§ 155.175 RD-1 ZONE.
   (A)   Purpose. To provide areas for low density residential development with flexibility to allow the preservation of the open space/rural character of the city without exceeding the overall density of one residential unit per acre of land.
   (B)   Building lot requirements.
      (1)   Density. There shall be no more than one residential unit per acre (43,560 square feet) contained within the boundaries of each phase of a subdivision, except when previously completed phases of the same development have sufficiently low density so that the average density is still one residential unit per acre or less for the overall development.
      (2)   Lot area. There shall be a minimum of 14,500 square feet in each lot. When a variety of lot sizes are included in a development, the larger lots will be placed against existing developed R-1-20 and/or R-1-40 lots whenever possible.
      (3)   Lot width. Minimum lot width: 100 feet. Each lot or parcel shall have the minimum lot width measured at the minimum front yard setback at a point which corresponds to the midpoint of the front lot line.
   (C)   Location of structures.
      (1)   Dwellings.
         (a)   Front setback: 30 feet from property line to garage, 25 feet for the home;
         (b)   Side setback: ten feet minimum on each side, except 20 feet minimum for side fronting on a street. Variances for odd shaped lots may be granted by the Planning Commission; and
         (c)   Rear setback: 25 feet. On lots with odd shapes, the rear lot line must average 25 feet, and must not be less than 15 feet at any point. Variances for odd shaped lots may be granted by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   Non-residential main buildings (lots that do not have a residential unit).
         (a)   Front setback: 20 feet from property line;
         (b)   Side setback: ten feet minimum on each side, except 15 feet minimum for side fronting on a street; and
         (c)   Rear setback: 25 feet.
      (3)   Detached accessory buildings and garages.
         (a)   Front setback: 30 feet from property line;
         (b)   Side setback: five feet; and
         (c)   Rear setback: five feet.
   (D)   Maximum structure height.
      (1)   Dwelling or other main building: 35 feet; and
      (2)   Accessory building: 20 feet.
(Ord. 2021-010, passed 6-8-2021)