(a) No person shall tear down, remove, destroy, cover up, mutilate, obliterate or otherwise injure any proclamation or official notice, any sign or handbill, notice, poster or advertisement containing a notice of any meeting, lecture, theater, show, play or concert, or any public or private sale of property until after they have served the purpose for which they were put up. This section does not prevent any person owning or controlling billboards used for advertising purposes from changing or removing advertisements or notices which he or she may post thereon, or prohibit any owner from removing advertisements or notices placed or remaining on his or her property without his or her consent.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of defacing and removing signs, a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
(Ord. No. 1020-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
(a) No person shall stick or post any advertisement, poster, sign or handbill or placard of any description upon any private building, or upon any tree, post, fence, billboard or any other structure or thing, the property of another, without permission of the occupant or owner of the same, nor paint, mark, write, print or impress, or in any manner attach any notice or advertisement or the name of any commodity or thing or any trademark, symbol or figure of any kind upon anything whatever, the property of another, without first obtaining permission of the owner of such thing.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of posting on private property without consent, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. No. 1020-76. Passed 6-14-76, eff. 6-18-76)
(a) No person shall stick, post or attach any notice, advertisement, poster, sign, handbill, or placard of any kind or description on any telegraph, telephone, railway or electric light poles within the limits of the City, or on any bridge, public building, voting booth, flagging, curbstone, walk, step stone, or sidewalk, or write, print, or impress or in any manner attach any notice, advertisement, poster, sign, handbill, or placard of any kind or description on any public building, bridge, voting booth, flagging, curbstone, step stone, or sidewalk, the property of the City or within the street lines of the City, or over which the City has the care, custody, or control, except as may be required by the laws of the State or City ordinances. The prohibitions of this ordinance include the placing of building numbers on curbs.
(b) All notices, advertisements, posters, signs, handbills, or placards of any kind or description in violation of this section shall be removed by the department or division which has the care, custody, or control of the City property where the violation is found and the director of the appropriate department shall charge the responsible party fifty dollars ($50.00) per sign to cover the cost of removal. It shall be the duty and power of the directors of the departments and of the commissioners of the divisions of the City to carry out the mandate of the preceding sentence with regard to City property under their care, custody, or control.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of unauthorized placing of notices or signs on public property, a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. No. 1001-06. Passed 6-12-06, eff. 6-16-06)
(a) No person shall hang any banner of any kind over Interstate Route 71, 77, 90 or 480 or over the Cleveland Memorial Shoreway from the Inner Belt to Lake Road. Any banner hung in violation of this section is a public nuisance which may be removed by the authority having jurisdiction over the highway over which the banner hangs.
(b) For purposes of this section, “banner” shall mean a piece of cloth or other material upon which a message, logo or both is imprinted, painted or otherwise affixed.
(c) Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. No. 1375-90. Passed 6-18-90, eff. 6-27-90)
(a) No person shall place or cause to be placed or permit to remain upon any public property, or private property which is vacant or unoccupied or private property any unauthorized poster, placard or sign advertising, publicizing or containing thereon information concerning any event, ballot issue, organization or candidate for office.
(b) Removal of any unauthorized poster, placard or sign shall be the responsibility of the candidate whose name appears on such poster, placard or sign, or the sponsor, chairman or secretary of the committee proposing action on the issue which is the subject of the poster, placard or sign. The Director of Public Safety shall serve notice upon the candidate, sponsor, chairman or secretary responsible for the removal of the unauthorized poster, placard or sign at the address listed thereon or at the usual address of the organization or organizations listed on such poster, placard or sign. The notice shall contain the location of the unauthorized sign and shall order removal of the sign within forty-eight (48) hours of the receipt of the notice. If, after such time, the poster, placard or sign has not been removed, the Director of Public Service or the Director of Parks and Recreation shall have it removed and a charge in the amount of fifteen dollars ($15.00) shall be imposed upon the responsible party for each poster, placard or sign removed, and the name of the responsible person shall be published in the City Record until the poster, placard or sign has been removed or in the event a fine is assessed, until such fine has been paid.
