All uses herein authorized shall be subject to the following conditions in addition to other applicable sections of this and other chapters of the code of ordinances.
   (A)   Owner or owners of a tract of land. The owner of a tract of land, containing at least one acre in area, located in any district at the general location where a proposed office center is shown on the land use plan, may request approval of a development plan permitting construction of a PO Planned Office project in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in § 150.150.
   (B)   Ingress-egress, traffic control. Ingress and egress to and from public streets shall be limited to one or more clearly defined driveways or curb cuts, located at least 100 feet apart on center. The Planning Commission shall determine the location of curbing and other improvements of the driveways and shall also establish minimum distances of such driveways from street intersections. The Commission may also require other controls as may be necessary to provide for safe efficient traffic circulation within and about the tract or site.
   (C)   Landscaping. All nonpaved areas within a project shall be seeded or sodded, and no front setback or side setback of a corner lot facing a public street shall be paved except for sidewalks, driveways, or plazas as determined by the approved development plan.
      (1)   Green buffer strip areas. Adjacent to residential areas, project screening, or landscaping may be required.
   (D)   Business in enclosed buildings. All businesses, services, or processing shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building except for the storage of vehicles customarily used in the operation of the foregoing permitted uses, and necessary off-street parking or loading facilities.
   (E)   Exterior display. Exterior or window display of goods and merchandise of any kind shall be prohibited, unless specifically authorized by the Commission.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86) Penalty, see § 150.999