(A) Districts. For the purposes of this zoning code, the city is divided into the following zoning districts as shown on the zoning map of the city. This map is a part of Appendix A which is incorporated into and adopted as part of this chapter of the city code of ordinances.
R-1 One-family Residence District.
R-2 One-family Residence District.
R-3 One-family Residence District.
PR-3 Planned Multi-family Residence District.
R-PUD Residential Planned Unit Development District.
PO Planned Office District.
O Office District.
SPA Special Planning Area.
PB Planned Business District.
HS Highway Service and Special Commercial District.
M Manufacturing District.
IP Industrial Park District.
(B) Measurement of boundaries. The district boundary lines on the zoning map are intended to follow lot lines, the center lines of streets, the center line of streets projected, or the corporate limit lines, all as they existed at the time of enactment of this zoning code; but where a district boundary line does not clearly coincide with lot lines, or where it is not designated by dimensions referenced to such lines, it shall be determined by using the scale shown on the zoning map.
(1) Exact location of boundaries. Questions concerning the exact location of district boundary lines shall be determined by the Planning Commission as provided in this chapter and in accordance with rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Commission.
(C) Territory not included. In case any territory subject to the jurisdiction of this chapter has not been specifically included within any of the aforesaid districts, or in the event that territory becomes a part of the area of jurisdiction of this chapter by reason of annexation, consolidation, or detachment from any municipal corporation, or otherwise, such territory shall automatically be classified as an R-1 District, until and unless otherwise rezoned in accordance with the amendment proceedings. However, any zoning classification in effect prior to such annexation or other extensions of jurisdiction shall remain in full force and effect until changed or amended in accordance with the procedures and requirements prescribed for such change or amendment by this chapter.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86)