(A)   Entrance widths.
      (1)   Entrance widths shall be as follows:
Single-family and two-family
No minimum, 30ft. maximum
Multi-family residential complexes
20 ft. minimum, 30 ft. maximum
20 ft. minimum, 50 ft. maximum
24 ft. minimum, 60 ft. maximum
      (2)   The Commission or its designee shall review all proposals for entrances and encroachments using the standards set forth in the comprehensive plan, for spacing, location and safe traffic movement.
      (3)   Entrances shall be from the street having the lower classification and/or average daily traffic (ADT). In the event that both streets are of the same classification, the entrance shall be located on the street with the lower ADT.
      (4)   Through the encroachment permitting process entrances with a greater width than listed above shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and may be approved when extenuating circumstances exist.
   (B)   Entrance distance from street intersections.
      (1)   Residential entrances. The minimum distance from the intersection of two or more streets to an entrance shall be 50 feet on local streets and 100 feet on collector streets, measured from the nearest edge of the pavement/curb line. Entrances with spacing less than these minimums shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and may be approved when extenuating circumstances exist.
      (2)   Multi-family, commercial and industrial entrances. The minimum distance from the intersection of two or more streets to an entrance shall be 150 feet, measured from the nearest curb lines. Entrances with spacing less than 150 feet shall be submitted to the Engineering Department for review and may be approved when extenuating circumstances exist.
   (C)   Entrance grade. The maximum grade for an entrance to a multi-family, commercial or industrial use shall be no greater than 10%. When an entrance grade at its intersection with the public street exceeds 3%, a leveling area shall be provided with grades no greater than 3% for a distance of 50 feet from the intersection with the street.
   (D)   Entrance, limited access. Limited access entrances (e.g., right in/right out, right in only) shall be permitted only when there is a non-mountable median present that prohibits illegal turns from being executed.
   (E)   Entrance location. Entrances shall be designed and located to provide an exiting vehicle with an unobstructed view. Entrances along acceleration or deceleration lanes and tapers are discouraged and may only be approved when extenuating circumstances exist.
   (F)   Entrance visibility time. Entrances shall be located to provide for the minimum visibility time sight distance of six seconds. The six second rule is to be calculated based on standards established by AASHTO.
   (G)   Entrance traffic control. All entrances shall be provided with traffic control measures to assure safe access onto the public right-of-way. Traffic control measures shall include, but are not limited to, stop signs, stop bars, curbs and yield signs.
   (H)   Gated entrances. Access to private developments may be controlled or limited by gates or other mechanical devices but shall be accessible by emergency personnel and the access device shall be approved by the city’s Fire Marshal and the city’s Police Chief. Public streets or access to developments that also provides access by easement to other properties may not be gated or limited in any manner.
   (I)   Entrances and access to developments shall comply with minimum standards of the National Fire Code as published by the National Fire Protection Association.
   (J)   When the City Engineer determines that vehicles turning into a proposed development will adversely affect the capacity of the existing streets, the developer shall dedicate sufficient right-of-way and construct a turning lane as necessary to maintain the capacity of existing streets.
(Ord. 06-2008, passed 6-16-2008, § 9.7; Ord. 08-2009, passed 7-6-2009; Ord. 05-2011, passed 2-7-2011; Ord. 10-2014, passed 4-7-2014; Ord. 28-2014, passed 12-15-2014; Ord. 25-2023, passed 11-20-2023)