(A) It shall be unlawful for tractors and semi-trailers to be parked on any public street, whether dedicated or undedicated; or on any private driveway; or on public or private properties in the following zoning districts: Planned Office (PO), Office (O), Special Planning District (SPA-1, SPA-2), Planned Business (PB), Manufacturing (M), and Industrial Park (IP).
(B) Upon providing notification by signage at all points of entry into the city, all such vehicles shall be towed at the owner/operator's expense. The Police Department shall record the location of the vehicle in violation, the vehicle license number, make, model and color, the date and time of said vehicle's removal, and the telephone number and address where said vehicle may be recovered.
(C) Exceptions. Nothing herein shall prevent the parking of the above described vehicles that are an integral function of the operation of a business in the city and parked on the business property for the stated purpose.
(Ord. 37-1989, passed 11-6-89; Am. Ord. 23-1990, passed 9-17-90) Penalty, see § 150.999