The Director of Community Development shall serve as the Zoning Administrator. As the Zoning Administrator, he shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. When referenced in this chapter, the Zoning Administrator may also refer to his authorized representative.
   (A)   Inspections. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to make or cause to be made inspections of premises or structures thereon in order to determine compliance with this chapter.
   (B)   Right of entry. The Zoning Administrator, upon presentation of proper credentials during normal business hours, or at any time if an emergency exists, or at any time mutually agreeable to the inspector and owner, shall request of the owner or occupant in lawful possession of any building, structure, or premises in the city, permission to enter and inspect the same in order to perform any duty imposed by this code upon him. The Zoning Administrator shall not enter any building, structure, or premises where an owner or occupant in possession shall object to such entry, except where the Zoning Administrator shall have first obtained an order for the purpose of entry after submitting evidence indicating probable cause exists for the inspection, from a court of competent jurisdiction. However, the Zoning Administrator shall not be required to obtain the consent of the owner of any premises, building, or structure in the city where the same has been or given the appearance of having been abandoned by the owner and the building, structure, or premises is in a condition where entry thereto is generally accessible.
   (C)   Administrative liability. Except as may otherwise be provided by statute or local law or ordinance, no officer, agent, or employee of the city charged with the enforcement of this chapter shall render himself personally liable for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this code. No person who institutes, or assists in the prosecution of, a criminal proceeding under this code shall be liable to damages hereunder, unless he acted with actual malice and without reasonable grounds for believing that the person accused or prosecuted was guilty of an unlawful act of omission. Any suit brought against any officer, agent, or employee of the city, as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of his duties under this code, shall be defended by the Law Director until the final determination of the proceedings therein.
(Ord. 10-1986, passed 5-19-86)