The following areas are determined to be sensitive areas of the city and are subject to the requirements of this subchapter:
   (A)   Areas of steep slope, where the rise or fall of the land is equal to or exceeds 20% (1:5) over a horizontal distance of 100 feet or greater;
   (B)   Jurisdictional wetlands, as identified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;
   (C)   Natural waterways and areas lying within a floodplain, as identified on the latest Federal Emergency Management Agency maps (FIRM maps);
   (D)   Areas of critical wildlife habitat;
   (E)   Earthquake fault areas and areas prone to debris flows, landslides, liquefaction, and rock falls. Areas designated as active or potential earthquake fault and/or landslide areas; and
   (F)   Wildfire hazards areas, areas of the city prone to have high potential for wildfires hazards
(Ord. 2008-005, passed 8-12-2008)