§ 154.057 R-3 URBAN RESIDENTIAL-3.
   (A)   Generally. This zone is composed of single-family and two-family with a maximum density of eight dwelling units per acre. This zone is encouraged in areas closer to the city core.
   (B)   Principal uses. Uses substantially similar to those listed herein shall also be permitted, in light of the purposes of this zoning district and the comprehensive plan.
      (1)   Assembly uses:
         (a)   Churches and associated facilities;
         (b)   Neighborhood center; and
         (c)   Schools for academic instruction and associated facilities.
      (2)   Commercial uses:
         (a)   Government operated parks; and
         (b)   Communications towers/poles or collocations of equipment for the same, when erected by or on property owned by a public entity or public utility.
      (3)   Residential uses:
         (a)   Agricultural uses excluding open or enclosed commercial feedlot operations;
         (b)   Residential care facility;
         (c)   Single-family attached residences (two residences);
         (d)   Single-family detached residences; and
         (e)   Two-family residences.
   (C)   Accessory uses.
      (1)   Uses which are customarily accessory, clearly incidental and subordinate to principal uses.
      (2)   Residential uses:
         (a)   Childcare centers, in home. Centers shall comply with all requirements as regulated by the commonwealth’s Department of Families and Children;
         (b)   Home occupations;
         (c)   Keeping of not more than two roomers or boarders without kitchen facilities;
         (d)   Living quarters with cooking facilities and not rented for guests and employees of the premises;
         (e)   Private garages, private storage sheds and private parking areas;
         (f)   Private swimming pools and tennis courts, private non-commercial parks and open spaces; and
         (g)   Short-term rental, owner occupied.
   (D)   Conditional uses. Uses permitted only with Board approval after consideration of the intent and purpose of these regulations and consideration of the guidelines as detailed in the comprehensive plan.
      (1)   Assembly uses:
         (a)   Community centers (YMCA, YWCA, senior center);
         (b)   Private club; and
         (c)   Events center.
      (2)   Commercial uses:
         (a)   Cemetery;
         (b)   Outdoor commercial recreation facilities such as zoos, riding stables, fishing lakes, swimming pools, tennis courts and campgrounds; and
         (c)   Temporary real estate sales office for the sale of lots located only within the subdivision, to be removed or converted to a principal use when all lots are sold, but not for use as a general real estate sales or rentals.
   (E)   Special provisions.
      (1)   More than one principal structure per lot or parcel of land shall not be permitted.
      (2)   When new construction or additions are made to an existing structure, the structure or addition may be located on the lot with setbacks the same as other similar residential structures on parcels within 500 feet.
      (3)   Structures are encouraged to place the front facade of the building facing the primary street frontage.
      (4)   No subdivision or re-subdivision of a lot that results in a lot fronting on a right-of-way of less than 30 feet in width shall be permitted.
      (5)   Single-family detached zero lot line developments are required to designate on the subdivision plat which side yard will have zero-foot setback. All single-family detached zero lot line developments shall have maintenance/access/use easements and when necessary, drainage easements, provided on adjacent lots and at a width of not less than ten feet. Adjacent lots shall not place any building within this easement.
      (6)   The minimum frontage for corner lots may be reduced to the minimum lot frontage criteria when access is restricted along the street frontage of the lot.
      (7)   EVENTS CENTERS are defined as a restricted use of a residential property for the conduct of special events of a limited size and number. SPECIAL EVENTS are defined as wedding receptions, luncheons, meetings, fundraising proceedings for not-for-profit organizations or similar activities. The space utilized in a residential dwelling unit shall not exceed 3,500 square feet. The number of events held may not exceed 75 per year. To qualify as an event center use, the residential dwelling unit must be located within the Downtown Neighborhood Sub-Area as identified in the comprehensive plan.
      (8)   For short-term rental, owner occupied, the dwelling unit is limited to one short-term rental contract at a time; the number of occupants in the dwelling unit during a short-term rental shall not exceed two times the number of bedrooms plus four individuals, notwithstanding restrictions of the applicable building or property maintenance code; and the dwelling unit is limited to ten short-term rental days each calendar year.
   (F)   Lot criteria.
Minimum lot frontage, single-family detached
75 ft.
   Exception: corner lots, minimum frontage
100 ft. each street frontage
Minimum lot frontage, single-family attached (2 residences) and two-family
40 ft./DU
   Exception: corner lots, minimum frontage
65 ft. each street frontage
Minimum lot frontage, assembly and commercial
100 ft.
   Exception: corner lots, minimum frontage
150 ft. each street frontage
Minimum lot area, single-family and two-family
8,712 sq. ft./D.U. when abutting R-1
7,260 sq. ft. when abutting R-2
5,445 when abutting all other zones
Minimum front yard setback
25 ft.
Minimum front yard setback, assembly and commercial
40 ft.
Minimum side yard setback, single-family
10 ft. each side yard
Minimum side yard setback, single-family detached zero lot line
15 ft. one side yard, 0 ft. other side yard.
Minimum side yard setback, single-family attached (2 residences) and two-family
10 ft. for each end wall, 0 ft. for common wall
Minimum side yard setback, assembly and commercial
30 ft.
Minimum rear yard setback
15 ft.
Minimum rear yard setback, assembly and commercial
30 ft.
Maximum building height, single-family and two-family
35 ft.
Maximum building height, commercial and assembly
75 ft.
