The following shall apply to all service stations when permitted by this chapter.
(A) Entrance, distance requirements. No automobile or truck service station or filling station shall have an entrance or exit for vehicles within 200 feet along the same side of a street of any school, public playground, the entrance to a public park or cemetery, church, hospital, public library, or institution for dependents or for children except where such property is in another block or on another street which the lot in question does not abut.
(B) Oil drainage and the like. No automobile service station or public garage shall be permitted where any oil draining pit, hydraulic hoists, lubrication and greasing devices, repair equipment, and similar appurtenances, other than filling caps are located within 25 feet of any R District, except where such appurtenances are within a building.
(C) Automobile service station; enclosure R District. No automobile service station shall be erected or constructed and no alteration or improvement shall be made to any existing nonconforming service station, unless the premises upon which such station is, or is intended to be located shall be enclosed in the rear and on the sides by a masonry wall not less than six feet high where such rear or side service station lot line abuts an R District. The first ten-foot section of such wall, measured from the street right-of-way line, may be stepped down to two feet at the right-of-way line, following a pattern of appropriate design.
(D) Site development standards. No service station shall be erected or constructed unless such station meets the following requirements and standards:
(1) Minimum lot area: 12,000 square feet.
(2) Minimum frontage: 120 feet.
(3) Maximum width of curb cuts or driveway width: 40 feet.
(4) Minimum distance of driveway from right-of-way intersections: 20 feet.
(5) Minimum setback of service building from all street rights-of-way: 50 feet.
(6) Minimum setback of pump island, compressed air connections, and similar equipment from the right-of-way lines: 15 feet.
(7) Canopies. Canopies over pump islands in the otherwise required setbacks must be a minimum of five feet from all property and right-of-way lines. Canopies cannot exceed an overall height of18 feet. Architectural approval shall be made by the Planning Commission.
(8) Paving and curbing. Entire area shall be paved with a permanent surface of concrete or black top except for green strips required by this chapter.
(9) Lighting. Shall be so installed as to deflect from adjoining properties and public streets.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86) Penalty, see § 150.999