(a) The Director of Human Resources shall establish standards of efficiency and conduct for the officers and employees in the classified service; adopt and administer a plan for the equitable and periodic measurement of such conduct and efficiency; maintain complete records of such measurements for use in determining eligibility for increases in rate of compensation, the order of layoff and in disciplinary action, the eligibility for promotion and for the betterment of the public service; initiate, administer and coordinate the employee safety program of the City; direct the administration of claims for compensation under the provisions of law relating thereto; do and perform such other and additional duties with reference to the personnel administration of the City as may be required by the Mayor or the Council.
(b) With respect to internal equal employment programs for the City’s personnel, it shall be the duty of the Director of Human Resources:
(1) To establish, monitor, administer, and coordinate for all City departments, divisions, offices, boards, and commissions equal employment opportunity and affirmative action policy, practices, standards, and programs required by Federal, State and City laws, ordinances, rules and regulations;
(2) To review and monitor personnel procedures, policies and practices of the Civil Service Commission and other departments of City government, including without limitation, appointment, wage and salary administration, testing, recruitment, and disciplinary procedures;
(3) To recommend and design programs to increase recruitment and employment by the City of minorities, women, handicapped and aged;
(4) Subject to approval of the Board of Control, the Director of Human Resources shall establish, implement and administer an internal equal employment opportunity grievance procedure for City employees, under which the Director of Human Resources shall have discretion to accept for review or reject any grievance properly filed; provided, however, that in determining whether to accept or reject such grievance the Director of Human Resources shall consider, among other things, the availability of other grievance procedures under civil service rules or applicable labor agreements;
(5) At the request of the Director of Law, to investigate charges of discrimination and grievances;
(6) To advise appropriate City officers and employees of current equal employment opportunity requirements pertinent to performance of their duties;
(7) To provide for education and training of appointing authorities, supervisory and other City employees, as appropriate, with respect to pertinent equal employment opportunity requirements and procedures; and
(8) To provide for overall supervision, coordination and evaluation of the affirmative action plan and program of the City in order to insure its effective implementation.
(c) It shall also be the duty of the Director of Human Resources:
(1) To develop and maintain contacts with community groups concerned with the rights of minorities, women, handicapped, aged and Vietnam-era or disabled veterans;
(2) To coordinate and monitor the accessibility of City-owned facilities to the handicapped;
(3) To formulate a plan of education or promote fair employment practices by employers, labor unions, employees, employment agencies and the general public to eliminate employment discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, ethnic group or Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status;
(4) To confer and cooperate with and furnish technical assistance to employers, labor unions, employment agencies and other public and private agencies in formulating educational programs for the elimination of employment discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, ethnic group or Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status, and in connection herewith, the Director of Human Resources may stimulate the establishment of committees in industry, labor and other areas; and
(5) To perform such other equal employment opportunity and affirmative action related duties as the Mayor may require.
(d) By February 15, the Mayor shall file the following written reports with the Clerk of Council:
(1) A report setting forth all new appointments and promotions made by the City during the preceding calendar year, together with the classification and level of compensation of the persons so appointed and promoted, and demonstrating the impact of such appointments and promotions on the City’s affirmative action program and goals.
The Mayor shall also indicate as to each person appointed or promoted whether or not the person is one of those in a protected class as set forth in division (d)(1) of this section. All such information required by this division shall be separately prepared and presented by department and division. The Mayor shall notify each member of Council of the filing of the report.
(2) A report setting forth the total number of employees in each division, bureau or office and the number of employees in such divisions, bureaus or offices who are minorities or women.
(e) The Director of Human Resources shall plan, develop and implement employment opportunities and manpower development programs, welfare and social services programs, community action and anti-poverty programs; relate the activities of Federal and State agencies to the needs of the community for human resources; and coordinate all such activities and cooperate with all private and public agencies in achieving these objectives.
