§ 155.355 PURPOSE.
   (A)   It is the purpose of this section to establish reasonable and uniform limitations, safeguards, and controls on excavation within the city. These provisions are deemed necessary in the public interest to affect practices which will for the economical use of vital materials necessary for our economy, and give due consideration to the present and future use of land in the interest of promoting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the city.
   (B)   Any necessary alterations to the surface of land within the city which involves excavation should be done in such a way as to minimize undesirable effects on surrounding or adjacent land.
   (C)   Excavated land shall be reclaimed and rehabilitated so as to prevent conditions detrimental to the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city and to provide for the subsequent use of the excavated land.
   (D)   Reclamation and rehabilitation requirements must be adapted to the diversity of the topography, biologic, geologic, economic, and social conditions of the area where the excavation takes place.
(Ord. 2008-005, passed 8-12-2008)