(a) No person shall be allowed to use any weapon, stick, stone or missile of any kind to the destruction or injury of, or to in any manner disturb or molest any wild or domestic animal, fowl or fish within the park limits.
(b) No person shall give or offer, or attempt to give to any animal under control of the Commissioner of Parks within the parks, any tobacco or other known noxious articles or anything the giving of which is prohibited by printed notices conspicuously posted therein.
No persons, except such as may be designated by the Director of Public Properties shall place any boat, float, raft or other watercraft of any kind, on any lake, pond or stream is any of the parks or land or go upon any island therein or touch at with a boat, or land at any point or place upon the shores of any lake, pond or stream not designated as a landing place or occupy in any manner the slopes between the water line and footpaths or driveways.
(a) The boat service in the parks shall be under the direction and control of a person designated by the Director of Public Properties. The boats used shall be substantially made and of a pattern and finish to the approval of the Director; they shall be kept in good repair, free from leakage, neatly painted and in sufficient number to meet reasonable demands. The fees for the boat hire shall be in accordance with a published schedule approved by the Director. The person in attendance shall wear a badge or designating mark while on duty and shall be polite and courteous at all times. Under the supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, he or she shall assist in preserving order and enforcing obedience to these regulations in and around and in close proximity to the lakes, ponds and streams in the parks. Children under twelve (12) years of age shall not be allowed the use of the boats unless accompanied by an adult. No improper character or intoxicated person shall be allowed the use of a boat.
(b) So far as applicable the provisions of this section shall apply to the use of the lakes, ponds or streams as skating fields.
(a) All persons are prohibited from going onto the ice on any of the lakes, ponds or streams in the parks, except such as are designated as skating fields, and thereon only when the safety signal is displayed.
(b) Any person violating this section will do so at his or her own risk.