. Boats not on trailers, pick-up campers not mounted on licensed or operable trucks, mobile homes, motorized homes and major recreational equipment not resting on wheels are defined as accessory structures in accordance with § 150.12 and are regulated as such accessory structures.
   (C)   License and registration. All trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, and major recreational equipment shall be operable and kept in good repair and shall be licensed according to the laws of the state.
   (D)   Maximum size. Trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, and major recreational equipment exceeding eight feet in width or 30 feet in length overall shall not be parked or stored on any lot in a residential district in the city but may be parked or stored in side or rear yards in districts other than residential provided they are screened from view of primary and secondary thoroughfares and from any adjoining residential property.
   (E)   Exceptions.
      (1)   Pick-up campers and motor homes. Pick-up campers when mounted on a licensed and operable truck not exceeding rated capacity of 3/4-ton and operable motorized camper type vehicles, which are licensed as house vehicles, may be parked in the front driveway.
      (2)   Sale, resale, or repair. Temporary permission may be given by the City Manager to any resident for the front yard parking for the purpose of sale, resale, or repair of any of the equipment listed in this section for a period not exceeding 14 days in any 30-day period.
   (F)   Equipment owned prior to enactment of this chapter. To avoid undue hardship, trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, and major recreational equipment not in conformance with this chapter or subsequent amendments, owned prior to enactment of this chapter or amendment shall be given 30 day notification to comply with provisions of this chapter and may receive up to a 90 day extension if requested in writing to the City Manager within 30 days of receiving notification.
   (G)   Lack of access. In the event there is not access available for operable trailers, mobile homes, motorized homes, and major recreational equipment to be moved to the rear of the front building line and no space for storage or for setting equipment on the lot to the rear of the front building line, then the equipment may be parked on the lot forward of the building line, but as close to the building line as possible. However, such equipment shall not be located in such a way as to eliminate both required parking spaces.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86; Am. Ord. 24-1991, passed 9-16-91; Am. Ord. 13-1998, passed 8-3-98) Penalty, see § 150.999