General Provisions
   155.001   Short title
   155.002   Purpose
   155.003   Applicability
   155.004   Minimum requirements
   155.005   Conflict
   155.006   Prohibitions
   155.007   General Plan mandate
   155.008   Effect on previous titles and maps
   155.009   Temporary regulations
   155.010   Pending ordinance amendments
   155.011   State and federal property
   155.012   Property owned by other governmental units
   155.013   Building permits required
   155.014   Certificate of occupancy required
   155.015   Site plan approval required
   155.016   Inspection
   155.017   Completion of requirement improvements
   155.018   Enforcement
   155.019   Nuisance and abatement
   155.020   Licensing
   155.021   Territory annexed to the city
   155.022   Fees
   155.023   Definitions and purpose
Noticing Requirements
   155.035   Notice required
   155.036   Applicant notice
   155.037   Notice of intent to prepare a General Plan or comprehensive General Plan amendments
   155.038   Notice of public hearings and public meetings to consider General Plan or modifications
   155.039   Notice of public hearings and public meetings on adoption or modification of land use ordinance
   155.040   Third party notice
   155.041   Notice for a proposed multiple-unit residential, commercial, or industrial development
   155.042   Hearing and notice for proposal to vacate, alter, or amend a public street or right-of-way
   155.043   Notice challenge
   155.055   Land use authority
   155.056   Appeal Authority
   155.057   Administration of city’s land use ordinance
Supplementary and Qualifying Regulations
   155.070   Applicability
   155.071   Lots in separate ownership
   155.072   Every dwelling to be on a “lot”
   155.073   Additional use regulations
   155.074   Additional main building regulations
   155.075   Additional yard regulations
   155.076   Additional height regulations
   155.077   Animals and fowl
   155.078   Building regulations
   155.079   Regulations governing fences and walls
   155.080   Lighting
   155.081   Private park, playground, or recreational area
   155.082   Public utility substation
   155.083   Swimming pool; family
   155.084   Businesses excluding persons under age 18, prohibited
   155.085   Clear view of intersecting streets
   155.086   Uses not listed
   155.087   Zero side yards
   155.088   Flag lots requirements
   155.100   Uses
   155.101   Prohibited uses
   155.102   Application required
   155.103   Permitted uses
   155.104   Standards and criteria for permitted use
   155.105   Conditional uses
   155.106   Standards and criteria for conditional use
   155.107   Revocation or modification of conditional use permit
   155.108   Conditional use permit to run with the land
   155.109   Temporary uses
   155.110   Standards and criteria for temporary uses
   155.111   Appeals of permitted use, conditional use, or temporary use decision
   155.112   Nonconforming use, lot, or structure
   155.113   Standards and criteria for nonconforming use, lot, or structure
Schedule of Uses
   155.125   Permitted and conditional uses by zones
   155.126   Schedule of uses by zones
Zoning Districts
   155.140   Establishment of zones
   155.141   Boundaries of zones
   155.142   Boundaries of Overlay Zones
   155.143   Rules applicable where boundaries uncertain
Agricultural District
   155.155   Purpose
   155.156   Schedule of uses
   155.157   Site development standards
   155.158   Vehicular circulation and parking
Residential District
   155.170   Purpose
   155.171   Schedule of uses
   155.172   Site development standards
   155.173   Vehicular circulation and parking
   155.174   Sign regulations
   155.175   RD-1 Zone
   155.176   RD-2 Zone
Commercial District
   155.185   Purpose
   155.186   Schedule of uses
   155.187   Height, setback, and coverage standards
   155.188   Special regulations
   155.189   Site development standards
   155.190   Vehicular circulation and parking
   155.191   Sign regulations
   155.192   Site plan requirements
Industrial/Manufacturing District
   155.205   Purpose
   155.206   Schedule of uses
   155.207   Area, width, frontage, yard, and coverage standards
   155.208   Site development standards
   155.209   Vehicular circulation and parking
   155.210   Sign regulations
Sensitive Area Overlay Zone
   155.225   Purpose
   155.226   Sensitive areas defined
   155.227   Sensitive areas overlay map
   155.228   All developments to be considered a conditional use in sensitive areas
   155.229   Review of proposed development in sensitive areas