Maximum impervious surface ratio (I.S.R.) commercial and assembly uses
Note: For the purposes of this chapter abutting shall address each lot line to determine applicable setbacks for each yard
   (G)   Signs, R-3 Zone. Additional information and standards for signs as well as specific requirements are found in §§ 154.205 through 154.217.
R-3 Signs
Allowed Types
Maximum Number
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Height
Location Require- ments
Lighting Allowed
Additional Require- ments
R-3 Signs
Allowed Types
Maximum Number
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Height
Location Require- ments
Lighting Allowed
Additional Require- ments
Assembly Use
Wall: 1/wall
W.M.: 15%
10 ft. off paved surface
Wall sign: 15% or 32 sq. ft.,
whichever is
Mon.: 1/street
Mon.: 100
sq. ft.
Mon.: 8 ft.
Pole: 1/street
Pole: 50
sq. ft.
Pole: 8 ft.
Wall: 15%
10 ft. off paved
Wall sign 15%
or 32 sq. ft.,
whichever is
Mon.: 1
Mon.: 50 sq. ft.
Mon.: 8 ft.
Pole: 1
Pole: 36 sq. ft.
Pole: 8 ft.
Single- Family Attached, two-family identification
32 sq. ft.
10 ft.
To be approved by Engineering Department
Walls and fences permitted as part of overall sign design; Pole must contain multiple poles
Residential Use
Wall: 1
Wall: 5%
10 ft. off paved surface
One wall only
Monume nt
Mon.: 1
Mon.: 4 sq. ft.
Mon.: 4 ft.
Pole: 1
Pole: 4 sq. ft.
Pole: 4 ft.
Use Groups
   Assembly Uses: Churches; schools
   Commercial Uses: Cemetery; outdoor commercial; parks; resort hotel; temporary real estate office
   Residential Uses: Agricultural uses; child care; home occupation; keeping of roomers; living quarters; private garages; private pools; residential care facility; single-family; two-family
Special Provisions
1.   Churches located on lots in excess of 20 acres may increase monument and pole sign size by a factor of 2
2.   Message boards may be illuminated but may only contain manually changeable copy, when located along local or residential collector streets
   (H)   Parking, R-3 Zone. Additional information and standards for parking as well as specific requirements are found in §154.175 through 154.192.
R-3 Parking Standards
Land Use
Parking Required
R-3 Parking Standards
Land Use
Parking Required
Agricultural use
1 space/employee
1 space/employee
1 space/each vehicle owned by the facility
Childcare, in home
Provide on-site area for drop off/pick up, wholly on site
1 space/3 seats
Based on seating in main sanctuary, min. of 5 spaces
Community center
1 space/600 sq. ft.
1 bus parking space/25 required spaces
Events center
1 space/400 sq. ft.
Home occupation
No on street parking allowed for commercial vehicles owned by the use
Neighborhood center
5 spaces
Outdoor commercial
5 spaces + 1/employee
Lakes; campgrounds; zoos; riding stables; batting cages
1 space/acre
Other uses present require parking based on use
Private club
1 space/200 sq. ft.
Real estate office, temporary
1 space/400 sq. ft.
Residential care facility
1 space/3 beds
Residential, single-family
2 spaces/D.U.
Residential, two-family
2 spaces/D.U.
School, K - 8
1 space/classroom and office + 10 visitor spaces
If gymnasium or auditorium on site an additional 1 space/3 seats shall be provided
School, 9 - 12
1 space/classroom and office + 1 space/ 5 seats in each classroom
If gymnasium or auditorium on site an additional 1 space/3 seats shall be provided
School, post-secondary
1 space/classroom and office + 1 space/ 2 seats in each classroom
If gymnasium or auditorium on site an additional 1 space/3 seats shall be provided
   (I)   Landscaping, R-3 Zone. Additional information and standards for vehicular use area (VUA) landscaping as well as specific requirements are found in §§ 154.150 through 154.164.
R-3 Perimeter Landscape Buffer Area
Landscape Buffer Area Category
Width Options (In Feet)
Planting Density Multiplier
Category A
5 ft.
10 ft.
15 ft.
R-3 Buffering Requirements
Landscape Buffer Area Category
Buffering Use Classification
Buffered Use
Buffering Use
Category A
R-1, R-2
R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6
Perimeter Planting Density *(OFT) or Fraction Thereof
Planting Density Requirement Categories
2 large trees or 1 medium and 2 small trees + 3 ft. screening/80 ft. of linear boundary (OFT)*
2 large trees or 1 medium and 2 small trees + 4 ft. screening/60 ft. of linear boundary (OFT)*
3 large trees or 2 medium and 2 small trees + 5 ft. screening/60 ft. of linear boundary (OFT)*
3 large trees or 2 medium and 2 small trees + 6 ft. screening/60 ft. of linear boundary (OFT)*
(Ord. 06-2008, passed 6-16-2008, § 2.8.3; Ord. 08-2009, passed 5-18-2009; Ord. 05-2011, passed 2-7-2011; Ord. passed 6-18-2011; Ord. 20-2011, passed 10-17-2011; Ord. 26-2011, passed 11-21-2011; Ord. 27-2012, passed 12-3-2012; Ord. 10-2014, passed 4-7-2014; Ord. 05-2015, passed 5-4-2015; Ord. 24-2016, passed 12-19-2016; Ord. 05-2017, passed 6-5-2017; Ord. 04-2020, passed 4-20-2020)