Introduction, General Provisions
   154.001   Preamble
   154.002   Adoption
   154.003   Short title
   154.004   Purpose
   154.005   Interpretation
   154.006   Conflict of ordinance
   154.007   Plans and construction in progress
   154.008   Separability
   154.009   Definitions
   154.010   Administration
   154.011   Permits required
   154.012   Compliance with other codes, statutes and regulations
   154.013   Certificate of occupancy
   154.014   Authorized use
   154.015   Complaints regarding violations
   154.016   Planning Commission
   154.017   Board of Zoning Adjustment
   154.018   Map amendment procedures
   154.019   Zoning text amendments
   154.020   Zoning district for annexed territory
Zoning Regulations
   154.035   Zoning map
   154.036   Map amendment identification
   154.037   Interpretation of zoning district boundaries
   154.038   Application of zoning district regulations
   154.039   Conversion of dwelling structures
   154.040   Agricultural land use exemption
   154.041   Governmental land use exemption
   154.042   Zoning districts
Zone Descriptions and Permitted Use
   154.055   R-1 Suburban Residential-1
   154.056   R-2 Suburban Residential-2
   154.057   R-3 Urban Residential-3
   154.058   R-4 Urban Residential-4 General
   154.059   R-5 Urban Residential Mixed
   154.060   R-6 High Density Residential
   154.061   C-1 Neighborhood Office
   154.062   C-2 Neighborhood Commercial
   154.063   C-3 Regional Commercial
   154.064   C-4 General Service Commercial
   154.065   C-5 Downtown Mixed Use
   154.066   I-1 General Industrial
   154.067   I-2 Regional Industrial
   154.068   PNR-1 Planned Neighborhood Residential-1
   154.069   PNR-2 Planned Neighborhood Residential-2
   154.070   PNC Planned Neighborhood Commercial
   154.071   WCD-1, WCD-2 Woodland Corridor District
   154.072   MAZ Municipal Airport Zone
   154.073   AGB Agri-Business
   154.074   FDH Future Development Holding
   154.085   Interstate Highway Service Business (IHSB)
   154.086   Floodplain Overzone
   154.087   Freeman Lake Overzone
   154.088   National Register Historic District Overlay Zone
   154.089   Commercial Transition Overzone
   154.090   Prohibited uses
   154.091   Cellular antenna tower regulations
Development Plan
   154.105   Intent and purpose
   154.106   Development plan required
   154.107   Development plan procedures
   154.108   Certification of approval
   154.109   Construction commencement
   154.110   Approval of development plan before building permit
   154.111   Completion of site improvements before occupancy
   154.112   Content of development plan
   154.113   Content of conceptual development plan
   154.114   Amendments to development plans
   154.115   Master plan, planned district
   154.116   Substitution of subdivision plat for development plan
Commercial Design Guidelines
   154.130   Intent and purpose
   154.131   Definitions
   154.132   Applicability
   154.133   Required plan submission
   154.134   Design guidelines, buildings
   154.135   Design guidelines, site design
   154.136   Waiver procedure
General Landscape Standards
   154.150   Intent and purpose
   154.151   Sites affected
   154.152   Change in use
   154.153   Landscaping requirements
   154.154   Waiver for development projects
   154.155   Planting locations
   154.156   Pervious areas
   154.157   Encroachments
   154.158   Existing trees/landscaping
   154.159   Perimeter landscaping requirements
   154.160   Interior and vehicular use area (VUA) landscaping
   154.161   Plan submission
   154.162   Planting manual and plant materials list
   154.163   Screening requirements (service structures, basins and satellite dishes)
   154.164   Landscape tables
General Parking Standards
   154.175   Intent and purpose
   154.176   Parking/loading established prior to adoption of chapter
   154.177   Parking requirements for change in principal use
   154.178   Special access, surface and location requirements
   154.179   Stacking areas
   154.180   Location and distribution of parking
   154.181   Minimum design and maintenance requirements
   154.182   Parking area design standards
   154.183   Single parking areas for multiple uses
   154.184   Joint use of parking areas
   154.185   Parking, loading and unloading, residential zones
   154.186   Parking, loading and unloading, non-residential zones
   154.187   Loading and unloading spaces
   154.188   Vehicular storage areas
   154.189   Waiver of parking standards
   154.190   Large vehicle parking in IHSB Overzone
   154.191   Bicycle parking
   154.192   Accessible parking space requirement
   154.193   Parking tables and diagrams
General Sign Standards
   154.205   Intent and purpose
   154.206   Sign permit procedures
   154.207   General provisions
   154.208   Signs exempt from permit
   154.209   Prohibited signs, all zones
   154.210   Permitted signs, all zones
   154.211   Temporary banner signs
   154.212   Scenic parkway signage
   154.213   Interstate off-premises signs
   154.214   Construction and maintenance
   154.215   Non-conforming signs
   154.216   Discontinuation, non-conforming signs
   154.217   Sign types
Fence and Wall Regulations
   154.230   Intent and purpose
   154.231   Fences and walls
   154.232   Subdivision identification sign/signature entrance
General Development Regulations
   154.245   Intent and purpose
   154.246   Minimum lot area
   154.247   Yards
   154.248   Height of structures
   154.249   Environmentally sensitive and geologic hazard areas
   154.250   Public facilities
   154.251   Sight triangle
   154.252   Entrance standards
   154.253   Right-of-way width
   154.254   Connectivity standards
Accessory Structures/Building Projections
   154.265   Accessory structure location requirements
   154.266   Porches, stairways and terraces
   154.267   Chimneys, eaves, ornamental features and the like
   154.268   Handicap ramps
   154.269   Canopies
   154.270   Temporary structure setbacks
   154.271   Neighborhood structures
Non-conforming Uses, Structures and Lots
   154.285   Non-conforming use provisions
   154.286   Kentucky Revised Statutes requirements
   154.287   Regulation of non-conforming uses
   154.288   Regulation of non-conforming structures
   154.289   Regulation of non-conforming lots
   154.290   Conditional uses are not non-conforming uses
   154.291   Procedure for determination of non-conforming
   154.999   Penalty
   Appendix A: Plant materials list