(Ord. No. 2095-92. Passed 2-22-93, eff. 3-4-93)
(a) No person shall:
(1) Without privilege to do so, deposit or throw into any swimming pool owned and operated by the City of Cleveland any object or substance not customarily used or found in swimming pools, including, but not limited to, glass, dirt, nails or wood.
(2) Without privilege to do so, recklessly deface, damage, destroy or otherwise tamper with the physical facilities, structures or equipment at any swimming pool owned and controlled by the City of Cleveland.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal damage to swimming pools, a misdemeanor of the second degree. If a violation of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal damage to swimming pools is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. No. 2218-88. Passed 6-12-89, eff. 6-19-89)
(a) No person shall violate RC 2903.21, 2903.22, 2909.06, 2909.07 or 2917.21(A)(3) to (5) or Sections 621.06, 621.07, 621.10(a)(3) to (5), 623.02 or 623.03 of the General Offenses Code by reason of the race, religion, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, disability, ethnic group or Vietnam-era or disabled veteran status, of another person or group of persons.
(b) Whoever violates this section is guilty of ethnic intimidation. Ethnic intimidation is an offense of the next higher degree than the offense the commission of which is a necessary element of ethnic intimidation.
(Ord. No. 1445-13. Passed 11-17-14, eff. 11-19-14)
(a) As used in this section, “homeless person” means either of the following:
(1) An individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence;
(2) An individual who has a primary nighttime residence that meets any of the following criteria:
A. A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations;
B. An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized;
C. A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular accommodation for human beings.
(b) No person shall violate RC 2903.05, 2903.13, 2903.14, 2903.21, 2903.22, 2903.211, 2903.31, 2905.03, 2905.12, 2907.06, 2909.03, 2909.06, 2909.07, 2913.01, 2913.02 or Sections 619.04, 621.01, 621.03, 621.04, 621.06, 621.07, 621.071, 621.08, 621.09, 621.14, 623.01, 623.02, 623.03, 625.01, 625.05 of the Codified Ordinances if the offender commits the violation with the intent to cause harm to any victim of the violation because that victim is a homeless person.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of intimidation of a homeless person. Intimidation of a homeless person is an offense of the next higher degree than the offense the commission of which is a necessary element of intimidation of a homeless person. If the offense committed under section (b) is a misdemeanor of the first degree, Intimidation of a Homeless Person is a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. No. 830-08. Passed 8-6-08, eff. 8-12-08)
(a) No person shall without privilege to do so remove, destroy, break, injure, mutilate, deface, damage or otherwise tamper with any structure, monument, statue, vase, fountain, wall, fence, railing, vehicle, equipment, plant material or other property in, upon or about any park, parkway, or recreational facility owned and controlled by the City.
(b) As used in this section “recreational facility” includes playground, ballfield, tennis court, skating rink, recreation center and model airplane field.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of criminal damage to parks and recreational facilities, a misdemeanor of the second degree. If a violation of this section creates a risk of physical harm to any person, criminal damage to parks and recreational facilities is a misdemeanor of the first degree. In either case whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and sentenced to not less than thirty (30) days’ imprisonment. The minimum fine to be imposed by the court for a violation of the provisions of this section is mandatory. The court shall not suspend all or any portion of said minimum fine; provided that in lieu of all or a portion of the sentence of imprisonment required hereunder, the court may require the offender to perform supervised community service work pursuant to division (H) of RC 2951.02.
(d) In addition to the penalty provided in division (c) of this section, whenever an unmarried child under the age of eighteen (18) violates this section, the Director of Parks and Recreation shall refer the matter to the Director of Law for civil action against the parents who have custody and control of the child, pursuant to RC 2307.70 and/or 3109.09.
(Ord. No. 1562-90. Passed 4-8-91, eff. 4-15-91; Renumbered by Ord. No. 1196-91. Passed 5-13-91, eff. 5-22-91)