   155.230   Development standards by sensitive area
   155.231   Engineering geotechnical report
   155.232   Disclosure of a natural hazard by an engineering geotechnical report
Design Guidelines
   155.245   Purpose
   155.246   Application and review
   155.247   Exceptions
   155.248   Planning Commission approval
   155.249   Considerations in review of applications
   155.250   Conditions
   155.251   Findings and decision
   155.252   Notification of approval or denial
   155.253   Time limitations on approval
   155.254   Transfer of approval upon change in use
   155.255   Conformance to approval
   155.256   Modification
Planned Unit Development
   155.270   Purpose and intent
   155.271   Use regulations
   155.272   Area regulations
   155.273   General regulations
   155.274   Submission of application
   155.275   Planning Commission consideration
   155.276   Planning Commission action
   155.277   City Council action
   155.278   Final site plan approval
   155.279   Building permit issuance
   155.280   Time limit
   155.281   Easement over common areas
Off-Street Parking
   155.295   Purpose
   155.296   General provisions for off-street parking and loading
   155.297   Site, access, and lighting plan required
   155.298   Off-street parking schedules
   155.299   Reduction of parking requirement
   155.300   Maximum number of parking spaces
   155.301   Design standards for off-street parking and loading spaces
   155.302   Shared parking
   155.303   Off-site parking
   155.304   Parking and parking lot access
   155.305   Stacking lanes, number of vehicles
   155.306   Parking lot layout
   155.307   Compact car design
   155.308   Parking for persons with a disability
   155.309   Landscaping and screening
   155.310   Lighting
   155.311   Surfacing
   155.312   Grading
   155.313   Use of required parking spaces
   155.314   Storage
   155.315   Off-street loading space design standards
Sign Regulations
   155.330   Purpose
   155.331   Definitions
   155.332   Permit required
   155.333   Enforcement
   155.334   Planning Commission review
   155.335   Required drawings and information
   155.336   Measurement of signs
   155.337   Prohibited signs
   155.338   Clear view of intersecting streets
   155.339   Change of business name
   155.340   Specific sign regulations
   155.341   Sign requirements by zoning district
Natural Resource Extraction
   155.355   Purpose
   155.356   Excavation condition use permit required
   155.357   Information required with conditional use permit application
   155.358   Operational requirements
   155.359   Revocation or modification of a conditional use permit
   155.360   Transfer to successor operator
   155.361   Filing of an annual progress report
   155.362   Rehabilitation requirements
   155.363   Provision of surety
   155.364   Operation reduction in distance permitted
   155.365   Inspection and stop work orders
Residential Facilities for Elderly Persons and Persons with a Disability
   155.380   Purpose
   155.381   Scope
   155.382   Permitted uses
   155.383   Development standards
   155.384   Reasonable accommodation required
Home Occupation Regulations
   155.395   Purpose
   155.396   Minor home occupation standards
   155.397   Major home occupation standards
Sexually-Oriented Business
   155.410   Purpose
   155.411   Location of businesses - restrictions
   155.412   Signs
   155.413   Definitions
Review of Constitutional Taking Issues
   155.425   Policy considerations
   155.426   Review of final city decision - procedures
   155.427   Reviewing guidelines
   155.428   Results of review
Zoning Administration and Enforcement
   155.440   Administration and enforcement
   155.441   Zoning and building permits
   155.442   Occupancy permit
   155.443   Inspection
   155.444   Site plan required
   155.445   Time limit
   155.446   Violations
Master Planned Community District
   155.460   Purpose
   155.461   Development agreement
   155.462   Minimum size
   155.463   Open space required
   155.464   Fee in lieu of open space
   155.465   Conceptual site plan
   155.466   Site plan
   155.467   Subdivision requirements
   155.468   Phase development
   155.469   Planning Commission recommendation
   155.470   Development standards
   155.471   Modification by City Council
   155.472   No guarantee of approval
   155.473   Findings required for approval
   155.474   Designation
   155.475   Permit approval
   155.476   Amendments to plan and development agreement
   155.477   Sunset provision
   155.478   Guarantees for subdivision improvements
   155.999   Penalty