(f) The Director of Human Resources shall appoint, under the civil service provisions of the Charter such assistants and clerical, stenographic and other employees as may be required for the performance of the duties of the Director’s office, and shall be responsible for their supervision.
(Ord. No. 92-11. Passed 4-25-11, eff. 4-29-11)
(a) Acceptance of Gifts and Grants. The Director of Human Resources is authorized to accept gifts and grants from public or private entities, as they become available, to conduct the Well-Being Program ("Program") and to provide incentives describe in division (b) below. The Director of Human Resources is further authorized to file all papers, execute all documents, and enter into agreements necessary to apply for, accept, and receive the gifts and grants and, upon acceptance of gifts or grants under this section, the grant or gifts shall be appropriated for the purposes of this section.
(b) Purchase and Provide Incentives.
(1) The Director of Human Resources is authorized to expend funds received for the Program to provide incentives to City employees who participate in the Program. These incentives may include, but are not limited to, gift cards, savings matches, goods, such as software, exercise equipment and books, and professional services, such as counseling, coaching, advising and planning on personal and financial matters.
(2) The Director of Human Resources shall promulgate procedures and regulations for the operation, maintenance, and duration of the incentives under the Program.
(c) The Director of Human Resources is authorized to enter into one (1) or more standard purchase and requirement contracts duly let to the lowest and best bidder after competitive bidding for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, and services necessary to conduct the Program and to purchase incentives; and to enter into one (1) or more professional services contracts to provide Program-related services to employees as incentives, deemed by the Director of Human Resources to be necessary to conduct the Program.
Any purchase made by standard purchase or requirement contract under this section shall be made by the Commissioner of Purchases and Supplies. The selection of a professional consultant or consultants made under this section shall be made by the Board of Control upon the nomination of said Director of Human Resources from a list of qualified consultants available for such employment as may be determined after a full and complete canvass by the Director of Human Resources for the purpose of compiling such a list. The compensation to be paid for such services shall be fixed by the Board of Control. Professional services contracts herein authorized shall be prepared by the Director of Law, approved by the Director of Human Resources, and certified by the Director of Finance.
(d) That under Section 108(b) of the Charter, the purchases authorized by this section may be made through cooperative arrangements with other governmental agencies. The Director may sign all documents that are necessary to make the purchases, and may enter into one or more contracts with the vendors selected through that cooperative process.
(e) The costs of contracts for the purchase of incentives authorized by this section shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) annually, and the costs of all contracts authorized by this section shall be paid from any available grant monies appropriated for this purpose, any grant monies or other monies received under this section, annual appropriations made for such purpose, and other funds approved by the Director of Finance.
(Ord. No. 404-2021. Passed 6-7-21, eff. 6-9-21)
The Director of Human Resources, or other appropriate Director, is authorized to enter into one (1) or more agreements with educational institutions and their students for the City to participate in student intern and extern programs, including, but not limited to, programs where the City receives reimbursements of wages or stipends paid to such students, programs where such students receive funds directly from their educational institution or another source, programs where the City provides a portion of the wages or stipends paid to such students, and programs where such students receive academic credit for interning at the City.
(Ord. No. 468-2023. Passed 5-8-23, eff. 5-9-23)
(a) The Director of Human Resources, or other appropriate Director, is authorized to apply for and accept grants and other funding and services from any public or private entity for programs to place fellows and interns in various City departments. The appropriate Director is authorized to file all papers, execute all documents, and enter into any agreements necessary to apply for, accept, and/or receive the funds or services. Any funds received shall be appropriated for the purposes described in this section. The appropriate Director will notify the Council in writing where and when the fellows and interns are placed.
(b) The appropriate Director is further authorized to pay cash matching funds up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) if required to receive grant funding. The matching funding shall be paid from funds appropriated for the use of the applicable City department. Any grant that requires a cash match over fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) shall require additional legislative authority.
(Ord. No. 413-2024. Passed 5-13-24, eff. 5-16-24)